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Weren't Sumerians starters of the civilization in Mesopotamia ?
Ancient Babylonians were Arabs as much ancient Egyptians were Arabs. Also, before Arab conquest Mesopotamia was mainly ruled by many dynasties from Persia. Romans and later Arabs dominated the Indian ocean trade but the trade was surviving on Indian products including spices. Hindu is just our religion, our Indian identity comes from our culture and folklore from the idea of Bharata varsha( the land south of the Himalayas and north of the seas) and we still carry that ancient identity as the people of Bharata varsha. I don't what it has to do with different languages we speak, even Arab race is comprised of numerous tribes.

Are you dumb? Nobody claimed them to be Arabs but they JUST LIKE THE ARABS are fellow Semitic people and thus related. Those people predate the notion of 95% of all ethnic groups. Extinct as extant. Most of the Arabs today descend from those peoples. Just like they descend from the Neolithic farmers native to the Arab world/ME who built the first recognized cities on earth, introduced agriculture and domesticated the first animals. That's a scientific and historical fact based on Semitic history, ME history, that of the Arab world and most importantly genetic tests.

Semitic people predate the notion of Persians by many years. It were the Semitic Assyrians who first described Persians 2800 years ago and the same Persians were HEAVILY influenced by our people at the very beginning for centuries.

No, that's totally wrong which I already proved. The Arab world have more valuable or at least equally valuable goods. It's also a fact that the Arab/Semitic controlled Incense Trade is 2000 years older than the Indian Ocean/Arab Sea trade and was the first real international trading route.

No, Arabs are one people. Indian on the other hand is just a nationality. Made up by hundreds of different ethnic groups.

Going by that logic Arabs, Jews and all of those Semitic people are the exact same. No, actually a more fitting comparison is clustering all ME people into one body. Since we share as much in common as people from South India do with people in Northwest India if not much more.

Is Hashimi writing essays about Semitic people and arabs again? Oh brother! Dude you need something new in your life. Always the same bs that nobody reads or cares about.

Think about the hundreds of millions of sentences you've written on Skyscrapercity, PDF and god knows how many other forums that nobody has read nor will ever read. What a waste of time.
Going by that logic Arabs, Jews and all of those Semitic people are the exact same. No, actually a more fitting comparison is clustering all ME people into one body. Since we share as much in common as people from South India do with people in Northwest India if not much more.


Certainly not, since you never believed your self as a people of common nation or culture and you don't share a common history, Semitic is just a racial classification given by western anthropologist, a nationalistic or cultural classification hardly existed. South Indians and North Indians share common ancestry from two parent races, common culture, religions, books, music, dress, folklores, and all us believed we belonged to nation called Bharat which being a part of our folklore since time eternal. Please don't make irrelevant comparison with some hypothetical Semitic nation which is no more than a anthropological term.
Certainly not, since you never believed your self as a people of common nation or culture, Semitic is just a racial classification given by western anthropologist, a nationalistic or cultural classification hardly existed. South Indians and North Indians share common ancestry from two parent races, common culture, religions, books, music, dress, folklores, and all us believed we belonged to nation called Bharat which being a part of our folklore since time eternal. Please don't make irrelevant comparison with some hypothetical Semitic nation which is no more than a anthropological term.

What are you talking about clown? That's actually the case. More than your people who did not even speak languages related to each other and who did not even belong to the same ethnic group. We are similar people which is a fact based on ancient common history, common origin in the Middle East since the earliest human migrations from Africa to the Arabian Peninsula and the Neolithic times, genetics (they don't lie), cultural, linguistic, religious etc. similarities. Those are undeniable and well-known historical facts. Otusiders have nothing to do with that. This classification and closeness was already known by the locals millenniums ago and is described in the Torah, Bible and Qur'an. Long before any European had stepped in the Middle East.

A clueless Indian of God know which ethnicity is not going to claim otherwise just because his ignorance was highlighted in this debate.
What are you talking about clown? That's actually the case. More than your people who did not even speak languages related to each other or belonging to the same language family. We are similar people which is a fact based on ancient common history, genetics, cultural, linguistic etc. similarity. Those are undeniable facts. A clueless Indian is not going to claim otherwise because his ignorance was highlighted in this debate.

There is no such thing a Semitic identity other than studying about it in anthropology book, how can you even compare hypothetical race with our historic and nationalistic identity:sarcastic::sarcastic: Our Indian race was recognized throughout the world since the antiquity including recognition by Arabs. ;)
There is no such thing a Semitic identity other than studying about it in anthropology book, how can you even compare hypothetical race with our historic and nationalistic identity:sarcastic::sarcastic: Our Indian race was recognized throughout the world since the antiquity including recognition by Arabs. ;)

There is nothing called an "Indian race" in anthropology. Not even a linguistic group.:sarcastic:You are dumber than I thought. On the other hand a Semitic people /race/linguistic group native to the ancient Middle East (corresponding fully to what is now the Arab world) has been known for millenniums and is a historical, linguistic, genetic, religious and geographic reality. Recognized as such worldwide. By Semites themselves in their ancient scriptures, religions, folklore etc.

While I am yet to hear about an "Indian" race as such. It's more a bunch of distinct ethnic/linguistic/racial groups inhabiting what is now India without ever being a united mass before the British conquerors created it in 1947.:sarcastic:

Anyway there is no point wasting more time with you. My posts are clear for all to see as are the references. In the meantime good luck living in your fantasy world.
There is nothing called an "Indian race" in anthropology. Not even a linguistic group.:sarcastic:You are dumber than I thought. On the other hand a Semitic people /race/linguistic group native to the ancient Middle East (corresponding fully to what is now the Arab world) has been known for millenniums and is a historical, linguistic, genetic, religious and geographic reality. Recognized as such worldwide. By Semites themselves in their ancient scriptures, religions, folklore etc.

While I am yet to hear about an "Indian" race as such. It's more a bunch of distinct ethnic/linguistic/racial groups inhabiting what is now India without ever being a united mass before the British conquerors created it in 1947.:sarcastic:

Anyway there is no point wasting more time with you. My posts are clear for all to see as are the references. In the meantime good luck living in your fantasy world.

You are really marvelous at inventing stories, why don't you try some alien martian stories. :sarcastic::sarcastic:
Weren't Sumerians starters of the civilization in Mesopotamia ?
no civilisation of mesopotamia is a lot older than sumerian , the sumerian were themselves conqueror from Anatolia and northwestern and westen area of Iran
no civilisation of mesopotamia is a lot older than sumerian , the sumerian were themselves conqueror from Anatolia and northwestern and westen area of Iran

The Sumerians were indigenous to Iraq and did not come from abroad. The Marsh Arabs of Southern Iraq are those that can claim most kinship to them and 90% of them belong to the J1 haplogroup which is the most common haplogroup among modern-day Arabs and Semites. They also have cultural similarities with them. The haplogroups origin is the Arabian Peninsula. The Sumerians also had the closet contacts to the Dilmun and Madan civilizations on the Arabian Peninsula and those regions are described as heavenly in the Epic of Gilgamesh and its people as brotherly people.


Evidence of genetic stratification ascribable to the Sumerian development was provided by the Y-chromosome data where the J1-Page08 branch reveals a local expansion, almost contemporary with the Sumerian City State period that characterized Southern Mesopotamia. On the other hand, a more ancient background shared with Northern Mesopotamia is revealed by the less represented Y-chromosome lineage J1-M267*. Overall our results indicate that the introduction of water buffalo breeding and rice farming, most likely from the Indian sub-continent, only marginally affected the gene pool of autochthonous people of the region. Furthermore, a prevalent Middle Eastern ancestry of the modern population of the marshes of southern Iraq implies that if the Marsh Arabs are descendants of the ancient Sumerians, also the Sumerians were most likely autochthonous and not of Indian or South Asian ancestry.

BMC Evolutionary Biology | Full text | In search of the genetic footprints of Sumerians: a survey of Y-chromosome and mtDNA variation in the Marsh Arabs of Iraq.

Also the Sumerians later mixed with the Semitic Akkadians and other Semites of the region which ruled an Akkadian empire from 2334-2193 BC.

Akkadian Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Sumerians described Dilmun as a paradise garden in the Epic of Gilgamesh.[12] The Sumerian tale of the garden paradise of Dilmun may have been an inspiration for the Garden of Eden story.[12]

Interestingly enough the people of Eastern Arabia and the Arabian Peninsula belong to the exact same haplogroups by large. In any case haplogroups is one thing (paternal ancestral from father to son etc.) but their overall ancestry is more important and they cluster a lot as well. So undoubtedly an connection there. The connection is probably also shared by populations of Iran corresponding to the historical regions of Elam next to those two regions (Eastern Arabia and Southern Iraq) and parts of Southern Anatolia and Western Iran. In reality just the heartland of the ME.
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