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HISTORY: India’s LCA Makes 1st Landing On Aircraft Carrier Deck

What about you Su-30 MKI which crash on regular basis and Your Tejas can't crash you know why cause you don't have more then 10-15 and those too stay in hangers or loaded on trucks

Please avoid comparisons with JF17 for obvious reasons. LCA is an indigenous project whereas JF17 as of now, is a project intended to enhance Pakistan's production capabilities as well as have dependable numerical strength, which India achieved with the MiG21 in the 80s.

It's yet to be seen if Pakistan has the ability to capitalise on it R&D wise. Good job on the production though.
Navy doesn't want any single engine fighters for its carriers so it will be merely a test bed or technology demonstrator for the development of twin engine fighters.


you Pakistanis can assume whatever you like but you still don't have any idea about the Indian tenacity and perseverance.

I read that as "cool shit, but we will stick to our Mig-29N, we don't want the Tejas LCA-N."

The navy wants twin engined fighter jets while the LCA project isn't even near finishing. So basically, what will happen is that in the near future, maybe 10 years, Navy will buy another round of Rafales (or equivalent) using Air Force excuses to replace the Mig-29N because India isn't going to have an indigenous twin engine jet for the next 15 years at least.

Indian tenacity and perseverance? What tenacity and perseverance. You guys spent a buttload of time on the Su-57 only to opt out realizing even Russia can't carry India's *** hard enough. And let's talk about that aircraft carrier, it's on the brink of being phased out and has a disastrous history; not to mention it's one of the worst, literally a sitting duck because it lacks proper needed equipment in the modern day aircraft carriers, and more importantly its own air defence system, it has to be 24/7 deployed with multiple support vessels to guard it, on its own, it's incapable af.

So like congrats and all, but this landing means essentially nothing in the scheme of things.

that's a Russian fighter, Russian equipment is potent but accident prone.

but then you people don't jump up and down when that happened like you do on the news of crashes in India, how come?

Russian equipment is not more accident prone. The entire Russian air force is a living example. The issue is that people who buy Russian jets understate the needed maintenance, india falls in this category and is struggling.

we don't have to give excuse to people like you as we understand that crashes can occur due to poor maintenance, instrument and component malfunctions, bird strike, pilot errors etc but we don't jump like clows as you people do on the news of plane crashes be it from any country.

Jags are pretty old equipment and with time their engines are becoming lesser efficient, mig 21s and 27s are soviet era antiques, Mirages and other european and american equipment has good track record but then again nutjobs working at HAl and OFB can make sure that even those equipment don't survive and they keep getting huge salaries and perks out of taxpayers money for doing shoddy work as was the case with Mirage crash which resulted in the death of two test pilots.

I laugh my *** off each time you Indians go "it's soviet era antique."

Pakistan has old Mirages, work perfectly fine. All airforces keep upgrading their jets with age, the upgrades that occur over time with age to keep it at par with others cost sometimes more than the plane was originally bought for!

So loose the bs. Thanks. : )
we don't have to give excuse to people like you as we understand that crashes can occur due to poor maintenance, instrument and component malfunctions, bird strike, pilot errors etc but we don't jump like clows as you people do on the news of plane crashes be it from any country.
People like me...?!! And we don't jump up and down at just any Crashes. Only the ones from India.

Q. How many of you were jumping up & down (like clowns) at the eve of 26th Feb., when your Mirages struck Balakot?

There was that jerkoff @Random Radio who talking a lot of smack that day, and 24hrs later - he was never heard from again.

What you mean to say that India doesn't take any opportunity it gets to let down Pakistan in the eyes of the World. Your media (Print/TV/Online) are constantly trash talking 24/7.
Jags are pretty old equipment
So are our Mirage III/V...
Please avoid comparisons with JF17 for obvious reasons. LCA is an indigenous project whereas JF17 as of now, is a project intended to enhance Pakistan's production capabilities as well as have dependable numerical strength, which India achieved with the MiG21 in the 80s.

It's yet to be seen if Pakistan has the ability to capitalise on it R&D wise. Good job on the production though.

LCA is exactly how indigenous? You apparently don't know your own jet which I find funny. 60% of the jet is import material.

JF-17 is not just to enhance production capabilities, it is testing and enhancing the R&D capabilities of the PAC, and no, not to gain numerical strength, it's not about numbers but quality. It's a light weight fighter in the end and is to replace the F-7PG jets.

The JF-17 has been a times, upon times bigger success story than India Tejas. So yes, no comparison. One jet still hasn't left the truck. The other is entering the 3rd phase, and is in mass production, been exported, and seen successful combat.

Meanwhile India is scrambling to get 36 Rafales, and 114 jet procurement plan, because 200+ Sukhoi SU-30 can't handle 21 equivalent PAK F-16 Block 52+.

Jokesters : )
LCA is exactly how indigenous? You apparently don't know your own jet which I find funny. 60% of the jet is import material.

JF-17 is not just to enhance production capabilities, it is testing and enhancing the R&D capabilities of the PAC, and no, not to gain numerical strength, it's not about numbers but quality. It's a light weight fighter in the end and is to replace the F-7PG jets.

The JF-17 has been a times, upon times bigger success story than India Tejas. So yes, no comparison. One jet still hasn't left the truck. The other is entering the 3rd phase, and is in mass production, been exported, and seen successful combat.

Meanwhile India is scrambling to get 36 Rafales, and 114 jet procurement plan, because 200+ Sukhoi SU-30 can't handle 21 equivalent PAK F-16 Block 52+.

Jokesters : )
JF17 is a success story just like Su30 MKI in the same time period. We can all be proud about producing more than a hundred just in the last few years, with some indigenous demands in the design. Of course the MKI has a whole range of Indian avionics from Project Vetrivale and is in a whole different class, but maybe Pak will catch up.

Good luck.
Forget Su 30. Looks like you people have forgotten how a single Indian Mig 29 locked two paf f16s during the kargil war which terrified the brave paf so much that it didn't show up during the entire war. You lacked BVR capability then and thus fled, this time you have longer range bvr missile but couldn manage to shoot down the flankers which easily dodged them as you avoided wvr combat knowing that your f 16 would be made mince of. Al that you could do with your numerical superiority was shoot down an old and lone mig 21 loosing and f 16 of your own. Hell of an achievement. Our Abhi was flying an aircraft inferior capability yet he fought on and not fled like your f 16s pilot of kargil war. I hope someday you will understand what real bravery is.

He didn't fought bravely. He had a jammer up in his arse. He didn't even knew where he was going.
What an effing joke!!

LCA landing on an AC and is now the worlds best fighter aircraft.:omghaha:
Forget Su 30. Looks like you people have forgotten how a single Indian Mig 29 locked two paf f16s during the kargil war which terrified the brave paf so much that it didn't show up during the entire war. You lacked BVR capability then and thus fled, this time you have longer range bvr missile but couldn manage to shoot down the flankers which easily dodged them as you avoided wvr combat knowing that your f 16 would be made mince of. Al that you could do with your numerical superiority was shoot down an old and lone mig 21 loosing and f 16 of your own. Hell of an achievement. Our Abhi was flying an aircraft inferior capability yet he fought on and not fled like your f 16s pilot of kargil war. I hope someday you will understand what real bravery is.

Isn't it the failure of the LCA program why India was flying old broken down migs and why Pakistan was able to humiliate India?
Many in PDF has flawed understanding of LCA project ...
whole new eco system of various feeder aero private industries has been built and at same time offset clauses are adding more tech.

LCA is on a much more robust path than JF-17...

If India had a "whole new eco system of... various aero private industries", India wouldnt have bought the Rafale but instead stuck with the 35% indigenous LCA Flying Rickshaws.
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