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Hitler may have 'unwittingly married a Jew'

* Hitlers mom was from old Austrian Catholic peasant family. No any relation to Jews.
* Hitler's dad, Alois, was a bastard. We dont know for sure who was his dads dad. One of the rumors it was a Jew, but not likely.
* Hitler was never bullied for being Jewish. Maybe you again mix up with another Adolf - Eichman.
No, DNA test confirmed Hitler had partial Jewish blood. He hated Jews because he was bullied by Germans for being a Jew, which is pArtly true.
No, DNA test confirmed Hitler had partial Jewish blood. He hated Jews because he was bullied by Germans for being a Jew, which is pArtly true.

And they call me a conspiracy theorist. Hitler, a jew? Realy dude?! o_O

It is not a theory but a fact. Don't put the shyte you pull out of your behind with DNA science evidence I reference to. you are called a nut job because you say things without evidence. I only say things that are proven.....

interesting..... circassians and chechens have jewish roots also. Ancient Chechnya was jewish khazaria which was a European superpower prior to destruction of it in hands of the Varangian Rus.
Haha Telegraph, a british toilet paper. Only hamam boys like you read such toilet papers. :lol:
It is only reported by that paper. The research was done not by them. I don't expect single cel organism to understand that. You can also find other papers reporting on that research.

interesting..... circassians and chechens have jewish roots also. Ancient Chechnya was jewish khazaria which was a European superpower prior to destruction of it in hands of the Varangian Rus.
Khazars weren't ethnic Jews, only by religion.They were Turkic tribe.

He is circassian and circassian women were concubines and mistress in mass numbers in the ottoman harem.
That is not true but even if some were, all Russian women were concubines of Tatar Turks, Mongols, ottomans, etc
It is only reported by that paper. The research was done not by them. I don't expect single cel organism to understand that. You can also find other papers reporting on that research.

Claiming that Hitler was a Jew only because Germans have some jewish dna left from over thousand years earlier, shows what a retard you are. :tup:

Nobody expects anything from a Turk who calls himself AT-AT-turk like an autist. :lol:
It is only reported by that paper. The research was done not by them. I don't expect single cel organism to understand that. You can also find other papers reporting on that research.

Khazars weren't ethnic Jews, only by religion.They were Turkic tribe.

That is not true but even if some were, all Russian women were concubines of Tatar Turks, Mongols, ottomans, etc

Actually it was the other way around .You circassians gave Tsar ivan the terrible your islamic kabardian princess hand in marriage for protection of Kabardia against the marauding bandit tribes of chechniya(noxchi tribes).

Second,it was the kiev and polska christians who were known to be concubines for crimean tatars. Muscovy, we were grand butchers of muslims with exception of some of our islamic-pagan allies like Kabardia.
Claiming that Hitler was a Jew only because Germans have some jewish dna left from over thousand years earlier, shows what a retard you are. :tup:

Nobody expects anything from a Turk who calls himself AT-AT-turk like an autist. :lol:
His father was Jew. Not thousand years ago. You can't even read. What an emberassment you are haha
Claiming that Hitler was a Jew only because Germans have some jewish dna left from over thousand years earlier, shows what a retard you are. :tup:

Nobody expects anything from a Turk who calls himself AT-AT-turk like an autist. :lol:

in conspiracy circles,it is said that hitler was grandson of rothschild.
Actually it was the other way around .You circassians gave Tsar ivan the terrible your islamic kabardian princess hand in marriage for protection of Kabardia against the marauding bandit tribes of chechniya(noxchi tribes).

Second,it was the kiev and polska christians who were known to be concubines for crimean tatars. Muscovy, we were grand butchers of muslims with exception of some of our islamic-pagan allies like Kabardia.
So what? We did raids for centuries in the land of Rus picking the best girls. That is why you are left with all the ugly girls because nobody wanted the remaining :D you had to pay tribute plus we went deep inside hahaha. At least Russian girls get paid today. ;)
So what? We did raids for centuries in the land of Rus picking the best girls. That is why you are left with all the ugly girls because nobody wanted the remaining :D you had to pay tribute plus we went deep inside hahaha

You are talking about kiev which was part of polish-lithunian commonwealth and crimean khanate . And modern Russia ,known as Muscovy rose thanks to Nevsky and Batu khan,a Tengri mongol. As for Tatars look what happened to them and how subjudated,converted and genocided them.Ottoman's lol,they ran from us in balkans and caucusus.They could not even save crimea from us. Strange thing ,today more than 50% volga tatars are christian lol. Crimean tatars are only 10% in their homeland. Like I said before ,most of the tatar concubines were from polish commonwealth and kiev lands.Muscovy was a different beast altogether. We combined slavic methods with mongol tengri methods and look how huge russia is. 500 years before 80% of current russia's land was under muslim rule.

In the end your turkic and circassian tribes ,all are slaves to us Velikorusiyy....
French, Greek and British soldiers invaded turkey and rip off the veils of turkish women. Greeks enjoyed your women a lot from 1918 to 1923. :tup:

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