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Homs falls to Assad

All has an I just went full retard. I can't believe he hasn't been banned yet. Oh that's right, this website is owned by Saudi serfs. They never ban these psycho terrorists.
False flagger and double user. You are that troll that got banned 3-4 times recently and who now have reappeared under a new username. Still using the American flag shamelessly you little Child-Murderer fanboy and Rafida.

Just give me a few minutes and I will find all your now banned former users so a permeant ban can be arranged for you.
Lol. But you're a retard psychopath. No ones going to take your satanic rants seriously.
Lol. But you're a retard psychopath. No ones going to take your satanic rants seriously.

Says the idiotic double user and false flagger and Child-Murderer fanboy. Keep crying because I want Child-Murderers eliminated from our region. A ancient and beautiful region that you have nothing to do with. Parasites like you are eliminated from Syria while we speak and have been eliminated for centuries beforehand and will be until there are none of you left.
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Even if Assad is re-elected, which is far from certain at this point, Assad would only be able to be prez for a max of 2 terms. Dictatorship has been abolished in Syria since the referendum and constitutional change in February 2012.
Even if Assad is re-elected, which is far from certain at this point, Assad would only be able to be prez for a max of 2 terms. Dictatorship has been abolished in Syria since the referendum and constitutional change in February 2012.

Reelected?:lol: Which retard is talking about elections in this kind of state Syria is in? Those would be fake elections like those for the past 40 years. They are symbolic nothing more. What a joke. Yet the Nusayris have claimed to be a democracy for the past 40 years. Syria was better before 2011. At least there was no genocide nor were 80% of the people (Syrian Sunni Arabs) subject to daily carpet bombings.

Quit the joking Canadian and stick to ice hockey. The ancient ME is clearly not something you would even be able to locate on a world map.

The so-called elections are nothing more than a joke and hoax. A tragicomic event and a provocation. Nothing more and nothing less.
Wait. They don't even have elections or democracy or freedom in the Saudi family slave state.

How many years have all those inbred cousins ruled those poor Arabians?
Wait. They don't even have elections or democracy or freedom in the Saudi family slave state.

How many years have all those inbred cousins ruled those poor Arabians?

So how many double users have you made, how many times have you been permanently banned and how many false flags have you now used my dear little rafida? Unlike Syria then KSA has never claimed to be a democracy in its history. Why should they? They have their our own and much older systems. Majlis have existed for millenniums. That's direct so-called democracy for you.

They are not as inbreed as your probable country of origin that I won't name here or the European royal families that have been engaged in inbreeding for the past 1000 years.

Poor Arabians? You do realize that the GCC is the richest area on the planet and among the most peaceful and prosperous? People have no reason to rebel but if the rulers will misbehave and not deliver they will and that will be a good thing then.
Lol. Don't ever go full retard. You stopped making sense.......well you never really made sense.....ranting about freedom and democracy and dictators. When you're country is a dictatorship ruled by a cave dwelling family of inbred cousins
It's not. Freedom never comes cheap. Besides the Child-Murderer and Nusayri rat (Al-Asshead) is behind 90% of the destruction in Syria. Money will not be a problem. Besides Syria was already poor.

What is important is the future. A future without Child-Murdering Nusayris and other unwanted elements including the traitors. Sunni Arabs are born to rule every single Arab country. Normality must be regained.
we knew that in 20 and 21 century the freedom only come in form of Bombers , missiles and bullet just as like it when in 18 and 19 century advancement and civilisation only come in those forms.

LOL. Israel cannot do that. Israel cannot conquer any Arab country other than Jordan or Lebanon due to size and geography. Let alone KSA that is 250 times bigger than Israel:lol:

So you understand Arabic now and the recent history of the Al-Asshead family more than me? Interesting.
you only need to conquer 5 city to conquer KSA , the rest is not that important.
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Well, many reports say that. KSA has ballistic missiles that can carry nuclear warheads. We founded the Pakistani nuclear program. It's not a secret anymore.

Anyway Israel would not exist anymore if they did such a thing. Also Israel is a neighbor of KSA. They would destroy themselves if they destroyed all of KSA. They would need many atomic bombs to do that and in the process they would kill themselves and most of the region.

Stop talking nonsense. Israel cannot invade any other Arab country other than Lebanon or Jordan and I doubt that they would be able to occupy all of Lebanon or Jordan.

Also it is a question of time before KSA will develop or get nuclear bombs if they do not already have some stored or ready for delivery. Let me also remind you that by 2030 over 50% of KSA's energy will come from nuclear energy. The process has already been kickstarted.
those missiles are ages beyond their shelf life, as a matter of fact they were at the end of their life when they delivered to KSA.
Homs was not capital of revolution. It was capital of where mindless and backward terrorists started the violence and destruction.
But very good that Homs is being completely cleansed of them now, especially when elections are approaching.

Its not a coincidence that Syrian civilians return ONLY after the government takes complete control of the city.
Something to think about....
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So Indian has now become an ethnic group and not a nationality and the entity of India existed prior to 1947? Interesting. Then I must be ignorant indeed.

As I told you India is like if the entire ME united. If the Arab world united that would be equal to Punjab uniting.

What is your ethnicity? Don't say Indian since that's not an ethnic group.

Are you serious? And you post this rubbish because an Indian questioned your Syria stand?

Dude world over we say Indian and are recorded as such on ethnicity. I'm recorded as Indian as race in Singapore. Secondly, without going into the modern concept of nation state etc, YES, India was a founding father of League of Nations - waaaay before 1947. In 1947 we achieved self rule with some compromises.

Now please only talk about the topic at hand. I know you feel strongly about the conflict, but don't question the right of any forum member to question it and pls don't digress.
Homs falls to Assad regime | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

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HOMS, Syria: The evacuation of rebel-held parts of Homs city began Wednesday under an unprecedented deal which hands back control to the government less than a month before Syria’s presidential election.
After nearly two years of government siege, civilians and rebel forces began to leave the Old City and surrounding areas on buses taking them to opposition territory in northern Homs province.
Their departure saves both sides the prospect of a drawn-out, potentially devastating battle, and it allows rebels to leave with some of their weaponry.

The deal effectively turns over the city once dubbed the “capital of the revolution” to government control ahead of a June 3 election expected to return President Bashar Assad to office.
The evacuation began at around 10 a.m. (0700GMT), with three buses carrying civilians and fighters, some of them wounded, departing the devastated Old City, a rebel negotiator told AFP.
A video posted online by opposition activists showed a group of fighters, some with their faces covered with black or white scarves, walking in a line toward green buses.
They carried backpacks and light weapons as they boarded the buses, under the gaze of regime police and accompanied by a white UN car.
Around an hour after the operation began, negotiator Abul Hareth Al-Khalidi said, a first bus had arrived in the north of the province.
And by early afternoon, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 222 people had left out of approximately 1,200 believed to be in the Old City.
The evacuees are being transferred to the rebel-held town of Dar Al-Kebira, 20 kilometers (12 miles) from Homs.
Wael, an activist in the northern Homs province village of Termaaleh, told AFP he had received some of the evacuees, who were emotional.
“I asked one of my friends, who is now resting in my house, and he said to me that he felt hungry, and in pain and tearful over leaving Homs,” he said.

“He said he felt his soul being pulled out of his body as he left Homs.”
The deal between the regime and rebels, mediated by Iran’s ambassador to Syria, was reached as part of an exchange for a number of hostages being held by opposition fighters in the northern city of Aleppo.
And under the agreement, fighters will also allow aid into two Shiite majority towns in Aleppo province, Nubol and Zahraa, where some 45,000 people are under rebel siege.
The Observatory said by early afternoon aid had started to reach the two towns, and that an unspecified number of released hostages had arrived in the regime-held coastal city of Latakia.
Once the Homs operation is complete, the evacuated areas are to be turned over to the government, which is expected to send in forces to sweep for mines and explosives.
The regime will then have control of all but one major area of Homs city.
While the area being reclaimed by the government is relatively small, it retains huge symbolic importance for the opposition.
At the start of Syria’s uprising in March 2011, Homs came to be known as the “capital of the revolution” because of its massive anti-regime protests.

And after the opposition took up arms in response to a brutal government crackdown, the city gained iconic status among the opposition for resisting multiple offensives.
During a nearly two-year government blockade, which left around 3,000 people trapped, food and medical supplies dwindled.
In February, a UN-Red Crescent operation successfully evacuated around 1,400 people, and delivered limited aid to the besieged areas.
But hundreds of fighters and wounded people unable to make it to evacuation points were left behind, and government forces launched a fresh assault last month.
Many of those evacuated in February moved to the rebel-held Waer district, which will be the only remaining opposition area left in Homs city after the Old City operation.
Negotiations are underway for a similar deal to be implemented in Waer, according to government and opposition officials.

Haters gonna Hate
This is a very big blow to the terrorists. And this decision will prove to be the beginning of the end!
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