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Hong Kong protests proves that China soft power is non existent.


Sep 10, 2013
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he report Monday about a mainland Chinese man pushing a female Hong Kong overseas student to the ground at the University of Auckland in New Zealand may seem inconspicuous on its own. But it’s a worrying sign of how Beijing has turned Hong Kong’s protests into an intraethnic conflict—one that could flare into far worse violence.

Hong Kong has become ungovernable. The city is now well into its eighth week of unprecedented mass rallies, direct actions, and increasingly provocative acts of civil disobedience, with no sign of the protests ending. There is now an almost complete breakdown of trust between citizens and the police, who are widely seen as a tool of political oppression.

I really support China on this case, but it is really sad to see that ethnic Chinese from Hong Kong loves more Westerners then their brothers in PRC.

Millions of people waves British flags, former occupant of China, that caused so much misery to China. It is not a death of Chinese soft power, it just prove that China dont have soft power, if they cant even win a hearts of its countryman.
How China can pretend to be soft power if even Chinese dont want to be under China, save other non Chinese.
Artificial principles of culture, tradition and common values may provide identity in the short term, but can not indefinitely hold people together when the basis of such is post modern and alien to our own natural senses.

These things may not change quickly, but the human instinct of survival eventually becomes activated once exposed to competing ideologies.

The cynicism of the theory of soft power over one's own people appears monstrous, and yet a perfect test case has been presented.

The legacy of colonialism.
Artificial principles of culture, tradition and common values may provide identity in the short term, but can not indefinitely hold people together when the basis of such is post modern and alien to our own natural senses.

These things may not change quickly, but the human instinct of survival eventually becomes activated once exposed to competing ideologies.

The cynicism of the theory of soft power over one's own people appears monstrous, and yet a perfect test case has been presented.

The legacy of colonialism.

Could you please elaborate and dumb it down for us plebeians?
I really support China on this case, but it is really sad to see that ethnic Chinese from Hong Kong loves more Westerners then their brothers in PRC.

Millions of people waves British flags, former occupant of China, that caused so much misery to China. It is not a death of Chinese soft power, it just prove that China dont have soft power, if they cant even win a hearts of its countryman.
How China can pretend to be soft power if even Chinese dont want to be under China, save other non Chinese.
It's because the Communist ideology at its core is alien to the Chinese culture and traditions. People often forget this. Communist China is a new invention that has no roots in the actual Chinese history.

Today a Chinese has more liberties to celebrate Chinese traditions in a Western societal system than in the PRC.

It's not only Hong Kong, look at Singapore and Taiwan. This artificial system is preventing China from developing and expanding its soft power.

China still remains a very strange, repelling and cold country for many foreigners despite having so much resources.

They will never catch up with America or Japan in terms of soft power. I mean, look at their neighbourhood. No one really cares about them or is interested in a cultural way. Compare this with America, Japan or Europe.

Even India has more cultural influence on its neighbouring countries (including Pakistan!) than China.
Could you please elaborate and dumb it down for us plebeians?

It means we're all born free, and everything else comes later. The further you move away from that fact, the harder it is to return.

Sorry if that doesn't answer all your questions, but I can't think of a better way to explain myself.
You do NOT have to go all the way to HONGKONG, ... to discover that PRC & majority of
Chinese people in general ~ just do NOT have ... the Soft--power ... or at the very least
have usually FAILED ... time and time again to apply and use their Soft--power properly.

EXHIBIT 1 is right here in this ... PDF forums. >>>

#1) Majority of Chinese PDF members have usually FAILED to appreciate & support
all those Non--Chinese PDF members who are defending PRC and CHINA and Chinese
values and interest in general ~ by
GENEROUSLY generously clicking ...
the >> THUMB UP ~ THANK YOU << button on those defending CHN postings.

Only because these Non--Chinese PDF members do not have 2 PRC flags
showing under their PDF avatars.

This specific behavior above is extremely short sighted in terms of
accumulating and building up CHN Soft--power.


#2) also equally important ~ Majority of Chinese PDF members have usually FAILED
to stand up and DEFEND those nations who are clearly the ... enemies of
( the #1 Global CRIMINAL nation on EARTH ~ which is the United Satan of Murica ).


For examples:
PAKISTAN, BELARUS, SERBIA, CUBA, and ... many others nations who hate Murica )
who are repeatedly under attack and being bullied repeatedly by the United Satan of Murica
and their SLAVES nations such as Aussie, UK )

*** Even much more embarrassing and deeply disturbing is too many Chinese are
exhibiting their secret desire to become friendly with the Devil Empire himself.

Devil Empire =
( the #1 Global CRIMINAL nation on EARTH ~ which is the United Satan of Murica )

PRC and Chinese people still have a long, long, long way to go in terms of
properly applying their Soft--power to and supporting those who are defending CHN.

1 ~ Man_Hiding_his_Head_in-de-Sand__300px600.jpg
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he report Monday about a mainland Chinese man pushing a female Hong Kong overseas student to the ground at the University of Auckland in New Zealand may seem inconspicuous on its own. But it’s a worrying sign of how Beijing has turned Hong Kong’s protests into an intraethnic conflict—one that could flare into far worse violence.

Hong Kong has become ungovernable. The city is now well into its eighth week of unprecedented mass rallies, direct actions, and increasingly provocative acts of civil disobedience, with no sign of the protests ending. There is now an almost complete breakdown of trust between citizens and the police, who are widely seen as a tool of political oppression.

What soft power are you talking about? You think USA is well loved and respect becos of Hollywood or becos of their CVN fleet, nuclear submarine or stealth fighter that can decimate small airforce in a day?

Just when you think a batch of kid waving UK or US flag is bad for China in hongkong. It just likely to legalise China strong crackdown in mainland China. Politic is a long term game and is not as easy as you seems of just pushing a button. China can easily send a mass of soldiers or police to suppress the protest in hongkong in day one but choose not to do so. Wondering why?

The violent protest and riot in hongkong are broadcast everyday in mainland China. Billions of Chinese has seen the Carnage and violent hurl against mainland Chinese. How will these create an impression on Chinese citizen? Will they ever support protest in even of social stability when everybody has a job and dream to pursue? Will it legiment China hard stance handling in mainland China? This is politics.
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Hong kong is just a small city, China is one fifth of the humanity, what happens in Hong kong doesn't represent China the slightest, speaking of soft power, it's a very vague idea, but China is getting more and more influential around the world is a known hard fact, whatever power you call that, hard or soft.
he report Monday about a mainland Chinese man pushing a female Hong Kong overseas student to the ground at the University of Auckland in New Zealand may seem inconspicuous on its own. But it’s a worrying sign of how Beijing has turned Hong Kong’s protests into an intraethnic conflict—one that could flare into far worse violence.

Hong Kong has become ungovernable. The city is now well into its eighth week of unprecedented mass rallies, direct actions, and increasingly provocative acts of civil disobedience, with no sign of the protests ending. There is now an almost complete breakdown of trust between citizens and the police, who are widely seen as a tool of political oppression.


The Uyghur issue in East China and the Hong Kong protests in West China are both Zionist-Western. The protests in Moscow earlier this month is also Zionist-Western brainchild.

Russia and China have already bypassed U.S Dollar hegemony in bilateral trade. Where as China has offered Saudi Regime payment for Oil in Chinese Yuan currency, redeemable in gold, at the international rate. Thereby rendering the Petrodollar's power considerably diminished, since China is the largest importer of Oil.

Russia - China Bilateral Trade via Currency Swap


Russia - China alternative to SWIFT International Payment System


China buying saudi Oil in Yuan


These reports mostly silent in the Western Media, meaning no hype given to them. Are an indication that the Petrodollar/SWIFT/Mastercard/Visa hegemony of Zionist-America is being shaken to its foundations.

Europe is also looking to develop an alternative to the International Payment System of Zionist-America. The idea is for a payment system that is able to interact/transact with other countries like Iran, Venezuela, China & Russia. Thereby conducting trade and effectively negating Zionist-American sanctions.
For small weak countries, if they piss off the west, they invade you, bomb you, slaughter you , humiliate you or sanction you. For big countries like China and Russia, they smear you. Different strategy made based on the power or the strength of their targets.
Hong kong is just a small city, China is one fifth of the humanity, what happens in Hong kong doesn't represent China the slightest, speaking of soft power, it's a very vague idea, but China is getting more and more influential around the world is a known hard fact, whatever power you call that, hard or soft.

PRC and way too many Chinese have relied way too much on the BRUTE Hard power
and have usually failed to accumulate and build up their CHN Soft--power.

Just look around the Non--Ethical behaviors of Chinese visitors
* ( usually they are 35 years and older ) ...
when they are visiting other Asian and African nations.

They proudly carry their daily Non--Ethical habits and display them
publicly outside the PRC

These idiotic and stupid Chinese fail to accept that their behaviors reflect
BIG TIME on PRC and All Chinese * positive image and reputation and
their Non--Ethical behaviors are definitely damaging and eroding the
all around CHN Soft--power

which has been accumulated by the PRC government continuous goodwill
towards many other Asian and African nations.
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Hong kong is just a small city, China is one fifth of the humanity, what happens in Hong kong doesn't represent China the slightest, speaking of soft power, it's a very vague idea, but China is getting more and more influential around the world is a known hard fact, whatever power you call that, hard or soft.
What about Xinjiang?
What about Xinjiang?

Have you personally witness the real truth by visiting XINJIANG yourself ??

Instead of relying the brainwashed feeds broadcasted by the
Devil Empire =
( the #1 Global CRIMINAL nation on EARTH ~ which is the United Satan of Murica )
and their SLAVE nations.
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