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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

I said to you many time that Han Chinese is originally living first in Zhongyuan in ancient time, they lived in cave house, cared livestock, they eat dumpling with hands.

Han Chinese invaded to south, so they learnt wet rice planting technic form Bai Yue and eating rice from then. Chopsticks invented by Bai Yue, where is bamboo tree available.

writing characters of Lou Yue people is found recently in Guangxi, which dated back 4,000 year, more early than Han Zi. Architecture of Forbiden City in Peking is made by Vietnamese architect Nguen An, base on tradition floor house of Bai Yue people in southern.

who said chopsticks were only made of bamboo and invented by bai yue? any evidence? you are mad!!
Wang Anshi's reforms may have saved a lot of money to allow Song to build a large army, bigger than its predecessor. However, Song's large bureaucracy was unable to adjust to its new policies. With constant, unnecessary campaign to annex Dai Viet in 1075 which lasted until 1077, follow by the invasion of Tangut, it destroyed much of their regular well trained army force. The cost of war was more than what Song Shenzong have to spend. This nearly bankrupted Northern Song causing it to grow weaker.

The military reforms allowed low ranking civilians of the scholar-gentry to run the army made up of ill-trained militias, plus training of military horses were left in the care and responsibility of farmers. By 1126, Song army was weakened to extent. This left the dynasty vulnerable to nomadic invasion on the frontiers. Subsequently forcing Song Prince to flee south across the Yangtze River to Hongzhou to established Southern Song.
You don't seem top realize you contradict yourself the reforms themselves are not the problems its the emperor in charge who ordered the invasion of Dai Viet and XiXia.

You argued that the Song was bankrupt from the Baojia system when in fact the policies resulted in a surplus,which emboldened Song Shenzong to preform military actions against his enemies.

Northern Song didn't fall because of the Baojia system it fell because a combination of factors including:

1. Factional strife ie Cai Qing purging officials that didn't agree with him as well as monopolizing power,

3.Reckless interpretation of the new reforms ie Cai Qing went farther than any of the previous reformers effectively turning the system into extortion and strangling merchants. However this cash was mainly diverted into the lining the pockets of the corrupt government officials as well as the Imperial family. However social welfare and training the extended Zhao clan also sapped the treasury.

4.Song Huizong was too steeped in superstition and proceeded to build expensive projects to rectify the balance of the universe therefore causing rebellions as well as wasting troops to guard his treasure fleets. Song Huizong was also a megalomaniac in an effort to show his superiority he gave state cash to Taoist temples further diluting the funds.

5.The Baojia troops were busy fighting internal wars ie Fang La rebellions as well as the Khitans and Jurchens,the issue isn't about troops quality but the councilors and generals who commanded them.

Even thought the invasions against XiXia costed astronomical amounts of money,the troops succeeded in repelling and for a while held XiXia by its throat. The issue was that the generals had no goal just throwing resources and men away while a incompetent eunuch resulted in 200,000 imperial Song troops dying.

Even though Fang La and Song Jiang's rebellions were crushed the court did the exact same thing they were doing before extracting resources and overtaxing peasants.

The issue with the Jurchens is that the Song army veterans were squandered in pacifying rebellions as well as the fruitless invasion of XiXia.

Gobi desert and Takla Makan desert prevented Afanasievo culture from crossing to the central plain.

Camels were introduce to China during Tang Dynasty.

Erlitou culture is Shang and Zhou Dynasty.

There are many published articles and books regarding Neolithic Bronze Age. Below are two sources. You may Google them for yourself.

The Archaeology of Ancient China (4th edition), by K.C. Chang (Yale, 1987).


To prove who invited what first does not matter much to most people. We are all living in the same age with the same technology readily available. The only difference between households, are cost of living, family, friends, liberty, and job security. These are what matters to all people. One can only achieve this living conditions in a free government with the ability to check and sustain the balance of power between the people and itself.
No ,the Shang definitely had contact with the Afanasievo cultures,sacrificial victims included Caucasoid skulls as well as the introduction of chariots and horses.

Erlitou =/= Shang or the Zhou,neither Erlitou or Erligang left behind traces of writing so how can they be equivalent to the Shang or the Zhou?

NEOLITHIC CHINA: BEFORE THE SHANG DYNASTY doesn't say where the bronze originates.

The Shang colonized Wancheng as well as Panlongcheng therefore the bronzes there resemble Shang ones,however other sites such as Sanxingdui exhibit a completely different tradition because the Shang did not interact with them.

If you're going to argue that Shang bronzes originated from the south than you have to explain why Shang didn't have southern bronzes such as bells.

Wucheng and Shang:A New History of a Bronze Age Civilization in Southern China by Zhang Liangren
What a joke,if you can't find it just say so instead of making excuses.

you didn't read your history books.

Vietnamese created the world you know? The viet god Dai Bin (大便) created all. The chosen people, dai Viet, were made with his first stool.

in your head is fully with 粪便.
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Chinese soldiers wow what great Discipline , just look at the straight line and formation, Vietnamese soldiers don't even have their caps on their head worn right


Chinese girl vs Viet girl ... Chinese girl is way more cuter


I have seen many Vietnamese ladies and they don't look like the girl you posted, I think that girl was also a model of some sort, normally girls from Vietnam don't look like that

Chinese language , and the way its spoken appears very polite specially the songs very distinct way to communicate , I have heard some Hong Kong folks speak and their way of talking is quite different then Chinese speakers on TV
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Chinese soldiers wow what great Discipline , just look at the straight line and formation, Vietnamese soldiers don't even have their caps on their head worn right

View attachment 73126

Chinese girl vs Viet girl ... Chinese girl is way more cuter

View attachment 73127

I have seen many Vietnamese ladies and they don't look like the girl you posted, I think that girl was also a model of some sort, normally girls from Vietnam don't look like that

Chinese language , and the way its spoken appears very polite specially the songs very distinct way to communicate , I have heard some Hong Kong folks speak and their way of talking is quite different then Chinese speakers on TV
Okay, then keep hugging China when they r making better relationship wt India now. Dont ask for help from ASEAN and VN if China turn their back on u coz we dont have 'good' Discipline and 'good looking' like Chinese :pop:
Chinese soldiers wow what great Discipline , just look at the straight line and formation, Vietnamese soldiers don't even have their caps on their head worn right

View attachment 73126

Chinese girl vs Viet girl ... Chinese girl is way more cuter

View attachment 73127

I have seen many Vietnamese ladies and they don't look like the girl you posted, I think that girl was also a model of some sort

but chinese can not counter Japan, Russia and US, For parade is beautiful.
but chinese can not counter Japan, Russia and US, For parade is beautiful.
And why would China counter Russia when the Americans with their stooges want to contain both of us? As for Japan you must be taking drugs, that panties obsessed nation is no match for China.
Vietnam is a wonderful nation , I think if it found peace with China , it can achieve more due to stability and trade and economy.
China and Russia are certainly the future

Also same with Japan , if Japan joined SCO and heck even Viet Name that would be the best thing for whole region

I do not know the , grudge between Vietnam vs China , because I am not familiar with that side of story

However I do know that not until recently China / Vietnam never had a problem before they both lived side by side

I do not fully understand the recent misunderstanding between China vs Vietnam

Pakistan is 100% with China , and China is 100% with Russia , so indirectly we are also with Russia

Vietnam appears to be in a wonderful area close to china / Japan and other nations

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Vietnam is a wonderful nation , I think if it found peace with China , it can achieve more due to stability and trade and economy.
China and Russia are certainly the future

Also same with Japan , if Japan joined SCO and heck even Viet Name that would be the best thing for whole region

I do not know the , grudge between Vietnam vs China , because I am not familiar with that side of story

However I do know that not until recently China / Vietnam never had a problem before they both lived side by side

I do not fully understand the recent misunderstanding between China vs Vietnam

Pakistan is 100% with China , and China is 100% with Russia , so indirectly we are also with Russia
Problem is: Vn control the most important part of SCS(east sea) where China merchant ship from Middle, Africa , other ASEAN nations to China must pass through. And China dont want VN or any other countries to control their crucial shipping route , so we have trouble.

SCS(east sea) can be considered as China's throat, and unluckily , VN is controlling this 'throat'. So, the conflict will remain for many more years.


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Thank you for a very direct explanation , certainly the small Island & presence of Navy in the waters might create unnecessary tension.

Since all the countries are so close in that zone it may mislead folks to assume one nation is trying to exert more influence over then other.

But seems like something that can easily be sorted out with a bilateral agreement of Allowing passage of Merchant ships , I was under impression under international rules , no merchant ship can be stopped illegally etc at least that is how the law works when the ships cross the Egypt Sanai crossing into Europe.

Hopefully China can offer trade with Vietnam , in return for cooperation for merchant ships seems like a very simple issue blown out of proportion

I don't recall that either Pakistan or Iran or Saudia collect tax from ships taking oil from Gulf to various regions of world , and they allow the ships to pass peacefully etc
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Vietnam is a wonderful nation , I think if it found peace with China , it can achieve more due to stability and trade and economy.
China and Russia are certainly the future

Also same with Japan , if Japan joined SCO and heck even Viet Name that would be the best thing for whole region

I do not know the , grudge between Vietnam vs China , because I am not familiar with that side of story

However I do know that not until recently China / Vietnam never had a problem before they both lived side by side

I do not fully understand the recent misunderstanding between China vs Vietnam

Pakistan is 100% with China , and China is 100% with Russia , so indirectly we are also with Russia

Vietnam appears to be in a wonderful area close to china / Japan and other nations

View attachment 73156
There have always been problems, but both govts keep it from the public. I still remember about 10 years ago the weather ladies reported news and weather reports about Paracel like nothing happened there, like we were controling it not China.

Still the situation is not that bad. Goods still crosses the border daily, and the people as well. Until one side closes the border, then sh!t just get real.

BTW, the chinese girl you just post a picture of looks exactly like a cousin of mine. VNese and Chinese are not so different after all. We mixed with each other for a long time.
Thank you for a very direct explanation , certainly the small Island & presence of Navy in the waters might create unnecessary tension.

Since all the countries are so close in that zone it may mislead folks to assume one nation is trying to exert more influence over then other.

But seems like something that can easily be sorted out with a bilateral agreement of Allowing passage of Merchant ships , I was under impression under international rules , no merchant ship can be stopped illegally etc at least that is how the law works when the ships cross the Egypt Sanai crossing into Europe.

Hopefully China can offer trade with Vietnam , in return for cooperation for merchant ships seems like a very simple issue blown out of proportion

I don't recall that either Pakistan or Iran or Saudia collect tax from ships taking oil from Gulf to various regions of world , and they allow the ships to pass peacefully etc
The agreement only happen when China stop saying that the islands under our control belong to them, and they have to return all islands they robbed from us in 1974, 1988. We have clear evidences to prove that those islands belong to VN for centuries.

And bcz they dont accept to return our islands, so, the conflict will never end. VN got support from Russia-USA-India-JP to contain China , so China is on disadvantage side now.

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