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History of the looting of the Indian army in the war of liberation , and reasons of helping us (Bangladesh)

We can look beyond religion, when you come out of the dark ages, you'll see..
Your religion is Bangladesh, right? Man, I like you but don’t be so sensitive about criticism, you have no problems saying that Pakistan is an artificial state (because we are not an ethnostate) but cry rivers when we point out that Hindus dominate you. Yes, yes, you love Hindu, that’s something a Muslims confirms in every prayer he performs, right?
Your religion is Bangladesh, right? Man, I like you but don’t be so sensitive about criticism, you have no problems saying that Pakistan is an artificial state (because we are not an ethnostate) but cry rivers when we point out that Hindus dominate you. Yes, yes, you love Hindu, that’s something a Muslims confirms in every prayer he performs, right?

Listen, your countrymen come here to troll us for absolutely no reason, let's say.. hypothetical going with your narrative, let's say we aren't 'proper' Muslims okay..

What about you lot then ? Is trolling part of Islam ? Is maligning people out of spite a good deed ?

Nobody is crying rivers, I answered the troll in a calm and composed manner.
If not butchering our Hindu minority makes us less 'muslim' in your eyes then so be it.. we'd rather do the right thing then have you whisper sweet nothings into our ear.
lols the condition of hindus of Bangladesh and HIndus of Pakistan is self explanatory even your own saviors indians dont trust Bangladesh on this bangaleshi hindus issue so dont start another Pandora box to further humiliate ur own country and ur self.
nice justification which further proves my point and your insecurities:tup:

Yes, friendship with atheist China is a great deed, Geopolitics over Uighur Muslims lives, excellent.
lols the condition of hindus of Bangladesh and HIndus of Pakistan is self explanatory even your own saviors indians dont trust Bangladesh on this bangaleshi hindus issue so dont start another Pandora box to further humiliate ur own country and ur self.

Whose being humiliated ? I'm not, the question of being humiliated does not arise here, not in this context, please get your noggin screwed on right before engaging in a discussion with me, I have already countered your childish attempts at trolling..

Perhaps, like your name suggests you really are a baby, in which case, go have some milk and calm down.
Listen, your countrymen come here to troll us for absolutely no reason, let's say.. hypothetical going with your narrative, let's say we aren't 'proper' Muslims okay..

What about you lot then ? Is trolling part of Islam ? Is maligning people out of spite a good deed ?

Nobody is crying rivers, I answered the troll in a calm and composed manner.
if calling a spade a spade is trolling for you people then we all are proud trolls.
it was a typo thanks for correction and about the school thing thanks for telling us all what you are up to :enjoy:

Yes, I'm still studying, I'm not slaving away in some garage or manufacturing bombs at this age lol...

Life is all about learning, it's never stops.. You learn something everyday.

It was not a typo, you don't make the same typo twice in a sentence, atleast be honest since you are such a virtuous 'muslim'.

Very low quality troll.
Indian Army officers often accepted these "gifts" which were of no use to those heading to internment and POW camps. The Indian Armed forces allowed them to keep small items of value such as jewelry, mementos, family albums. Cash was of no use to these families either.

I could not help but notice the obvious contradiction in your statement.

Too much emphasis on "gifts", it hardly seems likely as a routine affair to an invading army.
And yet, you contradict by saying the Indian army "ALLOWED" them.
How can something be "ALLOWED" if the "GIFTS" were being given by choice.

One can understand, in an atmosphere of extreme stress and fear, incidents of giving things probably occurred, but to classify those as "GIFTS" or as widely practiced is very far-fetched. Unless the sources are purely Indian.

I can go to the street, put a knife to someone and demand cash, then see a watch and ask would you mind if I take that as well, the person is hardly going to say no, but I cannot claim afterward that it was a "GIFT". because I took the cash by force, but the watch was "GIFTED" to me.

You've presented a sadly strange version of events, something highly unbelievable.

It is likely that a significant section of Indian Army personnel returned with souvenirs which wouldn't be classified strictly as looting because this was gifted away under the circumstances then .

There may have been cars gifted away also but because India manufactured only three types of cars ( Ambassador, Premier and one other ) it would have been difficult to maintain these due to lack of spares.

Again this sounds just ridiculous.

No, People under fear of an invading army do not gift away things, so yes, it was looting.
And, no one, I mean no one gifts their prized possession, such as a car, they would have hoped to get it back later or burned it, rather than hand it over to an invading force.

The only way anything would be given is out of fear, or to bargain some sort of favour, either of those situations is not classified as gifts, but looting.

I am sure a lot of the Nazis would have claimed that the jews gave them stuff as gifts, but, they were still punished at the Nuremberg trials because it's a nonsense excuse.

Perhaps it is time for West Pakistanis to get their Justice. It is our choice if we choose to forgive our Bengali brothers, but I can assure you they will refuse to forgive an invading Indian force.
Yes, I'm still studying, I'm not slaving away in some garage or manufacturing bombs at this age lol...

Life is all about learning, it's never stops.. You learn something everyday.

It was not a typo, you don't make the same typo twice in a sentence, atleast be honest since you are such a virtuous 'muslim'.

Very low quality troll.
as you already showed us what you are up to i have no more to discuss, try to find something else to hide your insecurities as no indians are coming to secure you anymore since they are also looters for you guys now just like West Pakistanis earlier :enjoy:
as you already showed us what you are up to i have no more to discuss, try to find something else to hide your insecurities as no indians are coming to secure you anymore since they are also looters for you guys now just like West Pakistanis earlier :enjoy:

Hahahaha hahahaha, oh I'm so aggrieved.... Oooh it's hurts.
should not hurt you, u seems use too of it first by west Pakistan's perceived masters and now by new masters. :partay: :lol:
Sir/mam, I am no longer angry towards you , because you have entertainment value. I am amused, honestly speaking. You want to win any argument at any cost ,I am convinced now! LMAO!
@Pakistanis that are here trolling Bangladeshis.

you guys are making enemies out of people unnecessarily. all because of 1971 which was 50 years ago.




Bangladesh and Bangladeshis arent perfect, just like Pakistan and Pakistanis arent perfect. they have their flaws, we have our flaws. this endless cycle of trolling and counter trolling is making the wrong usage of people-to-people contact and creating distances with a potential ally, and its not like we have loads of them. as time passes Pakistan and Bangladesh are going to become natural allies. so its better to be reasonable with Bangladesh and Bangladeshi so that they get a good and fair image of us, instead of them thinking we are just like the indians. if we ever want Pakistan to become a leader nation in the muslim world, we should understand our own shortcomings and other muslim nations (like Bangladesh) and learn to help them get over it instead of troll, because its not like we are perfect.

Prophet Muhammed: “A Muslim is the brother of a fellow-Muslim. He should neither commit oppression upon him nor ruin him, and he who meets the need of a brother, Allah would meet big needs, and he who relieved a Muslim from hardship Allah would relieve him from the hardships to which he would be put on the Day of Resurrection, and he who did not expose (the follies of a Muslim) Allah would conceal his follies on the Day of Resurrection.” Sahih Muslim (Book 032, Number 6250)
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