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At what point should the word of a Jew be elevated over the word of a Muslim?

Fukuoka "elis" has been one of my favorite PDF characters. That being said, I don't know why so many people take most of what he says seriously. The guy is probably laughing his *** off in front of his monitor at all the reactions he is able to bait people into.

@Fukuoka I don't smoke weed, but I do indulge in some mighty fine wine though.
Fukuoka "elis" has been one of my favorite PDF characters. That being said, I don't know why so many people take most of what he says seriously. The guy is probably laughing his *** off in front of his monitor at all the reactions he is able to bait people into.

@Fukuoka I don't smoke weed, but I do indulge in some mighty fine wine though.
You are drunk
Fukuoka is a funny character his logic is funnier.

That's the question in my mind after considering @Fukuoka's response in today's thread. He did not contest that the photographs showed peaceful Jews but dismissed it as Zionist propaganda. When I reproduced the Arab source article in full with its embedded photographs he responded that he didn't "see" it.

Is there EVER a case where a Jew can present indubitable proof embarrassing to Muslims that other Muslims can acknowledge as true and thus validate the word of the Jew? Discuss.

Well the Jews can talk in lengths and volumes about the Nobel prize....There was a Pakistani Muslim nobel laureate though.But the Pakistanis dealt with him rather swiftly...
Trustworthiness is depending on individual nature and it has less to do with someone being Jewish, atheist or Muslim.
You have statistics to back up your assertion, right?

All religion speak against lies, cheating and any kind of injustice but some of their followers still do these things
I'm pretty sure the emphasis differs in the three Abrahamic religions. I think in Judaism you can only lie to preserve human life and it's considered more of a sin to cheat a non-Jew than a Jew. Christians may commit a sin against somebody and seek forgiveness for the sin from a third party, whereas Jews can only be forgiven by the person offended.

Readers here can judge the practice in Islam for themselves - but apparently it's O.K. to screw the Zionist, regardless of the truth.
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