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HongKong court rejects landmark residency bid by Filipina maid

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As a man with both Taiwanese passport and US passport, how easy would it be for me to move there. I'm just curious, not looking to move.

You are an ethnic Chinese, and you can speak Chinese too (don't know how many dialects but one is good enough).

In addition, Taiwan is also considered to be China (albeit the "Republic of China" as opposed to the PRC). And I'm betting you have decent educational qualifications as well (degree or more), that's my perception from speaking to you.

All in all, I'd say it would be quite easy for you to get residency in Hong Kong. I have plenty of Taiwanese friends here who are Hong Kong permanent residents.
So am saying your wrong my countrymen are just using the system to go to more places like they would like to stay in slum urban city with no or little space its a steeping stone for more better destination but according to the basic law your basic law foreigners staying in HK for long period of time can given residency.

Why would they go to Hong Kong if they use it as a stepping stone to go to a place like America. I'm certain Philipinos can come to America and work without any experience or citizenship in Hong Kong. But most of maids in America are not Philipinos, they are either Americans or Mexican. Moreover, American middle class generally cannot afford maids because of our minimum wage law, unlike people of Hong Kong and Taiwan who have plethora of Philipino maids.

You are an ethnic Chinese, and you can speak Chinese too (don't know how many dialects but one is good enough).

In addition, Taiwan is also considered to be China (albeit the "Republic of China" as opposed to the PRC). And I'm betting you have decent educational qualifications as well (degree or more), that's my perception from speaking to you.

All in all, I'd say it would be quite easy for you to get residency in Hong Kong. I have plenty of Taiwanese friends here who are Hong Kong permanent residents.

I speak mandarin and Taiwanese and I do have a masters. And how does all these translate to how easy it is to gain residence in Hong Kong? Does Hong Kong give preference base on nationality, place of origin or language?
I speak mandarin and Taiwanese and I do have a masters. And how does all these translate to how easy it is to gain residence in Hong Kong? Does Hong Kong give preference base on nationality, place of origin or language?

You get points based on a lot of factors. Ability to integrate into a Chinese society (language etc.), Educational qualifications, work experience, etc.

Being Chinese and speaking Chinese gives a lot of points (which makes sense) so this way it is easier to gain residence compared to say, an Italian American or something similar.

If an Italian American for example did not have really high qualifications or skills, was unable to speak Chinese, etc. then the only way they could get residence would be to invest over $1.5 million USD in the HK stock markets.

It is much easier for say an ethnic Chinese Singaporean or Taiwanese to get accepted based on the criteria. Not strictly due to preference for race/culture but rather because they will find it easier to integrate into HK society.
they 'treat' the indians even worse than the philipinos```but anyway, indians are pouring in HK and mainland China nowadays instead of staying in the 'secular' India````because they'd rather be treated with 'no worker's rights' than low caste disposals in India

Mainland China? Do you have any proof of this absurd claim or is it a figment of your fertile Communist imagination? And let's see some proof about them even going to Hong Kong because of "no worker rights". The Indians in Hong Kong are probably high end workers in I.T. and Finance because of lack of local talent for obvious reasons or are businessmen settled there since British colonial times. And I want some real proof - not something in Mao's little red book.
Mainland China? Do you have any proof of this absurd claim or is it a figment of your fertile Communist imagination? And let's see some proof about them even going to Hong Kong because of "no worker rights". The Indians in Hong Kong are probably high end workers in I.T. and Finance because of lack of local talent for obvious reasons or are businessmen settled there since British colonial times. And I want some real proof - not something in Mao's little red book.

Here you go, from the Guardian:

It seemed impossible, but at last Martin Jacques got justice for the wife he loved - The Guardian

As a Malaysian of Indian descent, she had suffered a great deal of racism in Hong Kong, far worse than in London or Kuala Lumpur. People would refuse to serve her in restaurants, keep her waiting in shops, mutter abuse at her in the street, and she suffered at work, too. When we were together she was given my colour; on her own it was an entirely different matter. Barely anyone talked about Hong Kong's endemic racism. Before we went we had no inkling; it was, as one journalist was to write later, "Hong Kong's dirty little secret".

That evening the duty doctor came to see her. I asked him various questions and received only evasive responses. I had been anxious for the medical staff to be aware that I was white; in Hong Kong my colour commanded deference and respect, the opposite to how they saw Hari's beautiful deep brown complexion. When he left, I said to her: "A fat lot of use that was." She replied: "I am bottom of the pile here." Her words travelled through my body like an electric shock.

Now maybe we can discuss the thread topic? :disagree:
As long as Indians can't understand that contractual relations are legally binding, and are a fundamental underpinning of all modern economies, then they will never advance. And as long as Indians fail to make logical arguments, whining instead about 'compassion' and resorting to ad hominem fallacies (check out the Godwin's law in this thread), s you simply can't reason with them.

The irony of a Chinese lecturing India about law is akin to a prostitute lecturing a nun about the joys of abstinence.

Here you go, from the Guardian:

It seemed impossible, but at last Martin Jacques got justice for the wife he loved - The Guardian

Now maybe we can discuss the thread topic? :disagree:

A Malaysian citizen? LOL - that is your proof of Indians coming in droves to China and Hong Kong? And that too a lawyer sent by her London firm? hahahahahaha - man, come on - give me real proof of that Indians are "pouring" into China and HK to escape harsh realities of India as the Chinese poster claimed. Not Malaysian citizens! LOL. You Chinese continue to crack me up.
A Malaysian citizen? LOL - that is your proof of Indians coming in droves to China and Hong Kong? And that too a lawyer sent by her London firm? hahahahahaha - man, come on - give me real proof of that Indians are "pouring" into China and HK to escape harsh realities of India as the Chinese poster claimed. Not Malaysian citizens! LOL. You Chinese continue to crack me up.

No, read properly.

She replied: "I am bottom of the pile here."

And it was not because she was a Malaysian. Now your air of false superiority won't allow you to accept that, but there it is.
...Its a steeping stone for Europe, Canada...

...my countrymen are just using the system to go to more places like they would like to stay in...

Stay away from Canada. Immigrants like you are only to game the system draining valuable resources for the citizens.

Götterdämmerung;4079532 said:
...Our guest workers still don#t speak proper German and the saddest part is, even many of their children who are born here neither.

These type of immigrants are disgusting.

Sounds a lot like what the illegal immigrants especially the illegal Latinos here are trying to push...

If they haven't done so, expect something like that coming soon.

Well, Germany has practiced effective methods to get rid of a section of a population they did not want. Effective, but morally reprehensible. Perhaps you see shades of the reverse Swastika in the sickle. To the civilized world, these are nothing more than inhumane acts.

Typical bleeding heart liberal.
No, read properly.

And it was not because she was a Malaysian. Now your air of false superiority won't allow you to accept that, but there it is.

We all know the Chinese are racist toward Indians - so where does this article tell me that Indians are "pouring" into China?

Stay away from Canada. Immigrants like you are only to game the system draining valuable resources for the citizens.

These type of immigrants are disgusting.

If they haven't done so, expect something like that coming soon.

Typical bleeding heart liberal.

Rather that than the guy cheering on outside Auschwitz.
We all know the Chinese are racist toward Indians - so where does this article tell me that Indians are "pouring" into China?

The second part was not my claim.

But yes, it is obvious to see why an Indian would want to immigrate to HK (and plenty do). Because our life expectancy is the 2nd highest in the world while India's life expectancy is below that of North Korea, and if you count other social indicators like maternal mortality ratio it just becomes ten times worse. And our average income is 20-30 times higher than the average income in any major Indian city, even Janitors in Hong Kong earn far more than the average Indian.

In your dream world, Indians are all IT professionals or other such BS, which is as far from reality as it is even possible to be. Bottom of the pile as in the lowest of the low.
The irony of a Chinese lecturing India about law is akin to a prostitute lecturing a nun about the joys of abstinence.


i really don't care if you can dredge up a propaganda piece by a highly partisan blind agitator. the reality is that china is a far more lawful place than anarchic india, especially when it comes to commercial and property law. and you can't dismiss the judgment of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal with a sophomoric comment about 'compassion' when this issue is steeped in legal matters that are simply out of your intellectual depth. the only thing you need to know is that there is no legal obligation for the HKSAR to grant these pinays permanent residency :no:
The second part was not my claim.

But yes, it is obvious to see why an Indian would want to immigrate to HK (and plenty do). Because our life expectancy is the 2nd highest in the world while India's life expectancy is below that of North Korea, and if you count other social indicators like maternal mortality ratio it just becomes ten times worse. And our average income is 20-30 times higher than the average income in any major Indian city, even Janitors in Hong Kong earn far more than the average Indian.

In your dream world, Indians are all IT professionals, which is as far from reality as it is even possible to be. Bottom of the pile as in the lowest of the low.

So what then was your claim? There is no first part. The only part I am disputing is of Indians "pouring" into mainland China and Hong Kong. I doubt it - as an average Indian cherishes his right to freedom of speech and expression. Which is why we welcome Chinese citizens into India who come as political refugees to escape the excesses of their communist masters. Please enlighten me about your claim.
i really don't care if you can dredge up a propaganda piece by a highly partisan blind agitator. the reality is that china is a far more lawful place than anarchic india, especially when it comes to commercial and property law. and you can't dismiss the judgment of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal with a sophomoric comment about 'compassion' when this issue is steeped in legal matters that are simply out of your intellectual depth. the only thing you need to know is that there is no legal obligation for the HKSAR to grant these pinays permanent residency :no:

Hahahahaha - Chinese commercial law is better than Indian law? And I am out of my intellectual depth here? I love how you guys can never back up your claims - like Indians "pouring" into mainland China and Hong Kong and then resort to personal attacks. Must be a cultural thing. In civilized nations in the democratic world even 5th grade kids participating in debates are taught not to resort to personal insults while debating. But kids will be kids. :)

The reality of course is quite different -

@Zero Wing

Most country in the world have a labor contract issued to foreign worker, and most country in the world require the worker to go home once the contract is fulfilled. This including Australia (457 Visa), USA(All working visa except EB type and L type), Sweden (Au-Pair and all category of employment visa) and many more place in the world.

The only "Liberal" country i can remember is the United Kingdom, as long as you you stay in the UK for 14 years legally (10 years if continous stay) you can apply leave to remain in the UK, regardless of job status. Australia used to be like this but we see that it's **** and a lot of people just study for 10 years and stayed behind...

Otherwise all other country have the migrant based Working visa which usually require a high education level or a skilled profession. In most other country, they seperate their migration system with foreign worker system.

We cannot blame the HK Government for this result, as this is a contractual things. There are other mean to stay in HK if one desired to. But just like any other country i saw, not every jack and jill can apply for a migration seat in HK. If we have to blame, we should blame those employer who take advantage of those Foreign Aid Worker as they are not Resident, they do not cover by work right law in HK. And they ended up working extremely long hour and with merger pay.

Migration to HK is generally moderate to hard. Compare to most developed country. However, it would be A LOT easier if you are a mainlander. That's sort of a double standard in there. But seeing HK is part of China now, it's just a literal progression.

Foreign aid worker is not the important part of this news, the same court is now considering the newborne Chinese Citizen who have HK Residence after giving birth in HK even none of the Parent are HK resident. This is the important part of the case because it represent a unfair preference treatment to Chinese Citizens. That's why i left HK in the first place.

I got quite a few relative (Some Chinese, Some vietnamese) who lived and work in the West (Australia, US, and the UK) were able to migrate to HK quite easier than non-Chinese Speaking without Chinese heritage. The current immigration system is "Hostile" to those who cannot speak Chinese (Either Mandarin or Cantonese) and if they are not of Chinese Heritage. Compare to the older Immigration law under british rule, the situation is the same with the foreigner (Philippine included) but the door is opened widely for the Chinese after Under Chinese rules. This is the important point of the issue here, not your fellow countrymen.

If you want to hear the real news try this, this explain the general sitaution but the catch is, they are in Chinese


@ faithfulguy

If you wanted to apply for HK Chinese Citizenship then you will need to give up your US passport and your Taiwan Passport (may be not i don't know as China don't see Taiwan passport as valid travel document) you sure it worth it??
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