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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

Bcz ur most of land is polluted,poor resources, small oil field with lots of desert , even Chinese also dont wanna live in China's mainland, so let alone the foreigners.
Poor resources?

You must be that stupid. China has much more resources than your filthy backwards nation.
@yue10 u talk like a Nazi.
Well i know u living in the West Europe, without our attention the white racists will treat u very "well".
i talk like a Nazi? who said that below because it wasn't me
IN THIS WORLD, natural selection and survival of the fittest.
@yue10, it seems ur skin beyond the bottom of slave. I think the Nazi will throw u into the gass room, if there's WWII happen again.
my skin the same as yours what's your problem? anyway you got all information wrong my Chinese friend, here is truth
Pride in one's own race -- and that does not imply contempt for other races -- is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.

your Chinese race is too simple does not have superior mentality to know what is truth, all you need to know is when the white man and his globalist mentality tried so hard to push a certain agenda you know something is not right, example is the dude just died in South Africa, there was so much worship of the man as hero you know something is wrong, same apply here, why the free society want to place censorship on Holocaust and the world push so hard against Nazi?
Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

can you reveal me the secrets of Chinese Socialism?
I know Chinese are hard core capitalists, more than the Americans or Germans.
i don't think you know what is the meaning of capitalism
What you Vietcongs don't seem to understand is no army can occupy the massive land called China. Even the Nazi couldn't handle Soviet Union. Millions of Russians died just like the sacrifices made by China. Even the Russians will not deny they got some help from mother nature when the unusual harsh winter arrived and the tide shifted to the Russian side making it much more difficult for the Nazi soldiers to push their advances further.
Battle of Moscow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Luftwaffe was paralysed in the second half of December. The weather, recorded as −42 °C (–44 °F), was a meteorological record.[77] Logistical difficulties and freezing temperatures created technical difficulties until January 1942.
China still had plenty of troops and capable fighting the Japs, instead of waiting to be liberated such as Vietnam (hardly contributed anything against the Japs), Chinese kept on fighting the invaders, went to Burma aiding the Indians, send some troops to India for training as well. Yes if the Japs didn't attack the Americans they might or might not have conquered India, the war would have continued much longer. History books only mention how the Chinese, Indians, Russians, British, Americans and the rest of the allied forces fought and hardly mention anything about the Viets. Liberation is only for those countries who had surrendered, and China didn't surrender.

Go check what Viet's contribution was to the war
Japanese invasion of French Indochina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the Vietcong sold their own country to French

Ho declares himself president of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and pursues American recognition but is repeatedly ignored by President Harry Truman.

Before Japan surrendered to the USA, Ho Chi Minh worked with OSS (Office of Strategic Services), a US intelligence agency. He built up Viet-Minh forces. After Japan surrendered, Japanese forces were still in control of Indochina. They could have crushed Viet Minh forces easily had Bao Dai and Tran Trong Kim requested them to do so. However, King Bao-Dai agreed to transfer his power to Viet Minh because he thought that Ho Chi Minh was working with the USA, and could guarantee independence for Vietnam. On August 19, 1945, at a spontaneous non-communist meeting in Hanoi, Ho and his men stole the leading role to seize power and on September 2, he delivered his Declaration of Independence.

To show his welcome to the arrival of French Special Envoy Sainteny and French military units coming under the March 6 Agreement, Ho Chi Minh instructed people to display flags. Ho showed to the French that people appreciated their coming back..

Richard Nixon, in No More Vietnam, wrote: "While nationalist groups refused to cooperate with the French, the communist Viet Minh chose to collaborate with the French. Ho signed the so-called March 6 agreement that brought the French army back into Northern Vietnam. His greetings were effused 'I love France and French solders. You are welcome. You are heroes.' Some say Ho compromised with the French to force the Nationalist Chinese to withdraw. But one week earlier, China had pledged to remove its army in a separate agreement with France. As to the real motivation of the communists, Ho's right-hand man, Le Duan, later said it was to 'wipe out the reactionaries.' For the Viet Minh, this included all nationalists."

Ho and the French together massacred hundreds of leaders and thousands of rank-and-file members of various nationalist groups. The French gave the Viet Minh military equipment, troops and even artillery support to carry this out. In July 1946, Ho's forces stormed the headquarters of all the remaining nationalist groups while French armored personnel carriers cordoned off surrounding areas. Most of the few remaining opposition leaders were arrested and later killed. (No More Vietnam, Richard Nixon, page 34, 35)
What you Vietcongs don't seem to understand is no army can occupy the massive land called China. Even the Nazi couldn't handle Soviet Union. Millions of Russians died just like the sacrifices made by China. Even the Russians will not deny they got some help from mother nature when the unusual harsh winter arrived and the tide shifted to the Russian side making it much more difficult for the Nazi soldiers to push their advances further.

Battle of Moscow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Luftwaffe was paralysed in the second half of December. The weather, recorded as −42 °C (–44 °F), was a meteorological record.[77] Logistical difficulties and freezing temperatures created technical difficulties until January 1942.

China still had plenty of troops and capable fighting the Japs, instead of waiting to be liberated such as Vietnam (hardly contributed anything against the Japs), Chinese kept on fighting the invaders, went to Burma aiding the Indians, send some troops to India for training as well. Yes if the Japs didn't attack the Americans they might or might not have conquered India, the war would have continued much longer. History books only mention how the Chinese, Indians, Russians, British, Americans and the rest of the allied forces fought and hardly mention anything about the Viets. Liberation is only for those countries who had surrendered, and China didn't surrender.

Go check what Viet's contribution was to the war
Japanese invasion of French Indochina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I just can't understand how some people's brain work.
They dare to laugh at China -the winner and the freedom fighter of the WW2, which has contributed and sacrificed a lot to defeat the Axis, while some "country" was not even a independent region and has done nothing but bowed down to their new master as soon as possible during the WW2.

And they can never understand the fact of no matter which Chinese ethnics rule China, Han, Manchurian, Mongolian and even Tibetan, they are all Chinese ruling Chinese. Yet French never consider themselves as Vietnamese and their ancestor were Vietnamese as well.
i talk like a Nazi? who said that below because it wasn't me

i don't think you know what is the meaning of capitalism

the Vietcong sold their own country to French
hmmmm...I recommended you moron to go to a zoo and enterain the penguins, why don´t you listen to me? you are simply a retard.

Poor resources?
You must be that stupid. China has much more resources than your filthy backwards nation.
take care of your country as I don´t need to tell you that the Philippines is a mess. Here US$778,302 were raised in two donation concerts in Vietnam recently for the flood victims in the Philippines.






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I just can't understand how some people's brain work.
They dare to laugh at China -the winner and the freedom fighter of the WW2, which has contributed and sacrificed a lot to defeat the Axis, while some "country" was not even a independent region and has done nothing but bowed down to their new master as soon as possible during the WW2.

And they can never understand the fact of no matter which Chinese ethnics rule China, Han, Manchurian, Mongolian and even Tibetan, they are all Chinese ruling Chinese. Yet French never consider themselves as Vietnamese and their ancestor were Vietnamese as well.

Boasting how the Viets had defeated the Mongolians are what they do best here, when the French came these supa powa Viets let the French rule them. What happened to the mighty Viets that fought against the aggressive Mongolian Empire? Then the Japs came, the French surrendered and the Viets didn't do much against the Japs. In fact 1-2 million Viets starved to death because their food went to the Japs. So much for the super strong Viets that once defeated the Mongolians but couldn't do shit against the French and the Japs. To make things even funnier these Macacas are spreading lies of China being liberated. Excuse me but since when did China surrender to the Japs? The Viets should thank the Americans for liberating IndoChina instead. No country and no history books will claim the Viets contributed to the defeat of Imperial Japan. These guys are pissed Vietnam didn't do shit while Chinese literally fought as hard as the Russians during WW2.
Boasting how the Viets had defeated the Mongolians are what they do best here, when the French came these supa powa Viets let the French rule them. What happened to the mighty Viets that fought against the aggressive Mongolian Empire?

Then the Japs came, the French surrendered and the Viets didn't do much against the Japs. In fact 1-2 million Viets starved to death because their food went to the Japs. So much for the super strong Viets that once defeated the Mongolians but couldn't do shit against the French and the Japs. To make things even funnier these Macacas are spreading lies of China being liberated. Excuse me but since when did China surrender to the Japs? The Viets should thank the Americans for liberating IndoChina instead. No country and no history books will claim the Viets contributed to the defeat of Imperial Japan. These guys are pissed Vietnam didn't do shit while Chinese literally fought as hard as the Russians during WW2.
Well, the French needed 8 years to conquer South Vietnam and another 16 years to take whole Vietnam under control. The Vietnamese resistance lasted for 24 years! Isn´t nothing?

Remember, thanks to Chinese model, Vietnam was a weak and backward country when France arrived. If Vietnam followed the Japanese model, the history would have taken another path.

As for contribution to the WWII, actually the main goal of Vietnam was to re-gain independence and got rid off from the French. After Vietnam sided with Japan, they returned to us the full sovereignty. Unfortunately for the Japanese, their defeat came quicker than Vietnam could have provided them support in fighting the Americans, the British and the Chinese. :(

Vietnam had to choose between the devils.

Vietnam :: The conquest of Vietnam by France -- Encyclopedia Britannica

The conquest of Vietnam by France

The decision to invade Vietnam was made by Napoleon III in July 1857. It was the result not only of missionary propaganda but also, after 1850, of the upsurge of French capitalism, which generated the need for overseas markets and the desire for a larger French share of the Asian territories conquered by the West. The naval commander in East Asia, Rigault de Genouilly, long an advocate of French military action against Vietnam, was ordered to attack the harbour and city of Tourane (Da Nang) and to turn it into a French military base. Genouilly arrived at Tourane in August 1858 with 14 vessels and 2,500 men; the French stormed the harbour defenses on September 1 and occupied the town a day later. Genouilly soon recognized, however, that he could make no further progress around Tourane and decided to attack Saigon. Leaving a small garrison behind to hold Tourane, he sailed southward in February 1859 and seized Saigon two weeks later.

Vietnamese resistance prevented the French from advancing beyond Saigon, and it took French troops, under new command, until 1861 to occupy the three adjacent provinces. The Vietnamese, unable to mount effective resistance to the invaders and their advanced weapons, concluded a peace treaty in June 1862, which ceded the conquered territories to France. Five years later additional territories in the south were placed under French rule. The entire colony was named Cochinchina.

It had taken the French slightly more than eight years to make themselves masters of Cochinchina (a protectorate already had been imposed on Cambodia in 1863). It took them 16 more years to extend their control over the rest of the country. They made a first attempt to enter the Red River delta in 1873, after a French naval officer and explorer named Francis Garnier had shown, in a hazardous expedition, that the Mekong River could not serve as a trade route into southwestern China. Garnier had some support from the French governor of Cochinchina, but when he was killed in a battle with Chinese pirates near Hanoi, the attempt to conquer the north collapsed.

Within a decade, France had returned to the challenge. In April 1882, with the blessing of Paris, the administration at Saigon sent a force of 250 men to Hanoi under Capt. Red River delta. In August 1883 the Vietnamese court signed a treaty that turned northern Vietnam (named Tonkin by the French) and central Vietnam (named Annam, based on an early Chinese name for the region) into French protectorates. Ten years later the French annexed Laos and added it to the so-called Tonkin, Cambodia, and Laos.
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hmmmm...I recommended you moron to go to a zoo and enterain the penguins, why don´t you listen to me? you are simply a retard.

take care of your country as I don´t need to tell you that the Philippines is a mess. Here US$778,302 were raised in two donation concerts in Vietnam recently for the flood victims in the Philippines.
why should i listen to you? your race is a joke, in all my 1 year trolling career I only met one Viet was superior mentality, many was way more knowledgeable than me but their brain was worked quite unusually

If we wanted to, we could destroy your dynasty root and branch and seize for ourselves the entire kingdom, as we have done in Cochinchina. You know very well that this would present no difficulty to our armies … You are completely at our mercy. We have the power to seize and destroy your capital and to starve you all to death. It is up to you to choose between war and peace. We do not wish to conquer you, but you must accept our protectorate. For your people it is a guarantee of peace and prosperity. For your government and your court, it is the only chance of survival. We give you 48 hours to accept or reject, in their entirety and without discussion, the terms which we are magnanimously offering you. We believe that there is nothing in them dishonourable to you, and if they are carried out with sincerity on both sides they will bring happiness to the people of Annam. But if you reject them, you can expect to suffer the most terrible of misfortunes … The empire of Annam, its royal dynasty and its princes and court will have voted for their own extinction. The very name of Vietnam will be erased from history.
:stop:...... :sarcastic:

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Well, the French needed 8 years to conquer South Vietnam and another 16 years to take whole Vietnam under control. The Vietnamese resistance lasted for 24 years! Isn´t nothing?

Remember, thanks to Chinese model, Vietnam was a weak and backward country when France arrived. If Vietnam followed the Japanese model, the history would have taken another path.

As for contribution to the WWII, actually the main goal of Vietnam was to re-gain independence and got rid off from the French. After Vietnam sided with Japan, they returned to us the full sovereignty. Unfortunately for the Japanese, their defeat came quicker than Vietnam could have provided them support in fighting the Americans, the British and the Chinese. :(

Vietnam had to choose between the devils.

Vietnam :: The conquest of Vietnam by France -- Encyclopedia Britannica

The conquest of Vietnam by France

The decision to invade Vietnam was made by Napoleon III in July 1857. It was the result not only of missionary propaganda but also, after 1850, of the upsurge of French capitalism, which generated the need for overseas markets and the desire for a larger French share of the Asian territories conquered by the West. The naval commander in East Asia, Rigault de Genouilly, long an advocate of French military action against Vietnam, was ordered to attack the harbour and city of Tourane (Da Nang) and to turn it into a French military base. Genouilly arrived at Tourane in August 1858 with 14 vessels and 2,500 men; the French stormed the harbour defenses on September 1 and occupied the town a day later. Genouilly soon recognized, however, that he could make no further progress around Tourane and decided to attack Saigon. Leaving a small garrison behind to hold Tourane, he sailed southward in February 1859 and seized Saigon two weeks later.

Vietnamese resistance prevented the French from advancing beyond Saigon, and it took French troops, under new command, until 1861 to occupy the three adjacent provinces. The Vietnamese, unable to mount effective resistance to the invaders and their advanced weapons, concluded a peace treaty in June 1862, which ceded the conquered territories to France. Five years later additional territories in the south were placed under French rule. The entire colony was named Cochinchina.

It had taken the French slightly more than eight years to make themselves masters of Cochinchina (a protectorate already had been imposed on Cambodia in 1863). It took them 16 more years to extend their control over the rest of the country. They made a first attempt to enter the Red River delta in 1873, after a French naval officer and explorer named Francis Garnier had shown, in a hazardous expedition, that the Mekong River could not serve as a trade route into southwestern China. Garnier had some support from the French governor of Cochinchina, but when he was killed in a battle with Chinese pirates near Hanoi, the attempt to conquer the north collapsed.

Within a decade, France had returned to the challenge. In April 1882, with the blessing of Paris, the administration at Saigon sent a force of 250 men to Hanoi under Capt. Red River delta. In August 1883 the Vietnamese court signed a treaty that turned northern Vietnam (named Tonkin by the French) and central Vietnam (named Annam, based on an early Chinese name for the region) into French protectorates. Ten years later the French annexed Laos and added it to the so-called Tonkin, Cambodia, and Laos.

Well as I always say that Vietnam is no doubt a lil' chili in many times in the history, if you know what I mean~

and Hey~ don't "thank" the Chinese model, the Qing Dynasty didn't end up like other bug counties like Mughal and Ottoman. If Vietnam really adopted the true Chinese model, you would have at least ended up like Thailand. :-)
Besides Japanese society system (I can provide more detail if you wanna know) was different from most of the countries, this is one of the main factor that they can change their country smoothly, unlike China which was a huge country with a complex society system which has to take more time to change itself to meet the western style.
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Well as I always say that Vietnam is no doubt a lil' chili in many times in the history, if you know what I mean~

and Hey, don't "thank" the Chinese model, the Qing Dynasty didn't end up like other bug counties like Mughal and Ottoman. If Vietnam really adopted the true Chinese model, you would have at least ended up like Thailand. :-)
Besides Japanese society system (I can provide more detail if you wanna know) was different from most of the countries, this is one of the main factor that they can change their country smoothly, unlike China which was a huge country with a complex society system which has to take more time to change itself to meet the western style.
Vietnam navy was weak and less advanced than French warships, when it came to naval battles.
VN warships

French warships

As for Japanese model, at the beginning of the last century there was a Vietnamese movement serious thinking of adopting the Japanese. We took notice of Japanese victories over China and Russia. We said "WOW", an Asian nation here Japan defeated a much mightier enemies including a European nation here Russia.

What happened was Vietnamese resistance groups secretly sent a number of students to Japan to learn. When the French noticed, they tried to stop. The rest is history, when Japan surrendered, Ho Chi Minh turned to Mao Zedong, and Chinese model.
why should i listen to you? your race is a joke, in all my 1 year trolling career I only met one Viet was superior mentality, many was way more knowledgeable than me but their brain was worked quite unusually

:stop:...... :sarcastic:

Who is that guy, can you disclose his nick ?.

I think, your nick is "yuenan" troll on other forum.
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These events have the gap about 6 centuries. As you know, every country has some weak phase
we know we are weak, but we always try to liberate our country.

You accept Mongols as your Emperor, that's a back step.

The communism in China also weak at the beginning, so is the Vietnam communism.


Boasting how the Viets had defeated the Mongolians are what they do best here, when the French came these supa powa Viets let the French rule them. What happened to the mighty Viets that fought against the aggressive Mongolian Empire? Then the Japs came, the French surrendered and the Viets didn't do much against the Japs. In fact 1-2 million Viets starved to death because their food went to the Japs. So much for the super strong Viets that once defeated the Mongolians but couldn't do shit against the French and the Japs. To make things even funnier these Macacas are spreading lies of China being liberated. Excuse me but since when did China surrender to the Japs? The Viets should thank the Americans for liberating IndoChina instead. No country and no history books will claim the Viets contributed to the defeat of Imperial Japan. These guys are pissed Vietnam didn't do shit while Chinese literally fought as hard as the Russians during WW2.
These events have the gap about 6 centuries. As you know, every country has some weak phase
we know we are weak, but we always try to liberate our country.

You accept Mongols as your Emperor, that's a back step.

The communism in China also weak at the beginning, so is the Vietnam communism.

Indian accept Mughal is their dynasty, is this a "back step".
British people accept William the Conqueror as their King, was that a "back step".
Some of you people consider CHINESE 南越國 Nam Tue (Viet) is a Vietnamese dynasty, now that is really a "back step".

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