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Homs falls to Assad

he couldn't even speak, he forgot his rank and his name :coffee:, great video btw...

like I said ISIS and Nusra fighting is beneficial to us, thus there is no need to the Syrian army to enter the fight and united them... something which kids don't understand... read your post, you're claiming Iraqi Bathists working with Syria :hitwall: you're either playing dumb, or you are really really stupid...

now go find a new story, because the ISIS story is old... western media picked it up for a week and then they started to laugh at themselves for idiotic reporting...

So you are now saying that the Iraqi Shia Arab regime (the video is from their time) your ally is lying?

You are just denying the facts as always. Just like you denied your terror support against Turkey, your illegal occupation and terror in Syria, you supporting Al-Qaeda in Iraq after 2003 and you importing Shia terrorists from across the world now to fight you wars for you because the people have abandoned your so-called "national" army.

israel can destroy saudi simply because it has nuclear weapons,,,,u have nothing

KSA has nuclear weapons. Besides no country is going to do that. KSA cannot be attacked due to Makkah and Madinah with a atomic bomb. It would be the end of the world. 2 billion Muslims ready to go to war potentially. Just 1 percent would mean an army of 20 million.

Israel would not exist anymore if they did such a thing. Also Israel is a neighbor of KSA. They would destroy themselves if they destroyed all of KSA. They would need hundreds of atomic bombs to do that and in the process they would kill themselves.


broadly india has 2 ethnicities

north indians that are aryans and mixed aryan-europeans etc
south indians thats dravidians

but they were always connected as religion of both was hinduism

Haha she-man your theory of 2 Indian ethnics is hilarious, considiring biharis and up walas just look like south indians. And don't forget south indians also have ''european'' blood.

u guys don't even have a modern ballistic missile let alone a nuclear weapon.
stop ur pathetic lies

Well, many reports say that. KSA has ballistic missiles that can carry nuclear warheads. We founded the Pakistani nuclear program. It's not a secret anymore.

Anyway Israel would not exist anymore if they did such a thing. Also Israel is a neighbor of KSA. They would destroy themselves if they destroyed all of KSA. They would need many atomic bombs to do that and in the process they would kill themselves and most of the region.

Stop talking nonsense. Israel cannot invade any other Arab country other than Lebanon or Jordan and I doubt that they would be able to occupy all of Lebanon or Jordan.

Also it is a question of time before KSA will develop or get nuclear bombs if they do not already have some stored or ready for delivery. Let me also remind you that by 2030 over 50% of KSA's energy will come from nuclear energy. The process has already been kickstarted.
You are just rewriting history. Not surprised. You are unable to counter my facts. Hindu is not an ethnicity. It just a religion. You have Muslims from all corners of the world. Caucasian, Mongolid or Black. Does that mean that they are all Arabs?:lol:

Sanskrit is not native to India.

Nor is it the oldest language. Not even close. Semitic languages are the oldest and where the first to be written down of the existing ones. Afro-Asiatic languages is the oldest language branch as well. Every linguist knows that. Just Google it.

There is still nothing called Indian in terms of ethnicity or history. It's a 67 year old nationality just like India is a 67 year old creation. Founded by the Brits.

Indeed, current day Indians claiming sanskrit is rediculous. Not to forget Rig Vedic civilization was based in modern Pakistan around indus valley. And before that no doubt they came from outside. And to modern India they went much much later, centuries later to create caste system there. :)


u guys don't even have a modern ballistic missile let alone a nuclear weapon.
stop ur pathetic lies

i don't talk to internet mullahs who are totally uneducated

She-man you sure love to play and stand by your kind being stupid steretype.
Well, many reports say that. KSA has ballistic missiles that can carry nuclear warheads. We founded the Pakistani nuclear program. It's not a secret anymore.

Anyway Israel would not exist anymore if they did such a thing. Also Israel is a neighbor of KSA. They would destroy themselves if they destroyed all of KSA. They would need many atomic bombs to do that and in the process they would kill themselves and most of the region.

Stop talking nonsense. Israel cannot invade any other Arab country other than Lebanon or Jordan and I doubt that they would be able to occupy all of Lebanon or Jordan.

Also it is a question of time before KSA will develop or get nuclear bombs if they do not already have some stored or ready for delivery. Let me also remind you that by 2040 over 50% of KSA's energy will come from nuclear energy. The process has already been kickstarted.

all from foreign suppliers,u guys lack the tech required to set up a plant urself,,,,,forget about making a bomb

Indeed, current day Indians claiming sanskrit is rediculous. Not to forget Rig Vedic civilization was based in modern Pakistan around indus valley. And before that no doubt they came from outside. And to modern India they went much much later, centuries later to create caste system there. :)

She-man you sure love to play and stand by your kind being stupid steretype.
as stated i rather not talk to a person who has probably not even passed 10 th standard
Well, many reports say that. KSA has ballistic missiles that can carry nuclear warheads. We founded the Pakistani nuclear program. It's not a secret anymore.
Saudis/Arabs never "founded" Pakistan's nuclear or Missile program. I don't know where you got such information from, i am curious as to what your source for this false info is.
all from foreign suppliers,u guys lack the tech required to set up a plant urself,,,,,forget about making a bomb

as stated i rather not talk to a person who has probably not even passed 10 th standard

All of your technology is also foreign. You did not invent the atomic bomb or ballistic missiles.
Saudis/Arabs never "founded" Pakistan's nuclear or Missile program. I don't know where you got such information from, i am curious as to what your source for this false info is.
bullshit as usual
Saudis/Arabs never "founded" Pakistan's nuclear or Missile program. I don't know where you got such information from, i am curious as to what your source for this false info is.

Then who founded it? Virtually most reports claim this. I think that it is very probably.
All of your technology is also foreign. You did not invent the atomic bomb or ballistic missiles.
please tell me more:rofl::rofl::rofl:
then who is stopping u to make a nuclear submarine or a satellite launch vehicle??
heck at least make a small ballistic missile at least before babbling here

Then who founded it? Virtually most reports claim this. I think that it is very probably.

what do u mean by probably??
please tell me more:rofl::rofl::rofl:
then who is stopping u to make a nuclear submarine or a satellite launch vehicle??
heck at least make a small ballistic missile at least before babbling here

You do not know anything about what is going on. Besides I never claimed that KSA's military industry is anything special. It's underrated but at the same time also humble. Yet you were speaking like you invented that. You did not. You just took what was already created.

If we had a population of 1.2 billion we would have atomic bombs too but we have less than 3% of that.
what do u mean by probably??

I meant probable. Because we cannot be sure but a lot point to this being the case.

Funded? Yes! Founded? No!

Can you name the Saudi/Arab scientists, engineers, and physicists who initiated Pakistan's nuclear program.

Pakistan and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I meant funded. I am writing on my iPhone. When I enter some words then the system automatically writes some words beforehand and sometimes I do not edit them in time before I post my posts. Annoying indeed.
as stated i rather not talk to a person who has probably not even passed 10 th standard

I don't know in which school you went, most probably horrible standard. You don't even know about India, calling South Indians and North Indians only 2 ethnics groups in India. Using map of one empire and calling it Asoka and Maurya to make it 2.

Basically your stupidity have no limit, comes with being sikh.
Basically another ancient Arab city (Homs) full of heritage is in ruins thanks to the Nusayri Child-Murderer regime. Such a shame. The city of Khalid ibn al-Walid (ra). One of the greatest generals in human history and one of the few undefeated ones. Let alone the human sacrifices. Nevertheless Al-Asshead and his hideous Nusayri regime is bound to get removed.

Why the Muslim world is silent and like paralyzed is pathetic indeed. It's time to act. Many of the leaders do not deserve to rule. Had I been the ruler I would have invaded Syria long ago to defeat Al-Asshead and also supported the opposition 1000 times more.

Nusayris have declared us war. They already did that in the 1980's but somehow this was forgotten. The events in the past 3 years cannot be forgotten though at least among the current generation.

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