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Hindus fight to get justice for Muslims in Gujarat riots: The Great untold

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The situation of Shias in Pakistan is in no way comparable to that of Muslims in India.

Someone asked why Muslims are different from other minorities in India. The answer is that there is a long history of Muslim-Hindu conflict in India. Muslims came as invaders and ruled large parts of India for centuries. Many Hindus have not forgotten that and will never reconcile to the presence of Muslims. Some extremist Muslims might also throw that fact in the Hindus' face.

While there is sectarian violence against Shias in Pakistan, it is a new phenomenon in terms of scale. Shias are a very integrated part of Pakistani society from the military officer corps, to the media, to the fact that one of the two dynastic parties ruling Pakistan is Shia. For a 25% minority to hold a 50% stake in the ruling sweepstakes hardly speaks of marginalization.

Contrast that with India, where one of the two ruling parties makes no bones about its appeal to sectarian hatred. It purports to protect 'Hindu' interests from poaching by minorities. It is a blatant play on people's prejudices.

A really lousy example, and one that weakens the stand against extremists. Shia-Sunni riots have been commonplace in Calcutta, in Lucknow and in Mysore for decades, since members of my family have observed them. I have no historical evidence at hand on these, however, mainly since I have not looked at these events in any depth.

I wish you hadn't said this. Now the jackals will be out in full cry.
I too hate those who misuse their office to oppress citizens, or those who violate their oath to uphold the constitution. That still did not amuse to the point where I felt the need to roll on the floor laughing.

Btw, do you have any Hindu friends?

we also donot like those people ...:).......yes i have very good pakistani hindu friends padma,neeta ...padma was my school friend and neeta is my college friend......:)
If you are not already aware of the law, and if you are not willfully playing dense, then you should know that evidence against Modi canny have led to action against Modi who was not arraigned or charged in this trial.

However, the full text of the judgement is interesting. Please read it.

Any evidence of any wrong-doing - not ethical, but criminal - by those not on trial has to be taken up separately. That is the law.

AFAIK people can be added in the middle as co-accused. And then there is also the possibility of Bajrangi gloating about Modi being just an exaggeration.
You really would try harder; the Parivar expects every man to do his duty.

The video was submitted to the SIT as evidence, not direct to the court. It was then investigated, point by point. Those that were exaggerations were discarded. Those that seemed to have any grain of truth in them were investigated in greater depth. It was not for nothing that the trial took ten years. It was only judicially permissible evidence that was allowed to be presented in court.

Sir, of course the video should be investigated as its a very serious charge and definitely provides grounds for an investigation. Agreed.

I'm gald an investigation was carried out. As it should have been.

I'm glad the relevant bits were used by SIT and also investigated further under supreme court's supervision. So far I do not think they have indicted Modi. If they have VERY GOOD.. Hang the dog if he is guilty. Lets agree on that too.

I'm only objecting to the use of that video as proof in a debate. I hope that is reasonable???
Sir, of course the video should be investigated as its a very serious charge and definitely provides grounds for an investigation. Agreed.

I'm gald an investigation was carried out. As it should have been.

I'm glad the relevant bits were used by SIT and also investigated further under supreme court's supervision. So far I do not think they have indicted Modi. If they have VERY GOOD.

I'm only objecting to the use of that video as proof in a debate. I hope that is reasonable???

Is that what you meant? Then I have to agree with you. It is too dicey to go by these unless they are validated by a proper investigation.
they fight to get justice for Muslims in Gujarat riots so that muslims also give their votes to THE MODI ........Main modi should be hanged not its puppets .......:rofl:

I just googled him on youtube.. is this the hottie Gujju Modi for whom Muslims of India are going to vote as per Indian posters here. it means two things -

modi reaction in a news program for a question ........flv - YouTube

1. Either Indian Muslims are too scared

2. They r not Muslims anymore but Hindus, as according to Indians, Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life and EVERY INDIAN is a HINDU first ;)
We are not talking about youtube documentaries, but one of the most respected Australian TV investigative programs. The evidence included hidden cameras as well as first-hand interviews with various officials.

What documentary is this?
Not before gathering evidence and testing it for judicial credibility is completed.

Well lets then wait for that to be finished and if there is any ground actually for Modi to be prosecuted, let a case be filed, let it actually run and if at the very last if Modi is indeed found guilty , then lets have a temper tantrum contest on Modi.

Till then he is innocent. Why cant people accept that very basic of Indian judicial process - innocent until proven guilty ? I suspect it is just not the issue of justice,,it extends beyond that into idealogical and political battlefields.
I just googled him on youtube.. is this the hottie Gujju Modi for whom Muslims of India are going to vote as per Indian posters here. it means two things -

1. Either Indian Muslims are too scared

2. They r not Muslims anymore but Hindus, as according to Indians, Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life and EVERY INDIAN is a HINDU first ;)

Your hormones are out of control woman, do you see any and every body with a hot or not hot glasses?
For record sake, the Shia-sunni conflict has been going on 1400 years and Hindu-muslim conflict much less than that.

Hindus and Muslims can even make up one day, but not the Shias and Sunnis. The history is very screwed up right at the very foundation.

Try getting the Shias to even name themselves Usman or the Sunnis to chant Ya Ali Ya Ali on Muharram.

well question is not hindu vs Muslim conflicts or riots.. question is involvement of minister using their power and authority to commit crime against their own peoples and giving aid and protection to criminals
Well Riteon you dont think approach of chief minister Modi in riot was with communal mindset. He did turn blind eyes to riots where Muslims were getting butchered and that's not right approach for any political leaders no matter which party he belong to. Police were told to be silent spectator and even help the rioters.

kodnani was just bali ka bakra and main bucther was modi. Its all politics..
hmmm nearly 250 hindus too got killed .......
@Topic: It only signifies there are not enough Muslim activists around who worth his/her salt, it's a sad fact that bunch of nutjobs are let to represent them in national stage.

Oh well the thread is nearing its extinction. Let me get my fairness cream ready.

well question is not hindu vs Muslim conflicts or riots.. question is involvement of minister using their power and authority to commit crime against their own peoples and giving aid and protection to criminals

It was precisely a Hindu vs Muslim riot. One in a long list of riots. Not the first, not the last. And for the millionth time, regarding Modi's involvement, the jury is out on that and lets hold our horses.
I just googled him on youtube.. is this the hottie Gujju Modi for whom Muslims of India are going to vote as per Indian posters here. it means two things -

modi reaction in a news program for a question ........flv - YouTube

1. Either Indian Muslims are too scared

2. They r not Muslims anymore but Hindus, as according to Indians, Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life and EVERY INDIAN is a HINDU first ;)

There is always room for random kooks in every representative group. However there are kooks and then there are kooks. this is a painful and emotional topic. Daffy interventions do not always make any impact in such conditions.

When there is a thread on design, it is to be hoped that kind friends will immediately inform you. This particular thread might not give you space to display your talent and critical abilities to their fullest.
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