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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

China did not abandon the Soviets first. It was the Soviet Union who abandoned China. Khrushchev denounced Stalin (who he succeeded) and Mao. Khrushchev was a revisionist.

Troll, why don't you learn some history first before you type garbage.

China opened fire on back of Soviet Union 1969. It was good signal for USA in cold war, for that China was ready to change his friends not only verbal discussions.

Khrushchev was called a revisionist by Chinese. But China did the same footsteps when Deng Xiaoping given away Mao's Ideas and applied the policy of mouses.
I think that is correct as per international law. North Vietnam is the successor of South Vietnam, so the united Vietnam is committed to pay back all debts owned by South Vietnam.

But you are right, the Americans, former soldiers and politicians, those commited war crimes in Vietnam deserve a place in the hell. I hope they enjoy purgatory.
yes but...

Progressive rhetoric in the debt ceiling debate holds that if the US doesn’t raise the ceiling it will automatically be in default. This is an intentional lie told for political reasons. It has nothing to do with economic or budgetary soundness. Any default will arise from US actions after we fail to raise the debt ceiling, not simply because we fail to raise it.
But what if it were true? It might not be the apocalyptic event everyone claims. It depends on international response. After all, China has intentionally defaulted on trillions of dollars of debt and the PRC is doing just fine. So much for default being disastrous to a nation.
From 1900 to 1939, China issued bonds purchased worldwide and even recommended by the US government as a sound investment. These were long term bonds of the sort issued by governments around the world; the same sort of US bonds held by China today and which the US is said to be in danger of defaulting on.
Following the Communist takeover, the new government repudiated that debt and refused to pay it. It continues to do so. The American Bondholders Foundation values the defaulted bonds at “over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding full faith and credit sovereign bonds sold to them by the Republic of China. Worldwide, the debt China owes to all bondholders is estimated to be several trillion dollars.”
Despite being issued by a previous Chinese government, the current government of China owes this money under accepted and recognized international law. That law holds that an “… established and widely recognized government of a nation is liable under international law for the full faith and credit obligations of the established and widely recognized predecessor government of the same nation.”
China has practically acknowledged and accepted responsibility for the debt.
In the late 1980s it settled some of these bonds issued in Great Britain to regain access to British financial markets. In the late 1970s China settled American claims for property nationalized by it in 1949. Jonna Bianco at American Bondholders Foundation reports that China has insisted the current Iraqi government be responsible for Iraqi debt accrued under Saddam Hussein. Of course, the PRC had no problem with accepting Hong Kong’s transfer to it despite not existing when the lease was drafted. Even the Left leaning Huffington Post and PBS acknowledge that such debt is not easily repudiated. Where there are questions, it is usually how much to repay and how to repay it. But the matter of whether the debt is valid or not is settled.
The US government has made any number of symbolic and meaningless protests in favor of the Chinese honoring their obligations. Other actions by members of Congress are more substantial. To date nothing has been done. Not by the US, anyway. China, on the other hand, has downgraded its US credit rating based on “…the US’s deteriorating debt repayment capability and drastic decline of the US government’s intention of debt repayment.” One assumes the news was delivered with a straight face.
China has intentionally defaulted on its obligations and has no plan to remedy the matter. The PRC enjoys international credit, investment and trade all while thumbing its nose at law and morality. Each time the issue comes up, it boldly restates its intentions not to pay. It simply continues to do business, ignores the protests and expects the world to follow its lead in refusing to address the issue.
Given that, why is anyone in the US worked up about a default that has not yet happened and will not happen even if the debt ceiling isn’t raised on Tuesday?
Speaking of the debt ceiling debate, here’s an idea. Since the Chinese owe US citizens billions of dollars and since they also hold billions in US debt, why don’t we just reduce our debt by the amount the Chinese owe us and pay the principle and interest to American citizens?
That injects billions into the economy without raising taxes, eliminates the need to raise the debt ceiling, reduces US debt, and avoids talk of a dubious default. It’s TARP, Qualitative Easing and Keynesian nonsense rolled up in a plan that puts American interests first, reduces taxes, increases savings and investment and stimulates economic growth all while keeping governmental ideas on how to do all that at bay.
By happy coincidence, the American Bondholders Foundation has a plan to do something quite similar to exactly that.
All it will take is an American government more willing to squeeze the Chinese government than it is to squeeze the American people. Comments are open … what say you

China Owes US $1 Trillion - Make Them Pay
Why Worry About a US Default? China Defaulted and Nothing Bad Happened to the PRC. « Blue Collar Muse
It's Time for China to Pay Its Debts to the United States | Fox News
China owes America billions | The Daily Caller
I think it's time the US on behalf of their citizens either call in this debt or unilaterally proceed with a mutual debt cancellation for the amount outstanding, although it is privately held debt

China did not abandon the Soviets first. It was the Soviet Union who abandoned China. Khrushchev denounced Stalin (who he succeeded) and Mao. Khrushchev was a revisionist.
Troll, why don't you learn some history first before you type garbage.
Khrushchev was a pragmatist dummy, please, as a Phillipines person who's country was abandoned when the US imperialist found new pets to keep on a leash, who were royally screwed by Bell Trade Act you should not be telling Viets to do anything, what a country to produce people of such low quality, on other forums there are even Flips that seemingly have an affinity to having their country be the ***** house of the US asking for the return of the Subic Naval Base

I think that is correct as per international law. North Vietnam is the successor of South Vietnam, so the united Vietnam is committed to pay back all debts owned by South Vietnam.

But you are right, the Americans, former soldiers and politicians, those commited war crimes in Vietnam deserve a place in the hell. I hope they enjoy purgatory.
yes but...

Progressive rhetoric in the debt ceiling debate holds that if the US doesn’t raise the ceiling it will automatically be in default. This is an intentional lie told for political reasons. It has nothing to do with economic or budgetary soundness. Any default will arise from US actions after we fail to raise the debt ceiling, not simply because we fail to raise it.
But what if it were true? It might not be the apocalyptic event everyone claims. It depends on international response. After all, China has intentionally defaulted on trillions of dollars of debt and the PRC is doing just fine. So much for default being disastrous to a nation.
From 1900 to 1939, China issued bonds purchased worldwide and even recommended by the US government as a sound investment. These were long term bonds of the sort issued by governments around the world; the same sort of US bonds held by China today and which the US is said to be in danger of defaulting on.
Following the Communist takeover, the new government repudiated that debt and refused to pay it. It continues to do so. The American Bondholders Foundation values the defaulted bonds at “over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding full faith and credit sovereign bonds sold to them by the Republic of China. Worldwide, the debt China owes to all bondholders is estimated to be several trillion dollars.”
Despite being issued by a previous Chinese government, the current government of China owes this money under accepted and recognized international law. That law holds that an “… established and widely recognized government of a nation is liable under international law for the full faith and credit obligations of the established and widely recognized predecessor government of the same nation.”
China has practically acknowledged and accepted responsibility for the debt.
In the late 1980s it settled some of these bonds issued in Great Britain to regain access to British financial markets. In the late 1970s China settled American claims for property nationalized by it in 1949. Jonna Bianco at American Bondholders Foundation reports that China has insisted the current Iraqi government be responsible for Iraqi debt accrued under Saddam Hussein. Of course, the PRC had no problem with accepting Hong Kong’s transfer to it despite not existing when the lease was drafted. Even the Left leaning Huffington Post and PBS acknowledge that such debt is not easily repudiated. Where there are questions, it is usually how much to repay and how to repay it. But the matter of whether the debt is valid or not is settled.
The US government has made any number of symbolic and meaningless protests in favor of the Chinese honoring their obligations. Other actions by members of Congress are more substantial. To date nothing has been done. Not by the US, anyway. China, on the other hand, has downgraded its US credit rating based on “…the US’s deteriorating debt repayment capability and drastic decline of the US government’s intention of debt repayment.” One assumes the news was delivered with a straight face.
China has intentionally defaulted on its obligations and has no plan to remedy the matter. The PRC enjoys international credit, investment and trade all while thumbing its nose at law and morality. Each time the issue comes up, it boldly restates its intentions not to pay. It simply continues to do business, ignores the protests and expects the world to follow its lead in refusing to address the issue.
Given that, why is anyone in the US worked up about a default that has not yet happened and will not happen even if the debt ceiling isn’t raised on Tuesday?
Speaking of the debt ceiling debate, here’s an idea. Since the Chinese owe US citizens billions of dollars and since they also hold billions in US debt, why don’t we just reduce our debt by the amount the Chinese owe us and pay the principle and interest to American citizens?
That injects billions into the economy without raising taxes, eliminates the need to raise the debt ceiling, reduces US debt, and avoids talk of a dubious default. It’s TARP, Qualitative Easing and Keynesian nonsense rolled up in a plan that puts American interests first, reduces taxes, increases savings and investment and stimulates economic growth all while keeping governmental ideas on how to do all that at bay.
By happy coincidence, the American Bondholders Foundation has a plan to do something quite similar to exactly that.
All it will take is an American government more willing to squeeze the Chinese government than it is to squeeze the American people. Comments are open … what say you

I think it's time the US on behalf of their citizens either call in this debt or unilaterally proceed with a mutual debt cancellation for the amount outstanding, although it is privately held debt

China did not abandon the Soviets first. It was the Soviet Union who abandoned China. Khrushchev denounced Stalin (who he succeeded) and Mao. Khrushchev was a revisionist.
Troll, why don't you learn some history first before you type garbage.
Khrushchev was a pragmatist dummy, please, as a Phillipines person who's country was abandoned when the US imperialist found new pets to keep on a leash, who were royally screwed by Bell Trade Act you should not be telling Viets to do anything, what a country to produce people of such low quality, on other forums there are even Flips that seemingly have an affinity to having their country be the ***** house of the US asking for the return of the Subic Naval Base
Being called a dog, says the North Korean, who got their assed kick by the UN, and needing Uncle China to bail them out.

Show your face, false flagger.
Being called a dog, says the North Korean, who got their assed kick by the UN, and needing Uncle China to bail them out.
it's not the honourable North Korean's fault that Mother Russia never vetoed and let's not talk about getting bailed out or getting your azz kicked because the Philippines knows all too well about that, even after the war was over Mr Onoda surviving in the jungles was still terrorising your people

Show your face, false flagger.
Show your face, false flagger.
I wonder who you are?
Assuming you are a Pinoy. I wonder why you keep critizing other Pinoys and worship the Chinese?

again with this site now I can't edit the last post
there war a problem with the site, issue seems to be fixed now. try again.
Taizong appealed to Le Hoan

Taizong of Song was in 10th century so if Viets ancestors were always in the delta aren't they already supposed to have been heavily Sinicised by then, from this quote Viets was still so primitive so it must be that Viets were only recently came from Nghe Tinh in the mountains starting from around the Black emperor time...
As Korean troll I assume you should be aware of the world view of the Chinese.

They call their country as Zhongguo, as land in the middle, located in the center of the world. In ancient China, they viewed others as barbarians, as uncivilized people living in the jungle. In 18 century, when others more developed nations like Imperial Japan and Colonial Powers like England and France, sought trades with China, Chinese emperors were not interested.

So similar to the case of Vietnam, Taizong didn´t know much about the Viets and our country in the South. I guess he never left China and made overseas trips. He mistakenly thought we lived like primitive people in the jungle. Well, that is not our fault.

Asia Times Online :: Southeast Asia news - Why Vietnam loves and hates China

Like a stern headmaster, Taizong appealed to Le Hoan to see reason and return to the Chinese fold:

"Although your seas have pearls, we will throw them into the rivers, and though your mountains produce gold, we will throw it into the dust. We do not covet your valuables. You fly and leap like savages, we have horse-drawn carriages. You drink through your noses, we have rice and wine. Let us change your customs. You cut your hair, we wear hats; when you talk, you sound like birds.

We have examinations and books. Let us teach you the knowledge of the proper laws ... Do you not want to escape from the savagery of the outer islands and gaze upon the house of civilization? Do you want to discard your garments of leaves and grass and wear flowered robes embroidered with mountains and dragons? Have you understood?"

In fact Le Hoan understood Taizong very well and, like his modern successors, knew exactly what he wanted from China - access to its culture and civilization without coming under its political control or jeopardizing Vietnamese freedom in any way. This attitude infuriated Taizong, as it would generations of Chinese to come.
What is the Major ideology ruling or dominating Vietnam today ? Buddism, Confucianism or others ? Please give some details.
What is the Major ideology ruling or dominating Vietnam today ? Buddism, Confucianism or others ? Please give some details.
The majority practices ancestor worship and indigenous religions regardless of they are communist, capitalist, atheist or whatever. So nearly all homes have altar.




Besides, many Vietnamese are followers of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism (called the three teachings or tam giáo). The two latter were due to Chinese heritage. Around 8% of the Vietnamese are Christians (mostly Catholics).








Religion in Vietnam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Asia Times Online :: Southeast Asia news - Why Vietnam loves and hates China

It's simple: vietnamese love chinese when they make them proud & hate them the rest of the time
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The majority practices ancestor worship and indigenous religions regardless of they are communist, capitalist, atheist or whatever. So nearly all homes have altar.

Besides, many Vietnamese are followers of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism (called the three teachings or tam giáo). The two latter were due to Chinese heritage. Around 8% of the Vietnamese are Christians (mostly Catholics).
The religions believed in Vietnam are almost the same as China !


Asia Times Online :: Southeast Asia news - Why Vietnam loves and hates China

It's simple: vietnamese love chinese when they make them proud & hate them the rest of the time
Not many people in China talk about Vietnam, currently, not many opportunities provided by Viet can benefit China, moreover,
there is competition between China and Viet among low-level manufacturing sector. If a win-win situation can be built, the future would be brilliant.
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Not many people in China talk about Vietnam, currently, not many opportunities provided by Viet can benefit China, moreover,
there is competition between China and Viet among low-level manufacturing sector. If a win-win situation can be built, the future would be brilliant.
I hope you continue this policy and keep distance of Vietnam. Not all of us want to talk on China. We see ASEAN and in some extent the world as the play field. China sucks.

President Truong Tan Sang begins a state visit to Denmark



The religions believed in Vietnam are almost the same as China !

Not many people in China talk about Vietnam, currently, not many opportunities provided by Viet can benefit China, moreover,
there is competition between China and Viet among low-level manufacturing sector. If a win-win situation can be built, the future would be brilliant.

I think that unfortunately the tensions for the oil islands are too strong & a total peace would be difficult.
And China is becoming very big, so it's difficult for them not having expansionist ideas, and for Vietnam it's difficult not to be scared.

BTW i don't hate the chinese, i was talking for other people who do.

Lets have some fun :laughcry:


A tree is very heavy, if it's photoshopped it's well done, especially the vietnamese woman picture.
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