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History of the looting of the Indian army in the war of liberation , and reasons of helping us (Bangladesh)

to you the Bangladeshis are jihadi
Please don’t misquote.
Not ALL. Just a FEW.
A FEW who want to ignore the history of atrocities on their countrymen and women for some gain or motive that I can’t fathom.

PS - Genocide museum in Dhaka was constructed by Bangladesh and not India.
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All democracies have people who believe in an alternative system. But a change happens only when a majority wants it.
I guess that’s not the case in BD as yet.
Majority people of Bangladesh has no specific political ideology.

Only few party goons always take control of political field.

Common Bangladeshi only could created storm in tea cup.

Nowadays they lost interest on it too.

Nowadays in local elections even BAL supporters didn't go to vote. Only 11/12 percent vote counted , but we doubt that real number is lot less even than this 11/12 percent.

But do you see any people come to street to restore democracy?

Simply no , because people love food more than voting right and current govt is feeding people , taking care of economy.

We have no load shedding ( electric power cut) ,but in BNP Jamat regime even the power cut was as high as 17/18 hours in a single day ( in most of places ) and lasted for 3+ years.

We have no 5 - 25 Mbps Mobile internet speed everywhere ( time and place vary) but in previous govt we had only 56 kbps dial up or 28 kbps GPRS only.

Now I use shared IP broadband of 10 Mbps speed with only 700 tk monthly.

If I take real IP ,it cost only 200 taka more.

And there are many examples.

So why people shall want democracy? Only they want democracy who will be beneficial form it , not the common people.

Doesn't matter which govt will come to power , the way of life will remain the same for us ( although it dramatically improved comparing former govt ) , so people are really least bothered.
Dear Nobel Honorable Royalist AKA Bangladeshis, kindly spare India n Indian army from your royal discussions n we Indians will dare not to look towards your highness.
Please stay away , this discussion will automatically die.

But you guys looks too much interested . Well I understand the reason. :sarcastic:
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We have no load shedding ( electric power cut) ,but in BNP Jamat regime even the power cut was as high as 17/18 hours in a single day and lasted for 3+ years.

We have no 5 - 25 Mbps Mobile internet speed everywhere ( time and place vary) but in previous govt we had only 56 kbps dial up or 28 kbps GPRS only.

Now I use shared IP broadband of 10 Mbps speed with only 700 tk monthly.

If I take real IP ,it cost only 200 taka more.
As I see from your post, there have been changes for good in BD in the last decade. Power supply, internet, roads etc are all indicators of things happening for good.

As far as a revolution goes, these very same people participated in one in 1971. Isn’t it? As an outsider I have this assessment. You must be more connected to it and want things to happen as per your beliefs. I wish you good luck.
A FEW who want to ignore the history of atrocities on their countrymen and women for some gain or motive that I can’t fathom.

PS - Genocide museum in Dhaka was constructed by Bangladesh and not India.

there is a reason indians love talking about 1971 when Pakistanis and Bangladeshis talk to each other. that reason is india wants to control Bangladesh forever. as for the history of atrocities, we are open to seeing proof of the numbers, but hell will freeze over before that happens. a lot of these so-called atrocities are grossly exaggerated and unfortunately some Bangladeshis believe them. i dont care what Indians believe. but it doesnt make their beliefs true.
there is a reason indians love talking about 1971 when Pakistanis and Bangladeshis talk to each other. that reason is india wants to control Bangladesh forever. as for the history of atrocities, we are open to seeing proof of the numbers, but hell will freeze over before that happens. a lot of these so-called atrocities are grossly exaggerated and unfortunately some Bangladeshis believe them. i dont care what Indians believe. but it doesnt make their beliefs true.
There are many aspects to what happened in 1971.

It is important that Pakistan realises its mistakes and comes to term with them. Till the time it keeps saying that WE didn’t do anything wrong it will keep lingering. Till such time Pakistan refuses to apologise for the events that led to separation, the wounds are unlikely to heal. Listen to your own Ex-prime minister at 4:10.

Few people on a forum disagreeing to atrocities can’t really make much of difference. Mainstream media across the world has already documented and archived it. Pakistan’s denial doesn’t really matter now.

As I posted earlier BD has built a memorial to honour those who suffered in the hands of Pakistan. That has come up not on India’s behest. Please read accounts of scores of international observers on this. Please don’t blame them all as biased and anti-Pakistan.
There are many aspects to what happened in 1971.

yes, there are. a lot of secrets, some we will only get the full truth of on the Day of Judgment. some we know, like the Indian meddling in East Pakistan long before 71, along with India's role (along with Soviet help) in spreading propaganda about the death count of 1971. so dont think Pakistanis are fools. we know your game. only fools trust indians.

It is important that Pakistan realises its mistakes and comes to term with them.

keep your naseehat for yourself and india.

Listen to your own Ex-prime minister at 4:10.

i have no interest in listening to a convicted thief that changes colour more than a chameleon, and was born with a silver spoon in her mouth from the moment she was born till the moment she died.

Few people on a forum disagreeing to atrocities can’t really make much of difference.

who said its few. hardly any Pakistanis believe it. there is no proof. some Bangladeshis say many of their countrymen know the figures are exaggerated.

Mainstream media across the world has already documented and archived it.

well then, should be easy to find proof and you know where to mail it. its not like you dont have our address since 1947. to remind you we are west of you, east of iran and afghanistan, and south of china. mail us the proof when you find it.

Pakistan’s denial doesn’t really matter now.

it does, because we have denied the inflated figures from day 1.

As I posted earlier BD has built a memorial to honour those who suffered in the hands of Pakistan.

they can build what they want. its their land. doesnt make the quoted figures true. but if even the death count was a handful of people or many more, they can build memorials for it, no problem.

That has come up not on India’s behest.

and yet India always jumps in and reminds us all about 1971 whenever Pakistanis and Bangladeshis talk.

Please read accounts of scores of international observers on this. Please don’t blame them all as biased and anti-Pakistan.

proof baby. i want proof. i want proper figures and the methodology used to compile it. i am not interested in a bunch of 'he said, she said.' by the way, India claims the death count was 1 million, Awami League says it was 3-3.5 million. who is lying? are the indians now going to say that Bangladeshis are lying about the numbers and still built memorials? now you see the slippery slope you used to build your argument.
it looks you did not like liberation with help of india .
It looks after losing this argument you are playing old cheap trick.

Again ,India didn't help us in our liberation war. Our hero freedom fighters won the war and liberated our motherland that is sacred for us.
Probably a dada who once came to Dhaka invited and paid for by Bangladeshi businesses (maybe as a consultant).

Remember him complaining about the price of fruit in Dhaka? No Bangladeshi or Pakistani will ever do that. Typical Dada behavior.

If you go to Kolkata, you'll see fruit being sold in grams of all things - not Kilograms.

Like - "aapel dusho gram din-to". :lol:

Heck it's rare to hear people complaining about the price of chawl (rice) these days
you are a pakka jamati false flagger .:D

Come anywhere in BD and shout pakka razakar you'll be outed for being the wrong person to say it
proof baby. i want proof. i want proper figures and the methodology used to compile it.
Some people count something as a proof based on their convenience. Whatever is inconvenient or bitter is said to be from discredited sources. Oh, she was a thief with a silver spoon. That guy is a liar. So and so is pro so and so. The list is endless.

The list of references with decent amount of research and facts is listed under the references section of this 👇🏻 article. It’s a comprehensive list. A person in denial would obviously scoff and say I don’t believe but a person ready to accept facts would have a look at it. Choice is yours.

many of their countrymen know the figures are exaggerated.
So you agree on the genocide at least? The doubt is on the numbers. Okkk. Could you please put your figure here?
they can build what they want. its their land. doesnt make the quoted figures true. but if even the death count was a handful of people or many more, they can build memorials for it, no problem.
Yes they can. Memorial for the victims of genocide. Obviously you can’t have any issues with that. Even if you have any issues, can you do anything? Just accepting it might help.
hardly any Pakistanis believe it.
Doesn’t matter again. The BD believes it, world believes it. Pakistan can keep denying.

I do wonder though “what is the reason for a few (FEW) FMs from BD to deny about the Pakistani led genocide”? What could be the reason? And why this rush to shift the blame to India now?
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Some people count something as a proof based on their convenience. Whatever is inconvenient or bitter is said to be from discredited sources. Oh, she was a thief with a silver spoon. That guy is a liar. So and so is pro so and so. The list is endless.

The list of references with decent amount of research and facts is listed under the references section of this 👇🏻 article. It’s a comprehensive list. A person in denial would obviously scoff and say I don’t believe but a person ready to accept facts would have a look at it. Choice is yours.

So you agree on the genocide at least? The doubt is on the numbers. Okkk. Could you please put your figure here?
Yes they can. Memorial for the victims of genocide. Obviously you can’t have any issues with that. Even if you have any issues, can you do anything? Just accepting it might help.
Doesn’t matter again. The BD believes it, world believes it. Pakistan can keep denying.

I do wonder though “what is the reason for a few (FEW) FMs from BD to deny about the Pakistani led genocide”? What could be the reason? And why this rush to shift the blame to India now?

i dont want to keep doing this back and forth and derail the thread. as for what i think about your opinion (an indian's), i can sum it up like this,

i dont want to keep doing this back and forth and derail the thread. as for what i think about your opinion (an indian's), i can sum it up like this,
This clearly amplifies your thought process on a genocide perpetrated by Pakistan and than giving rats a** about it. What might help is accepting the facts, apologising and moving on.
This clearly amplifies your thought process on a genocide perpetrated by Pakistan and than giving rats a** about it. What might help is accepting the facts, apologising and moving on.

as i said, i am done with this. you want to continue, post on my wall.
as i said, i am done with this. you want to continue, post on my wall.
If you are done then that’s ok.

No intention of going to anyone’s wall.

The fact remains that Indian forces behaved professionally and the act of helping BD in its liberation can’t be tarnished 50 years later based on hearsay.
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