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horrible Islamophobic attack in France

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nope, they can be kicked out. So far the only threat i see are muslims. If they face a blow back so be it.


Little sad europeans like you have no power or say.

Muslims aint going nowhere, Inshallah.

You can keep living in your fancy dreams. Population of Muslims in Europe proper will surpass 40 million by 2030..Inshallah! (and that is, WITHOUT including Russian part of Europe or East Thales of Southern Europe).

Little sad europeans like you have no power or say.

Muslims aint going nowhere, Inshallah.

You can keep living in your fancy dreams. Population of Muslims in Europe proper will surpass 40 million by 2030..Inshallah! (and that is, WITHOUT including Russian part of Europe or East Thales of Southern Europe).

who knows? maybe it will be globally 40 million by then. considering the rising hate against them and how europe usually deals with such events it will be interesting to see.

What i see is a complete downfall of the islamic world. The entire region is in absolute chaos and no sign of recovery. will be an interesting social experiment.
who knows? maybe it will be globally 40 million by then. considering the rising hate against them and how europe usually deals with such events it will be interesting to see.

LOL. As I said, you can keep living in your fantasy little world but you know it, and I know it, the reality of situation is what I write, not what you masturbate too.

There are 1.7 billion Muslim people across the globe spread across Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle-East, Central Asia, Russia, China, India, and United States. A gigantic global civilization and culture that encompasses 1/4th of entire human civilization, Mashallah.

And this is only increasing as we speak. Islam was the first-ever global civilization of humanity and it shows no sign of going away any time soon.

What i see is a complete downfall of the islamic world. The entire region is in absolute chaos and no sign of recovery. will be an interesting social experiment.

Offcourse. Out of 50+ Muslim nations, 5,6 are in trouble and civil strife. So it clearly shows you the "downfall" of ENTIRE Islamic World including Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, and so on and on.


LOL. As I said, you can keep living in your fantasy little world but you know it, and I know it, the reality of situation is what I write, not what you masturbate too.

There are 1.7 billion Muslim people across the globe spread across Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle-East, Central Asia, Russia, China, India, and United States. A gigantic global civilization and culture that encompasses 1/4th of entire human civilization, Mashallah.

And this is only increasing as we speak. Islam was the first-ever global civilization of humanity and it shows no sign of going away any time soon.

Offcourse. Out of 50+ Muslim nations, 5,6 are in trouble and civil strife. So it clearly shows you the "downfall" of ENTIRE Islamic World including Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, and so on and on.



all nations your named are dictatorships, medival cultures and not participating in science and progress. What we see is 1.7 billion people of a non culture. Sorry but i would prefer death over living there. I'm proud for my heritage.
Lying again.. Show me how what I said implies that the murder was justified. Typical Pakistani reaction on this forum of jumping at shadows screaming how Muslims are victims ..

You said very much clearly. An innocent Muslim died and you shamelessly tried to score browny points against Islam. Instead of posting a simple RIP, you decided yo bring your ugly bigotry in full view in front of us. Even I was shocked by the way you justified that murder but then I remember your normal behavior on this forum and your uncountable bans. What else can we expect from admirers and fans of someone like Modi.
all nations your named are dictatorships, medival cultures and not participating in science and progress. What we see is 1.7 billion people of a non culture. Sorry but i would prefer death over living there. I'm proud for my heritage.

Who is inviting an irrelevant sad dude to "live" here? :rofl:

Yeah, Indonesia, Turkey etc are all dictatorships. :rofl:

Uncultured idiot like you will definitely say this.

Istanbul alone is more cultured and well-known globally than majority of EU nation combined.
You said very much clearly. An innocent Muslim died and you shamelessly tried to score browny points against Islam. Instead of posting a simple RIP, you decided yo bring your ugly bigotry in full view in front of us. Even I was shocked by the way you justified that murder but then I remember your normal behavior on this forum and your uncountable bans. What else can we expect from admirers and fans of someone like Modi.
Now that your moronic and shameful lie has been caught, you are going off on a typical stance of idiotic and even more shameful rants to justify your previous falsehoods. So typical of people like you who believe that if they shout a lie often and loud enough (like Pakistan is a victim of terror), it will be suddenly accepted as a truth by the world. Indication of what the world thinks of people like you came out in Obama's interview today .
RIP.Situation getting out of control now in europe.
Yup and all the European forces will get back to where they belong handling the situation at home and then we will have peace.
Who is inviting an irrelevant sad dude to "live" here? :rofl:

Yeah, Indonesia, Turkey etc are all dictatorships. :rofl:

Uncultured idiot like you will definitely say this.

Istanbul alone is more cultured and well-known globally than majority of EU nation combined.

1. indonesia is a 3rd word shithole with areas that basicly are under civil war

2. Turkey has 3 rd world areas and is ruled from a demented moron

3. I visited Istanbul. The old churches and byzantinian architecture is nice. Undortunately the oriental stuff around it is not. If you like the odor of smelly feet you should visit the blue mosque btw. But dont stay in it too long or you can fall unconcious...

Look. I'm italian. I have basic hygienic standards...standards that turkey cant fullfill for example.

P.s. I love how ther sultan gave himself the title "emperor of rome" but was never able to even set a foot into rome, sinc his troops were killed long before reaching it...multiple times...he was later murdered from venezia ha ha ha
1. indonesia is a 3rd word shithole with areas that basicly are under civil war

2. Turkey has 3 rd world areas and is ruled from a demented moron

3. I visited Istanbul. The old churches and byzantinian architecture is nice. Undortunately the oriental stuff around it is not. If you like the odor of smelly feet you should visit the blue mosque btw. But dont stay in it too long or you can fall unconcious...

Look. I'm italian. I have basic hygienic standards...standards that turkey cant fullfill for example.

P.s. I love how ther sultan gave himself the title "emperor of rome" but was never able to even set a foot into rome, sinc his troops were killed long before reaching it...multiple times...he was later murdered from venezia ha ha ha
Stop faking. Eurpeons hate each other. French do not like the English. Croats hate Serbs. Spain has a separatist movement. The Irish hate the English. Scotts just wanted to free from the English in the referendum. The economic powerhouse of this century and the next will be Asia, US, South America and then Africa. Overall European Economies are stagnant except Germany. Italy is a nobody anyway so it does not matter what you think...
Let these fanatics kill eachother. and eventually, those who were smart enough to step aside will survive. e.e
There's a big problem with that, I don't think the Moroccan man was a fanatic. RIP
Stop faking. Eurpeons hate each other. French do not like the English. Croats hate Serbs. Spain has a separatist movement. The Irish hate the English. Scotts just wanted to free from the English in the referendum. The economic powerhouse of this century and the next will be Asia, US, South America and then Africa. Overall European Economies are stagnant except Germany. Italy is a nobody anyway so it does not matter what you think...

What are "Eurpeons"?

And no. Nobody hates. There are things we make fun about each other. thats normal.

Italy is in the G7 and an economic giant.

Africa? an economic powerhouse? ha ha ha they can´t even organize to build a toilet there. You guys crack me up. You can´t construct a simple car but want play master of the universe. :D

I´m honest with you. I look down on most of those. :/ You guys lack culture, science, modern style...basicly evrything. You have no history, you have no present and you have no future.
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