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Hindus fight to get justice for Muslims in Gujarat riots: The Great untold

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@ Raja Pakistani -

People tend to exaggerate a lot in such circumstances to increase their clout/power. Something like how the TTP vastly exaggerates the number of Pakistani soldiers it has killed and the military regularly downgrades the numbers after an 'investigation'. These are not credible enough to form a concrete opinion. Moreover this video is not exactly ultra-secret. If you a British Pakistani knew about it, then most certainly the Modi-baiters here too would have known about it. Let them produce this in court and lets see what the court decides. My only point - YOU dont get to decide anything. Its for the courts to decide.

And I'm not even getting into the realm of video doctoring. Some Witnesses have been found outright false, some have been found tutored and editing a YT video is not exactly rocket science.

I am sorry that you take so little interest in a matter that stirs your emotions so powerfully.

This video is very well known. It was submitted to the SIT, and much of their work of investigation was sign-posted by its content. Some of this content has already been used to establish conspiracy, rather than spontaneous uprising.

they fight to get justice for Muslims in Gujarat riots so that muslims also give their votes to THE MODI ........Main modi should be hanged not its puppets .......:rofl:

I cannot understand what there is in the death of several hundred men, women and children that causes you such uncontrollable amusement. Are you an imbecile?
And your Gujarat contact told you this too..

The use of census data and police complicity in the Gujarat riots are well documented. A recent confirmation came from an Australian documentary on the riots.
watch this video after 6.00 to know what he is talking about narinder modi bhi that how he helped him

He says in the video he burn alive 500 innocent muslims near the Mosque in the big well. He got help from patrol stations of patrol to burn. He says he should kill all muslims doesn't matter if it's kids, women or any muslims, just kill them. He says Narendra Modi(currently Chief Minister of India)came to inspire them and support them. He says all Gujarat police helped them too kill muslims. He says he burn alive one press reporter who was trying to do sting operation of him. His name is Babu bajarangi. He is a Bajarang dal leader(anti-muslim organisation) India. He got help from Patrol station to get patrol. There are 96 Muslims were burnt alive including 26 days old baby.

Did he burn 500 Muslims alive in the mosque near the well?

What is the name of the reporter he burned alive for sting operation?

What is the court's decision on that skewered foetus story?

But yes its 'proof' that Modi came personally to encourage that scum. Atleast that bit must be true because it has the word Modi in it.
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Do you really think census data is needful to target muslims?:lol:. Police can't able 2 handle deluge number of rioters its obvious that why later army/para military take over the control but still Gujarat was burned for more than the month samething applicable to Assam riots. Hw you blame chief minister of the state? In Pakistan riots and target(Ahemediyas) killings are common tell me hw many CM are convicted for law and order problems at ur place?.

Legally Modi freed from all charges so your point is invalid.

What I wrote above. The use of census data and police complicity are well documented.
I cannot understand what there is in the death of several hundred men, women and children that causes you such uncontrollable amusement. Are you an imbecile?

NO SIR IM GOOD MASHALLAH........but really i have indian muslim friend IN MY FACE BOOK ...they hate MODI......
dude i don't know what else proof you need when the person who got convicted in court is admitting openly that he got support from gujrati police and CM modi in committing crime. I dont know what else will be credible for you guys but on the other hand you guys blindly believe in every non sense against Pakistan without any evidence

I gave you the example how the TTP vastly exaggerates the number of Pakistani soldiers it has killed and the military regularly downgrades the numbers after an 'investigation' for you to easily relate with. So can we take the word of TTP as the final and disregard everything the military says, just because the one who committed the crime said something ?

Again I repeat this video is in public domain and I am sure the judges would have seen it. If this video is actually is damning evidence then the courts will act on it. If they do not, then there is something which we are not seeing.

I am sorry that you take so little interest in a matter that stirs your emotions so powerfully.

This video is very well known. It was submitted to the SIT, and much of their work of investigation was sign-posted by its content. Some of this content has already been used to establish conspiracy, rather than spontaneous uprising.

I simply say if this video is indeed legally admissible evidence and has been seen by the SIT as you claim,then certainly Modi will be punished if there is any truth in the claims. On contrary if the honorary judges have indeed seen and have disregarded it then there is something wrong with the video that you and I dont know of.
Did he burn 500 Muslims alive in the mosque near the well?

What is the name of the reporter he burned alive for sting operation?

What is the court's decision on that skewered foetus story?

But yes its 'proof' that Modi came personally to encourage that scum. Atleast that bit must be true because it has the word Modi in it.

You really would try harder; the Parivar expects every man to do his duty.

The video was submitted to the SIT as evidence, not direct to the court. It was then investigated, point by point. Those that were exaggerations were discarded. Those that seemed to have any grain of truth in them were investigated in greater depth. It was not for nothing that the trial took ten years. It was only judicially permissible evidence that was allowed to be presented in court.
What I wrote above. The use of census data and police complicity are well documented.

Documentaries are dime-a-dozen.

Any youtube geek can make a documentary. We have thousands of 'documentaries' denying holocaust and 9/11 is an inside job.

What matters is if that documentary is legally admissible evidence in Indian courts to secure a conviction.

You really would try harder; the Parivar expects every man to do his duty.

The video was submitted to the SIT as evidence, not direct to the court. It was then investigated, point by point. Those that were exaggerations were discarded. Those that seemed to have any grain of truth in them were investigated in greater depth. It was not for nothing that the trial took ten years. It was only judicially permissible evidence that was allowed to be presented in court.

And what makes you think the 'Modi' part was not discarded as it came under the exaggerations list which makes this whole video redundant as Bajrangi has already been convicted ?

Look man you are not winning any argument branding people as this, that. Be correct with the facts and use your logic. Anybody can brand anyone anything. After all this is ze internet.
NO SIR IM GOOD MASHALLAH........but really i have indian muslim friend IN MY FACE BOOK ...they hate MODI......

I too hate those who misuse their office to oppress citizens, or those who violate their oath to uphold the constitution. That still did not amuse to the point where I felt the need to roll on the floor laughing.

Btw, do you have any Hindu friends?

The situation of Shias in Pakistan is in no way comparable to that of Muslims in India.

Someone asked why Muslims are different from other minorities in India. The answer is that there is a long history of Muslim-Hindu conflict in India. Muslims came as invaders and ruled large parts of India for centuries. Many Hindus have not forgotten that and will never reconcile to the presence of Muslims. Some extremist Muslims might also throw that fact in the Hindus' face. There is also the fact that India's number one foreign policy conflict for the last 60 years, with Pakistan, keeps the issue of Hindu-Muslim strife in the limelight.

While there is sectarian violence against Shias in Pakistan, it is a new phenomenon in terms of scale. Shias are a very integrated part of Pakistani society from the military officer corps, to the media, to the fact that one of the two dynastic parties ruling Pakistan is Shia. For a 25% minority to hold a 50% stake in the ruling sweepstakes hardly speaks of marginalization.

Contrast that with India, where one of the two ruling parties makes no bones about its appeal to sectarian hatred. It purports to protect 'Hindu' interests from poaching by minorities. It is a blatant play on people's prejudices.
I gave you the example how the TTP vastly exaggerates the number of Pakistani soldiers it has killed and the military regularly downgrades the numbers after an 'investigation' for you to easily relate with. So can we take the word of TTP as the final and disregard everything the military says, just because the one who committed the crime said something ?

Again I repeat this video is in public domain and I am sure the judges would have seen it. If this video is actually is damning evidence then the courts will act on it. If they do not, then there is something which we are not seeing.

I simply say if this video is indeed legally admissible evidence and has been seen by the SIT as you claim,then certainly Modi will be punished if there is any truth in the claims. On contrary if the honorary judges have indeed seen and have disregarded it then there is something wrong with the video that you and I dont know of.

If you are not already aware of the law, and if you are not willfully playing dense, then you should know that evidence against Modi canny have led to action against Modi who was not arraigned or charged in this trial.

However, the full text of the judgement is interesting. Please read it.

Any evidence of any wrong-doing - not ethical, but criminal - by those not on trial has to be taken up separately. That is the law.
Documentaries are dime-a-dozen.

Any youtube geek can make a documentary. We have thousands of 'documentaries' denying holocaust and 9/11 is an inside job.

We are not talking about youtube documentaries, but one of the most respected Australian TV investigative programs. The evidence included hidden cameras as well as first-hand interviews with various officials.
For record sake, the Shia-sunni conflict has been going on 1400 years and Hindu-muslim conflict much less than that.

Hindus and Muslims can even make up one day, but not the Shias and Sunnis. The history is very screwed up right at the very foundation.

Try getting the Shias to even name themselves Usman or the Sunnis to chant Ya Ali Ya Ali on Muharram.
Modi’s murderous minister
By Aakar Patel

The writer is a columnist. He is also a former editor of the Mumbai-based English newspaper Mid Day and the Gujarati paper Divya Bhaskar aaka

What can be said of civil society in Gujarat when its minister for women development and child welfare is convicted of rioting against women and children?

On August 29, for the first time in India, a sitting MLA (what is called MPA in Pakistan) was found to have instigated violence in the worst of the 2002 incidents.

Twelve people testified to minister Maya Kodnani assisting and egging on the rioters in the Ahmedabad suburb of Naroda Patiya. A total of 96 Muslims were killed that night, 34 children including a newborn, 32 women and 30 men. Kodnani supplied the killers with kerosene and swords, according to testimony. Judge Jyotsna Yagnik found 32 people guilty of the massacre. The fearsome Babu ‘Bajrangi’, the man accused of forcibly undoing marriages of Hindu girls to Muslim boys, has also been convicted in the case.

Kodnani, a Sindhi, whose family migrated at Partition, was an MLA when she participated in the violence and, despite the grave allegations against her, was made minister by Narendra Modi later. When she was charge-sheeted by an independent agency, she was dropped as minister but retained her seat as MLA. She is a qualified doctor, a gynaecologist, showing that higher education is no barrier to bigotry.

Though she denied being present at Naroda Patiya when the killings happened, Kodnani was proved to be there by her cell phone records. These had been gathered and submitted by an exceptional officer in the Gujarat police force. Shamefully, that officer, Rahul Sharma, from the elite Indian Police Service, is being tried by Modi’s government for misconduct. His crime was to have taken the initiative to get these phone records from the various cell phone companies and hand them over to independent investigators instead of the state. I think he did the right thing because under Modi (who was and remains the state’s home minister) investigations were so sloppy that the Supreme Court brought in an outside agency to take over. Kodnani’s conviction is because of that outside investigation team and not through the work of Modi’s government.

The phone records Sharma collected showed both Kodnani and Bajrangi in areas where they claimed not to be. They also show that the then deputy home minister, Gordhan Zadhafiya, was in the police control room. He has been accused of directing the violence and ordering the police to go easy on the rioters, though he also denied being there. Zadhafiya, who like Bajrangi is from the peasant Patel community, is today a rebel against Modi’s government.
The cell phone records indicate that Modi’s office was in touch with the rioters. Officers in the CMO — as the office is called — who phoned those now convicted of rioting, include Tanmay Mehta, Sanjay Bhavsar and Anil Mukim. When I visited Modi’s office a couple of years ago, I remember Bhavsar and Mukim being there. The records also indicate that phone conversations happened from the chief minister’s residence.

Modi speaks often about the inability of the Congress to protect India’s citizens from terrorist violence. He will not be able to deflect the truth that his own minister was responsible for the killing of Gujaratis easily. Modi’s record at protecting his citizens has been poor. Another of his deputy home ministers, Amit Shah, is barred from entering Gujarat today because of the charges he faces. Modi’s anti-terrorism force chief, DG Vanzara, is in jail for murder, also the result of an independent investigation.

It is astonishing, given the failures, that Modi continues to keep the portfolio of the home ministry. He has publicly attacked Teesta Setalvad, the Gujarati activist whose persistence has been crucial in bringing about all these convictions. But it is true that Gujaratis like me, who are still ashamed for our conduct of 10 years ago, are today proud of her and what she has achieved.

We are not talking about youtube documentaries, but one of the most respected Australian TV investigative programs. The evidence included hidden cameras as well as first-hand interviews with various officials.

Every documentary especially by these foreign channels have a ulterior motive. The Aussie media especially likes to potray a grim pic of Indian minorites after graham staines was killed.
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