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Homs falls to Assad

u don't tell indians what to do or not,,,we don't have american bases on our soil to dictate our policy.

i was talking of morality of inciting violence on purpose and destroying a country completely.
and bangladesh is not any failed state,,,,,they just don't have oil like u guys are so fortunate to have

But you were ruled by foreigners for the past 1000 years or so. We don't either.

Of course it's a failed and poor state. Much like yours.

You don't know anything about this conflict so stick to your own regional issues. India plays no role outside of her region. Let alone in the Arab world.
But you were ruled by foreigners for the past 1000 years or so. We don't either.

Of course it's a failed and poor state. Much like yours.

You don't know anything about this conflict so stick to your own regional issues. India plays no role outside of her region.
now i will be schooled by an arab??

sure we don't eat dates all day around and order suicide bombings in other countries,,,sure
u don't tell indians what to do or not,,,we don't have american bases on our soil to dictate our policy.

i was talking of morality of inciting violence on purpose and destroying a country completely.
and bangladesh is not any failed state,,,,,they just don't have oil like u guys are so fortunate to have
just ignore him, he is racist and ignorant..... and wait now for him to deny that there is a US base in Saudi "Arabia" , just mention the drone base that CIA is using and the 64th Air Group, USMTM and etc
now i will be schooled by an arab??

sure we don't eat dates all day around and order suicide bombings in other countries,,,sure

Arabs created 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history. More than any other ethnic group in the top 15. Don't compare yourself to us or the ancient MIddle East that we are native to in any way. In short stick to your own issues. You guys are cleaning toilets in our countries or working at fast food chains.
Arabs created 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history. More than any other ethnic group in the top 15. Don't compare yourself to us or the ancient MIddle East that we are native to in any way. In short stick to your own issues. You guys are cleaning toilets in our countries or working at fast food chains.

and what about ur future when ur oil dries up smart ***??
then what??

stop bullshitting about history,u are 100 pc dependant on eu and usa now,,,u guys don't even have a nuclear bomb to save ur *** in case need arises and the country which u are calling useless has that.

u know why??
because except for oil u guys have nothing,,,absolutely nothing
@he-man don't let al-Hasani create a terrible image in your mind of Arabs, he belongs to the group of "Arabs", the ones who sleep in bed with the enemies of Arabs to kill Arabs and destroy Arab nations.... so just ignore his insults and racist comments, that is just him, we Arabs are known to be kind, generous and respectful, something they don't have since the day they betrayed Arabs... ignore him
This just shows my point of India being a new creation and hundreds of ethnic groups now turned into 1 country. Actually this would be like if the ME united into one single country.

What is your ethnic group? Are you Gujarati like Gandhi?

Actually all your military technology is based on Western technology. Or from the Soviets. This is also the case with every other country and will be the case with future countries.

No, we are not. Neither military, culturally or linguistically or ethnically or in terms of religion, form of government etc. This is something that we are proud of and something that has happened for most of the world otherwise.

In any way I do have nothing against India and rather like Indians and cultural and trade ties with the Arabian Peninsula and India are also 5000 years old. There are just a few Indian trolls and I believed that you were one of them.

Anyway we can get back to topic if you stop cheering for a Child-Murderer.

What do you know about the conflict in Syria anyway?

I know quite a lot,,,enough to have an argument but i don't wish to as u know nothing about india thinking that there was no india before british came.
india is called as hind even today in farsi and other languages.

and no india was not united by british,,,nope...............see the ancient empires,this map is not forged by the way,u are free to research and improve ur knowledge what india was.


Saudi Arabian equals Arabs and since hundreds of Arab Caliphs, Sheiks, Emirs, Sultans, Kings, scientists, scholars, artists have ancestral ties to KSA that's far from being correct. Let alone the hundreds of religious figures that most of the nearly 2 billion Muslims know about or the Prophets before Prophet Muhammad (saws).

That beats every single ethnic group in India by hundreds of miles. If not thousands.

Deal with the facts I wrote. Saddam never invaded KSA. He could not.

I know quite a lot,,,enough to have an argument but i don't wish to as u know nothing about india thinking that there was no india before british came.
india is called as hind even today in farsi and other languages.

and no india was not united by british,,,nope...............see the ancient empires,this map is not forged by the way,u are free to research and improve ur knowledge what india was.


Source. Wikipedia? That's not a "Indian" empire. India is a new creation. Back then India was still made up by hundreds of different ethnic group like it is today. Don't confuse nationality with ethnic groups which we are discussing here.

I know a lot about India and I know that nothing called India existed prior to 1947. Nor a country nor a nationality. It's a British creation. That's a fact.

It's like me claiming various ancient Semitic and ME empires as being Saudi Arabian (LOL) just because they were located in what is KSA today or partially. That's not how history works.
Saudi Arabian equals Arabs and since hundreds of Arab Caliphs, Sheiks, Emirs, Sultans, Kings, scientists, scholars, artists have ancestral ties to KSA that's far from being correct. Let alone the hundreds of religious figures that most of the nearly 2 billion Muslims know about or the Prophets before Prophet Muhammad (saws).

That beats every single ethnic group in India by hundreds of miles. If not thousands.

Deal with the facts I wrote. Saddam never invaded KSA. He could not.

Source. Wikipedia? That's not a "Indian" empire. India is a new creation. Back then India was still made up by hundreds of different ethnic group like it is today. Don't confuse nationality with ethnic groups which we are discussing here.

I know a lot about India and I know that nothing called India existed prior to 1947. Nor a country nor a nationality. It's a British creation. That's a fact.

go and ask any history teacher worth his salt anywhere in the world,,,i dare u and come back and deny the mauryan empire.

u are either uneducated or just pretending to be one
go and ask any history teacher worth his salt anywhere in the world,,,i dare u and come back and deny the mauryan empire.

u are either uneducated or just pretending to be one

So Indian has now become an ethnic group and not a nationality and the entity of India existed prior to 1947? Interesting. Then I must be ignorant indeed.

As I told you India is like if the entire ME united. If the Arab world united that would be equal to Punjab uniting.

What is your ethnicity? Don't say Indian since that's not an ethnic group.
A question to all the posters of this thread:
Please enlighten me on an issue here. Some of you say that rebels entered Syria and started the fightings and the massacres, while in my own knowledge, Syria was a police like state (not meant in a negative way, but meaning , having almost total control on its land and frontiers through police intelligence.), so the only way I see is that Syria did open up its policies, and that have created an opportunity for infiltrating it.
The least to say is that, there must be a very bitter experience for anyone wanting to experience with democracy by changing its regime's doctrine to new world tendencies of global trade and the likes.
There is also the question of Oil and natural Gaz reserves found inside Syria and off its shores.
Another, and this time a strategic question concerning the layouts of oil and gaz pipelines through Syria and the conflict it creates with other route preferences by its opponents.
Religious wise, I always thought that Syria was a Sunni country with free Shia and other minorities, like in almost any other Sunni Muslim country, be it in the Arabic or the Islamic world.
So, from where this Shia vs Sunni. or Sunni vs Takferi, Al Nusra,,,ect (first time I've heard of these, was in Syria's conflict, the same as was Al Qaeda, we first heard of it during the 9/11 attacks and when the US invaded Afghanistan) stems from?


So Indian has now become an ethnic group and not a nationality and the entity of India existed prior to 1947? Interesting. Then I must be ignorant indeed.

As I told you India is like if the entire ME united. If the Arab world united that would be equal to Punjab uniting.

What is your ethnicity? Don't say Indian since that's not an ethnic group.

broadly india has 2 ethnicities

north indians that are aryans and mixed aryan-europeans etc
south indians thats dravidians

but they were always connected as religion of both was hinduism
A question to all the posters of this thread:
Please enlighten me on an issue here. Some of you say that rebels entered Syria and started the fightings and the massacres, while in my own knowledge, Syria was a police like state (not meant in a negative way, but meaning , having almost total control on its land and frontiers through police intelligence.), so the only way I see is that Syria did open up its policies, and that have created an opportunity for infiltrating it.
The least to say is that, there must be a very bitter experience for anyone wanting to experience with democracy by changing its regime's doctrine to new world tendencies of global trade and the likes.
There is also the question of Oil and natural Gaz reserves found inside Syria and off its shores.
Another, and this time a strategic question concerning the layouts of oil and gaz pipelines through Syria and the conflict it creates with other route preferences by its opponents.
Religious wise, I always thought that Syria was a Sunni country with free Shia and other minorities, like in almost any other Sunni Muslim country, be it in the Arabic or the Islamic world.
So, from where this Shia vs Sunni. or Sunni vs Takferi, Al Nusra,,,ect (first time I've heard of these, was in Syria's conflict, the same as was Al Qaeda, we first heard of it during the 9/11 attacks and when the US invaded Afghanistan) stems from?
when your neighbors open up their borders to allow terrorists to cross into Syria, then no nation on this earth can seal its borders ( maybe their own side but not their neighbor's side)... You have Turkey where terrorists are sheltered, trained and then sent to Syria, every terrorists that is coming from Europe, Chechen, and etc enter Turkey first (Many reports and documentaries document that is it is very credible, even anti-Syria media reported it).. now from the south you have Jordan, where terrorists from gcc go to enter Syria, and then you have Lebanon Tripoli where it hold F$A terrorists, and there is Iraq who also is fighting terrorism... thus you have Turkey and Jordan who opened up their borders to terrorists to enter, and in addition you have Israel who allowed terrorists to enter, and they treat terrorists and send them back to fight.... all of that can't be controlled....
and the rest of your questions regarding religion or Shia vs Sunni, it all strated when the west invaded Afghanistan and Iraq...

regarding oil and gas, last year four field of gas and oil were discovered that can produce the same amount as of Kuwait only four fields, and there is more fields, I opened up a thread regarding that... now those field will kill the gcc role in Europe when it comes to oil , Syria is closer to them...


broadly india has 2 ethnicities

north indians that are aryans and mixed aryan-europeans etc
south indians thats dravidians

but they were always connected as religion of both was hinduism

Only a few Northern Indians have any genetical connection or similarity to outsiders and those are mostly Central Asians and further away Eastern Europeans. Those are only a few paternal lines. The overall DNA of Indians and South Asians is by far mostly local and so is their physical appearance and indigenous culture.

That is still not India but 1-2 empires that once formed most of what is now India. That does not equal India. India is a new creation as is the nationality called Indian. 100 years ago modern-day Indians living in Kerala or modern-day Indians in Punjab did not refer to themselves as "Indians". Just because most of those various ethnic groups were Hindus does not mean that they were one entity. 95% of all people in the ME are Muslims but they do not belong to the same ethnic groups although they are all mostly related like is the case with modern-day Indians. But that's another discussion altogether.

I never said anything about current India not having a heritage before 1947. But I still stand by my initial posts namely that India is a new creation and a country made up by hundreds of historical regions and ethnic groups that never before were united fully. Just like it's not an ethnic group and that India correspondents to a united ME.

Anyway we are off-topic.
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