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Hindu Terrorism and Pakistan-India relations

Its annoying how INDIAN cases are special a not simple while the same people quickly figure out Pakistani cases?!

your argument is completely correct most indians use to generalize sensitive pakistani issues in a too "easy" way while they call there own "special" , such hypocrisy from these Ultra nationalists . I congratulate pakistanis that they ATLEAST accept problems rather being in a denial mode .

^^^^ Its simple, Mr Shinde is playing to galery like Mr Musharraf and Rehman Malik...

The only difference is Pakistani lie to defend there country Kongress lie to defend Pakistan :P
The similarity is both doing it to get votes..

he is HOME MINISTER and he knows better than you and me dude , he said this then it means there IS a problem .

P.S=drone devta is on koooap , hindu fundamentalists aka extremists aka terrorists beware
Indians raise a hue and cry over 2 soldiers killed by what may or not be soldiers as militants have regularly used military uniforms to carry out attacks. But the issue is Pakistan's foreign policy that simply isn't aimed at guarding the Nation's interests.

My article on the Samjhauta Express attacks case:

In memory of Samjhauta Express
Will the Pakistanis killed ever get justice?

Over 50 Pakistani Civilians were killed in the Samjhauta Express attacks. Recent findings prove that a nexus of India’s Hindu terrorists are involved yet the government seems to be completely negligent and ignorant of this. Pakistan not only allowed Lashker E Taiba to be blamed but also let the deaths of its citizens go in vain without ensuring justice despite the fact that Karkare’s investigations before his death prove for certain that there was a certain local terrorist network involved. How long will this continue and till when will Pakistan allow itself to be trampled like this?

According to various Indian news agencies Colonel Purohit is reported to have procured 60 kg of RDX explosives for the Indian terrorists who were involved in the Samjhauta Express Attacks which resulted in the deaths of 68 civilians almost all of whom were Pakistani citizens. Interestingly India blamed the Samjhauta Express attacks on the Lashker E Toiba and ISI much like the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai until Hemant Karkare, the Chief of Mumbai Anti Terror Squad arrested several Hindu terrorists who were actually related to the incident. This snuffed out the fires that New Delhi had been spawning for several years over the incident by linking it to “Pakistani terrorism” because Karkare proved that Lashker was indeed not involved in the bombing.

The final blow to the old blame game came when Karkare’s investigations proved that a certain terrorist named Bhagwan was involved in the Samjhauta Express Attack. It was also proven that Lt. Colonel Shrikanth Purohit who was astonishingly from the Military Intelligence was known to have secured the release of RDX for the attack. According to a close friend of Karkare it is reported he was certain of Purohits hand in both the Malegaon blasts and the Samjhauta Express blasts. Karkare received death threats only a day before he was very conveniently killed in the Mumbai Attacks. Doesn't this cast a shadow of doubt on things? Or are we going to ignore that too.

Finally LeT not only denied being involved in the attacks but also recent investigations suggest that what was left of this banned organization was completely fund starved and broken. LeT also states its purpose is only to incorporate Indian Occupied Kashmir with the Pakistani Azad Kashmir and is often considered a Pro-Pakistani Group. Furthermore it has never been reported that it has attacked Pakistani citizens. Other than hosting some minor rallies against India, Lashker E Toiba can do nothing now. It is defunct. Fanatical yes, but defunct and fund-starved. All knowledgeable reporters know this.

In light of all this the real question that needs to be asked is whether the government is actually willing to protect Pakistani citizens and uphold the honour of the country. Despite knowing the history of India’s blame games which are proven false later the government is not demanding justice or reopening of the Samjhauta Express case, even though it was Pakistanis that became victims to it. The question remains shouldn’t we be the ones demanding the custody of Purohit and shouldn’t we use this incident to remember that this is not the first time that Pakistan has been blamed for a terrorist act where Indian terrorists have been involved?

The government needs to answer, however it seems clear that not only the current government but also preceding Pakistani governments have constantly failed to protect Pakistani lives, interests and most dangerously the honour of the Nation. Pakistan’s version of events is not even being presented. Not a single news channel has taken up these raw facts and analyzed them.

It is understood that it is the responsibility of every government to protect its citizens and its National Interest yet the fact is that Pakistan today has become the International Scapegoat in the War On Terror and any Pakistani citizen can be framed on false charges despite the fact that it is Pakistan itself that is the greatest victim of Terror. In spite of this the message from the government today is that Pakistani Civilians can fall victim to terrorism or be killed in any foreign nation but the Pakistani Government does not care and Pakistani lives have no meaning. This isn't only true for Samjhauta Express. The government is doing nothing better closer to home where the Taliban can kill Pakistanis with impunity.

It seems that the so called government has a lot to do to prove its commitment to Pakistan because our new “democratic government” has failed miserably in the task to protect the citizens of Pakistan and the image and honor of the Country. It's great to trust our neighbours but there's a saying:

Never trust your neighbours with your life.

We must to be quite close to trusting our neighbours for our lives if we trust their version of events. Not even their version of events. Their media is investigating the bombers links to Purohit. It seems we've decided to shoot ourselves in the foot and nothing can stop us.
@Talon : Hi ! :wave:

What question did you ask ? :what:

Let me find it....I think I posted a summary on naswar corner

^^^^ Its simple, Mr Shinde is playing to galery like Mr Musharraf and Rehman Malik...

The only difference is Pakistani lie to defend there country Kongress lie to defend Pakistan :P
The similarity is both doing it to get votes..

None of that happens in saintly India
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@haviZsultan agree with you on the samjhota incident :)

Remember hindus you guys are playing with fire , don;t let these hindus terrorists rise

First they came for the dravidians,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a dravidian.

Then they came for the dalits,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a dalit.

Then they came for the trade Buddists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Buddist.

Then they came for the muslims,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a muslim.

Then they came for the catholics,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a catholic.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.
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Samjhauta blast was in 2007.

I think the new batch of hindu terrorists must be about to finish their five year bachelor in terrorism course. Brace for the new attacks, i hope the country's tough talking anti terrorism hero home minister shinde is not on their target list.

Instead shinde can take the fight to BJP and have them banned and their leaders arrested. That way congress will have a guaranteed 5 year term, and shinde will be a hero in pakistan too :)
don't you have little logic...

He is Home minister dude, if he has inputs , he should raid BJP/RSS camps, why playing to gallery?? A home minister talking non-sense dude, He is quoting Newspapers, Can you believe this Bulls#!t ??? Home minister has IB, CB/CID, MI, RAW etc , he has insulted Hindu culture...

Home Minister has insulted 10,000 year old hindu civilization.

And how do you know he is telling truth??? Did he show you some proof??? Or you were present in BJP/RSS camp??

This isn't proof?:

KARACHI: In a major breakthrough in the 2007 Samjhauta Express blast case, the Indian authorities on Saturday arrested Rajesh Chaudhary, suspected to have planted bombs in a Pakistan-bound train, Press Trust of India reported.

Rajesh Chaudhary alias Samundar
was arrested from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. There was a bounty of Rs 500,000 on his head also.

The blast, in 2007 had left nearly 70 dead and 100 injured — most of them Pakistanis.

The National Intelligence Agency (NIA) has already charged Aseemanand, Sunil Joshi (now dead), Lokesh Sharma, Dange alias Parmanand and Kalasangra for hatching a criminal conspiracy which resulted in blasts in the Samjhauta Express near Deewana railway station in Haryana’s Panipat district, about 80 km from Delhi.

I remember that attack initially being blamed on LET. Also here is proof of Purohit's involvement

The ATS suspects Purohit supplied the explosive to a person named ‘Bhagwan’ who is believed to be a link in the bomb blasts.

Seeking an extension of police custody of Purohit, Special Prosecutor for Maharashtra ATS Ajay Misar told a Nashik court that a witness in the Malegaon blast case told the agency that Purohit had claimed he had 60 kg of RDX in his possession which he had got from J&K.

Misar said: “When Purohit was stationed at the Deolali army camp, he had gone to Jammu and Kashmir on official work and is believed to have got 60 kg of RDX and a part of it was given to this link ‘Bhagwan’, who used it in the Samjhauta train blast. The ATS is probing his involvement.”

“Purohit handed over the RDX to Bhagwan who is suspected to be in hiding in the garb of a godman.
So Bhagwan is a key link and we hope to learn about his whereabouts and antecedents in the three-day remand given,” Misar told The Indian Express.

Purohit supplied RDX for Samjhauta bomb: ATS - Indian Express
Samjhauta blast was in 2007.

I think the new batch of hindu terrorists must be about to finish their five year course. Brace for the new attacks, i hope the country's tough talking anti terrorism hero home minister shinde is not on their target list.

when you kill a muslim you kill the whole human kind , that's what holy qur'an teaches in sura maeda.

so it doesn't matter what the number graph shows the point is hindu terrorists are as much threat to humanity as al queda and muslims on untrue paths are .
Good for you @KRAIT

But I really wanted answers for 2 of my questions but so far half is answered now I forgot 1 question and other is HOW THE HECK do you people IDENTIFY Bomb blown up person to be a terrorist?

He could be forced to do it (family kidnapped by MOSSAD, CIA or RAW or ISI or god knows what crap)

He could be brainwashed - poor villagers told their family will be given $$ and taken care off....I think some bollywood movies also showed this

He could be mad man like USA always declares any white shooter to have some form of mental deformity!

The bomb could have been planted under some random car

The bomb could be slipped into some case someone was carrying....

AND IN THE END some forsaken lunatic in some underground hideout or mountain claims it was his group?! :blink:

HOW THE HECK can you trace it back or identify someone was under so and so?

@Aeronaut Old post I cant find my other question I know some nice Indian partially answered it...
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This isn't proof?:

KARACHI: In a major breakthrough in the 2007 Samjhauta Express blast case, the Indian authorities on Saturday arrested Rajesh Chaudhary, suspected to have planted bombs in a Pakistan-bound train, Press Trust of India reported.

Rajesh Chaudhary alias Samundar
was arrested from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. There was a bounty of Rs 500,000 on his head also.

The blast, in 2007 had left nearly 70 dead and 100 injured — most of them Pakistanis.

The National Intelligence Agency (NIA) has already charged Aseemanand, Sunil Joshi (now dead), Lokesh Sharma, Dange alias Parmanand and Kalasangra for hatching a criminal conspiracy which resulted in blasts in the Samjhauta Express near Deewana railway station in Haryana’s Panipat district, about 80 km from Delhi.

I remember that attack initially being blamed on LET. Also here is proof of Purohit's involvement

The ATS suspects Purohit supplied the explosive to a person named ‘Bhagwan’ who is believed to be a link in the bomb blasts.

Seeking an extension of police custody of Purohit, Special Prosecutor for Maharashtra ATS Ajay Misar told a Nashik court that a witness in the Malegaon blast case told the agency that Purohit had claimed he had 60 kg of RDX in his possession which he had got from J&K.

Misar said: “When Purohit was stationed at the Deolali army camp, he had gone to Jammu and Kashmir on official work and is believed to have got 60 kg of RDX and a part of it was given to this link ‘Bhagwan’, who used it in the Samjhauta train blast. The ATS is probing his involvement.”

“Purohit handed over the RDX to Bhagwan who is suspected to be in hiding in the garb of a godman.
So Bhagwan is a key link and we hope to learn about his whereabouts and antecedents in the three-day remand given,” Misar told The Indian Express.

Purohit supplied RDX for Samjhauta bomb: ATS - Indian Express

The case is sub-judice, wait for verdict... There are some glitches here.

a) The crime is not proved yet, Its just an allegation by Agecies.
b) NIA (national investigating Agency) is formed by congress govt and the bossess are apointed by sonia and company.
c) None of them have link with BJP or RSS.
d) Its Kongress conspiracy to get Muslim vote back.
e) All are suspect , even Narco-analysis test and brain mapping test couldn't proved anything.

We must wait till this sick communal govt(congress govt) go to hell, the new secular govt (NDA) comes to power. Its Kongress ploy to malign Hinduism, and get Muslim votes.

read the red lines, these are not proof rather speculation....I can speculate Either Pakistani did this or Kongres did this to malign Hindus.. Speculation, Allegation and assumption can't be considered as proof... :P
This isn't proof?:

KARACHI: In a major breakthrough in the 2007 Samjhauta Express blast case, the Indian authorities on Saturday arrested Rajesh Chaudhary, suspected to have planted bombs in a Pakistan-bound train, Press Trust of India reported.

Rajesh Chaudhary alias Samundar
was arrested from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. There was a bounty of Rs 500,000 on his head also.

The blast, in 2007 had left nearly 70 dead and 100 injured — most of them Pakistanis.

The National Intelligence Agency (NIA) has already charged Aseemanand, Sunil Joshi (now dead), Lokesh Sharma, Dange alias Parmanand and Kalasangra for hatching a criminal conspiracy which resulted in blasts in the Samjhauta Express near Deewana railway station in Haryana’s Panipat district, about 80 km from Delhi.

I remember that attack initially being blamed on LET. Also here is proof of Purohit's involvement

The ATS suspects Purohit supplied the explosive to a person named ‘Bhagwan’ who is believed to be a link in the bomb blasts.

Seeking an extension of police custody of Purohit, Special Prosecutor for Maharashtra ATS Ajay Misar told a Nashik court that a witness in the Malegaon blast case told the agency that Purohit had claimed he had 60 kg of RDX in his possession which he had got from J&K.

Misar said: “When Purohit was stationed at the Deolali army camp, he had gone to Jammu and Kashmir on official work and is believed to have got 60 kg of RDX and a part of it was given to this link ‘Bhagwan’, who used it in the Samjhauta train blast. The ATS is probing his involvement.”

“Purohit handed over the RDX to Bhagwan who is suspected to be in hiding in the garb of a godman.
So Bhagwan is a key link and we hope to learn about his whereabouts and antecedents in the three-day remand given,” Misar told The Indian Express.

Purohit supplied RDX for Samjhauta bomb: ATS - Indian Express

Comprehension problems??? Those who were involved are being houded by indian police, they are all in jails. And i'm not even going to pakistani terrorist excuses ''like hafiz saeed was found not guilty by the famous lahore highcourt drama...''

Shinde said BJP is doing this, thats the proof we want, and if he has it we want him to ban BJP and arrest their leaders under terrorism.

Shinde is full of shyte, as home minister its his duty to take action against BJP now, otherwise it will be proven that he was lying just to play politics, and that by playing politics with national security he is a traitor.
The case is sub-judice, wait for verdict... There are some glitches here.

a) The crime is not proved yet, Its just an allegation by Agecies.
b) NIA (national investigating Agency) is formed by congress govt and the bossess are apointed by sonia and company.
c) None of them have link with BJP or RSS.
d) Its Kongress conspiracy to get Muslim vote back.
e) All are suspect , even Narco-analysis test and brain mapping test couldn't proved anything.

We must wait till this sick communal govt(congress govt) go to hell, the new secular govt (NDA) comes to power. Its Kongress ploy to malign Hinduism, and get Muslim votes.

haha:rofl: all conspiracy and people say pakistanis are conspiracy lovers.
Congress says something about Pakistan, Pakistani says "LIES , INDIAN PROPAGANDA"
Congress says something about Hindu terrorism "Truer words have never been spoken"

Hypocracy at the highest echelons of Pakistani society, Desperate clutching up of straws to prove India is "evil"
Then they came for the catholics,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a catholic.

Feels goods that those evil yindoos go after Catholics only.. Rest of the Christians can sleep peacefully :P
when you kill a muslim you kill the whole human kind , that's what holy qur'an teaches in sura maeda.

so it doesn't matter what the number graph shows the point is hindu terrorists are as much threat to humanity as al queda and muslims on untrue paths are .

Maybe those killed were not true muslims and hence that crappy weird argument is null and void.
If Shinde was serious , he should have made an official statement in Loksabha (I hope Pakistani friends here know what it is) and immediately directed legal machinery to impose ban on the outfits. But the minister has made a statement on national level party meet. Whom is he trying to please ? Amul baby ?
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