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horrible Islamophobic attack in France

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@Horus sir, since us Pakistani members are constantly told to respect the decorum of the forum, please may I humbly request that you take the time to review some of the statements here from our Indian friends and moderate accordingly.

Sorry to bother you in advance.

Kind regards,
Did you condemn it? Did it get the kind of attention it should have got in the media? Or was it charlie hebdo and Muslim hatred running all the time? Think before you speak when we did not support charlie hebdo killing why would we not condemn boko haram. You have just miserably failed at trying to defend your and your countrymen's hypocrisy and cheer leading skills.
so what exactly is your problem. Lack of coverage for this news or world wide coverage for charlie Hebdo massacre ?

if first i am with you . such incidents should be highlighted. If its second GTFO!
Cavemen in France have been drawing cartoons from 30,000 BC. Cartoons in France predate Islam by at least 30, 600 years.

Islam pre-dates France to the date of birth of the first human. The first human was a Muslim.
so what exactly is your problem. Lack of coverage for this news or world wide coverage for charlie Hebdo massacre ?

if first i am with you . such incidents should be highlighted. If its second GTFO!
I don't need you to be with me I was clear about what I support in my post. So you can GTFO if that's how you like to conversate.
French are frenched again.
Should not have happened. RIP
But with flowing anger and sentiments it comes as no surprise. I hope this is the last one and no innocent should die for BS like these.
But any more Islamic jihadi attack or barbarity in Europe could prove fatal for Muslim community. Community needs to work closely with govs across Europe to clean up the society from these Jihadis.
He wasn't lying. did he deny there is no violence on the name of Islam. He just wanted to bring another face of violence that you guys hide despite you support it ardently. While you are cheering for a death and giving stupid explanations for an innocent's death. Your attitude would be totally different if some Pakistani would try to give explanation like you for the death of an Indian soldier in occupied Kashmir. This is the duplicity that is the issue here. Your hate towards Islam and you hypocrisy are the reasons we might never be peace in this region. How one can live with "humans" like you who cheer a person's murder. Shameful!!!
See. Your problem is that you are lying thru your teeth. Show me one place where I cheered the death of the murder victim or justified it in any way, and I will accept your POV. Else, like always you are simply ranting falsehoods.
See. Your problem is that you are lying thru your teeth. Show me one place where I cheered the death of the murder victim or justified it in any way, and I will accept your POV. Else, like always you are simply ranting falsehoods.

Your first ever post on this thread. If that is not cheering then what else. You were shamelessly justifying a person's murder. I mean. How pathetic. Like you have always come up with most pathetic posts on your defense of your occupation of Kashmir but this time it was the worst post from you.
could you be more stupid ?

Are you denying your influence over this forum?
You can abuse any one any time.... this is a fact let me know, i'll throw reference on your face.
Your comments are clear example of it.... i'm not so angry yet otherwise, i may have raped you in return.

RIP for the sad incident..............#JeSuisMakouli

what are you waiting for ?? Do it bro

done already... its indirect reply ;)
For those jeering and clapping:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Laugh and jeer all you want, right now it's Muslims in the spotlight, and you sit quietly and don't say anything and you even participate on the bandwagon. A time will come when they will turn their gaze towards you!

Listen to what a BRITISH, WHITE, NON MUSLIM Member of UK Parliament had to say about the issue:
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