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Hindu Terrorism and Pakistan-India relations

You did not question ANYTHING from your politicians and govt when they were telling the cooked-up stories about beheading of indian soldiers.
You did not even bother to ask them for evidence.
But now someone as important as the home minister who is responsible for internal security tells about the hindu terrorist gangs like RSS and suddenly it is all political.
You can keep supporting the extremists dude, but just don't deny the fact that they are involved in terrorism.
Listen the government was informed by Indian Army so we believe them. We have full faith in IA. I was even criticizing GOI for their weak stance in this case when they didn't respond initially. So your logic fails.

As for Home Minsiter talking about RSS and BJP, first read about them. Congress target RSS and BJP for extremism as elections approaches or they are beaten up badly in other issues like Rape issue and LOC issue. Its Politics dude, think about it when was the statement made. Just after culmination of Congress's national meet for 2014 election in Jaipur. My city.

People torn their posters too. They disturbed entire traffic during these 3 days for election meeting.

Do you know the major extremism in India is due to State oppression especially under Congress rule. If you don't know, check the history of Maoists movement. North East was ignored by Congress govt.s for decades.

There are lot of things you don't know about Indian Politics. Just because his statement is in line with your prejudice or in favor of spreading this false sense of Hindu extremism, you are taking it at face value.

The real reasons for such statements and real culprits are totally different.

Do you know when GOI was bashed by Indian people for Delhi Rape case, protesting in Delhi, Congress sent members of its Student branch to create violence so that Police have to use force. What you all saw that protestors gone violent, but in reality it was few people sent to create this mess.

Again you have just joined now, you have to observe a lot about Indian politics and this Fake Frankstein of Hindu terrorism created by Congress. Most of the incidents mentioned are isolated ones and like any community, there are bad apples.

I am not defending RSS and BJP, I don't like them either especially what BJP did and RSS and VHP do. No matter they are right wing people but they don't go around with AK 47, bomb strapped to their chest and blow people up.

Again, stop believing anything you don't have adequate knowledge of. Ask us, we can tell you what is problems with Hindus and where are the faults.
Mr Shinde is rehman Mallik of India...

Mr Shinde == Rehman Mallik...

You fool Shinde, if you know BJP and RSS are running terror camp since many year, so why you are not acting ?? Is Mr Shinde peon or minister??? Look like Mr Shinde is peon in home ministry he has the information but won't work...

By the way merge this thread to


I suggest Pakistan take
1. Shinde,
2. Laloo
3. Mulayam
4. Arundhati roy
5. Chiddu
and others and give us

1. Ali Haider,
2. Sania Husband
3. Najam sethi
4. Shahid Afridi :P

Lets have excanhge...
But again why does every terrorist in this world from Faisal Shehzad to Aafia Siddiqui to Aimal Kansi to Omar Shaikh to the London Subway Bombers to the Bali Bomber to Bin Laden is found to have done his Terrorist-schooling in Pakistan ? Compared to that which Hindu has blown up Subways or Hotels or Buildings in the West ? Why is it that when the "Innocence of Muslims" is dramatized, the first victims to die are Pakistani Muslims ?

It is because the world focus is on that. Its what the media focuses on that plays a massive part as well. Why are we going to Pakistan again. The thread is about India in case you do not remember and about things like the Samjhauta express attacks.

Sir Talon, you are wrong, there is noting like hindu terror, hindu can't be terrorist. Hindus are most peaceful ppl on earth.

Its a vote bank policy of Indian parties. The ppl caught are falsly framed and inshallah one day they will get there freedom.

Exactly. In the case I find one I will be surprised because it was a "hidden hand" that played a part in 3 aforementioned cases even in the murder of Gandhi.

Mr Shinde is rehman Mallik of India...

Mr Shinde == Rehman Mallik...

You fool Shinde, if you know BJP and RSS are running terror camp since many year, so why you are not acting ?? Is Mr Shinde peon or minister??? Look like Mr Shinde is peon in home ministry he has the information but won't work...

When someone speaks the truth. I remember this same thing was said about AR Antulay... when he said the truth about the Mumbai attacks should be investigated.

When someone speaks the truth. I remember this same thing was said about AR Antulay... when he said the truth about the Mumbai attacks should be investigated.

from starting i was sure it was an RSS+BJP+RAW adventure but indian hawkish media+dawn turned it other way around . still some issues of kurkure's death are not resolved which leave some doubt of whether it was done by pakistanis or not ?
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Quite detailed article on Hindu Terrorism in The Guardian, seems like world is slowly taking note. Whereas the indians in general and those in PDF in particular are still in DENIAL.

India must face up to Hindu terrorism | Kapil Komireddi | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

For far too long, the enduring response of the Indian establishment to Hindu nationalists has rarely surpassed mild scorn. Their organised violent eruptions across the country – slaughtering Muslims and Christians, destroying their places of worship, cutting open pregnant wombs – never seemed sufficient enough to the state to cast them as a meaningful threat to India's national security.

But the recently leaked confession of a repentant Hindu priest, Swami Aseemanand, confirms what India's security establishment should have uncovered: a series of blasts between 2006 and 2008 were carried out by Hindu outfits. The attacks targeted a predominantly Muslim town and places of Muslim worship elsewhere. Their victims were primarily Muslim. Yet the reflexive reaction of the police was to round up young Muslim men, torture them, extract confessions and declare the cases solved.

Pundits now conduct cautious enquiries on television. Does this revelation mean India is now under attack by "Hindu terrorism"? But to treat this as a new phenomenon is to overlook the bulky corpus of terrorist violence in India that has its roots in explicitly Hindu-political grievances. Why is the attack on a Jewish centre in Mumbai by Pakistani gunmen an example of "Islamic terrorism", but the slaughter of a thousand Muslims by sword-wielding Hindus in Gujarat in 2002 not proof of "Hindu terrorism", particularly when the purpose of the violence was to establish an Hindu state in India? How do we describe attacks on churches, the kidnappings of pastors, the burning to death of a missionary? What do we make of the war-cry pehle kasai, phir isai: first the butchers (Muslims), then the Christians? What has prompted this debate over "Hindu terrorism" is not Aseemanand's confession: it is the fact that, in carrying out their violence, his accomplices appropriated methods which, in popular imagination, have become associated exclusively with Islamic terrorism. Detonating bombs in crowded areas: isn't that what Muslims do?

It is when you look at the reactions to non-Hindu extremism that you absorb how strongly majoritarian assumptions inform the state and society's conduct in India. In 2002, the Indian government banned the radical Muslim group Simi (Students' Islamic Movement of India) citing the group's charter, which seeks to establish sharia rule in India, and the terror charges some of its members were facing. But the Hindu radical outfit RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh or the National Volunteer Corps) remains open for business – even though it campaigns, very openly, for a Hindu state in India, and its members incite and perpetrate violence against Muslim and Christian minorities. Mahatma Gandhi's assassin was a member of the RSS, as are Aseemanand and his confreres. To get an idea of which of the two groups poses a more immediate threat to India, consider this: the government that banned Simi was headed by the BJP, the political wing of the RSS.

The principal cause of Hindu radicalism, much like its Muslim counterpart in Pakistan, is the partition of India in 1947. The departing British hacked India apart to accommodate the Muslim League's demand for an exclusive homeland for the subcontinent's Muslims – and so, the Hindu nationalist logic runs, the territory that remained should logically be identified as the land of Hindus. If Pakistan's Muslim majoritarianism crystallised around the bogey of "Hindu raj", the Hindu nationalist project thrives by casting the burden of partition on India's Muslim minorities – fifth columnists whose coreligionists tore India apart by claiming, in spite of a millennium-long sojourn in India, to be foreigners by virtue of their faith.

For all the saffron calumny, it is impossible to find a community more emphatically committed to India than its Muslims. India's Hindus never had to make a choice. The Muslims did. Consider what an ordinary Muslim family in 1947 would have had to deal with: terrified by the violence that the partition had unleashed, their coreligionists were fleeing in the millions to Pakistan; Hindu and Sikh fanatics were actively seeking out Muslims for slaughter and rape; the possibility of being betrayed by neighbours and friends was far from remote. Sardar Patel, the second most powerful functionary in the Indian government, was openly hostile to Muslims – hostility which no doubt would have been seen by many Hindus as tacit endorsement of their actions. Amidst all this, the sole authoritative source of reassurance would have been the distant pledges of a better tomorrow by Jawaharlal Nehru. The Muslims who remained, who refused to vacate the hell that was India despite the blandishments of paradise next door in Pakistan, affirmed their faith in India with their lives.

After all this, it is staggering that the Hindu right gets away so easily by routinely humiliating Indian Muslims. From demographics to diet, personal laws to places of worship, Muslims are suspect in everything they do. Adding a dash of foreign authority, glamour and fuel to this unbridled bigotry is the lavatorial "scholarship" of frustrated European converts to Hinduism such as François Gautier and Koenraad Elst. Misfits in their own societies, they have flourished by exploiting communal tensions in a miserably poor country. What the Muslims did to Hindus was worse than the Jewish Holocaust explains one, while the other warns Hindus that they are being outbred by Muslims. The JNU historian Tanika Sarkar was perhaps right in identifying "penis envy and anxiety about emasculation" among the principal reasons for anti-Muslim bigotry.

The Indian state has failed appallingly in its obligations to Muslim citizens. There are 150 million Muslims in India, but as the government's own figures show, only 4% are graduates, 5% have public employment, an overwhelming majority remain locked out of public institutions, and their access to government loans and education is severely restricted. If this institutional exclusion should breed resentment, and the resentment produce violence, no one will hesitate to call it another instance of Islamic terrorism. But when self-pitying Hindus massacre minorities and detonate bombs in the midst of Muslim crowds, we are expected to be polite. No, let us call it what it actually is: Hindu terrorism.
It is because the world focus is on that. Its what the media focuses on that plays a massive part as well. Why are we going to Pakistan again. The thread is about India in case you do not remember and about things like the Samjhauta express attacks.

Exactly. In the case I find one I will be surprised because it was a "hidden hand" that played a part in 3 aforementioned cases even in the murder of Gandhi.

When someone speaks the truth. I remember this same thing was said about AR Antulay... when he said the truth about the Mumbai attacks should be investigated.

don't you have little logic...

He is Home minister dude, if he has inputs , he should raid BJP/RSS camps, why playing to gallery?? A home minister talking non-sense dude, He is quoting Newspapers, Can you believe this Bulls#!t ??? Home minister has IB, CB/CID, MI, RAW etc , he has insulted Hindu culture...

Home Minister has insulted 10,000 year old hindu civilization.

And how do you know he is telling truth??? Did he show you some proof??? Or you were present in BJP/RSS camp??
Not sure how old is this, but Can My indian friends explain this brutality.. and pose a question , are we civilized???
Dude, Indian riots can't be expressed or imagined. The attacks by both communities were so heinous that you will loose faith in humanity.

But in midst of this horror, many Muslim families saved Hindu neighbors and vice versa.

People generally don't know about Godhara riots. Its much more complicated and heinous.

I really am tired...Its going in circles no one wants a civilized discussion because when it comes close to the truth (Yes I know 1 of you will next ask WHAT TRUTH...Just read the thread!), the questions are thrown back....

I am not sure if people do not realize the discussion is about INDIA here...Indian Problems, why peace talk between India and Pakistan fail all the time...Instead of addressing the problems.... they dragged PAKISTAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN, ZARDARI, PAKISTANI PARLIAMENT, PAKISTANI CONSTITUTION....One would think half of these people either live in Pakistan because they seem to know soo much or did THIS MUCH RESEARCH from LYING POLITICIANS say to tabloids to gossip stirred by over excited media ...enough RESEARCH as though they want to migrate to Pakistan?!

If it interests you soo much DISCUSS INDIA and side by side open a similar thread on Pakistan! SIMPLE instead of dragging Pakistan all over the thread for India!

I tried answering the questions on Pakistan...Put my own questions but EVERYONE is a lecturer giving their OPINIONS as solid facts! 1 even suggesting Pakistan should be secular just because India is...If that happened then he will sit back and laugh Pakistan followed India...Aysay logon ko kabhi nai satisfy ker saktay!

People generally don't know about Godhara riots. Its much more complicated and heinous.

ONLY everything happening in INDIA is complicated but everything happening in Pakistan is as simple as reading what the news whats you to know..and then declare it as final and truth!
More politicians backing up the fact that "Hindu Terrorism" is being spread by RSS etc.

Lalu backs Shinde's accusation of BJP, RSS - The Times of India

PATNA: RJD president Lalu Prasad today backed Union home minister Sushilkumar Shinde's accusation that BJP and RSS were conducting terror training camps and promoting "Hindu terrorism" in the country.

"He (Shinde) is the Union home minister. Will he tell a lie?" Prasad asked while talking to reporters after being unanimously elected the party's president for the eighth time. Appealing to party workers to take a pledge not to allow "communal forces" assume power at the Centre at any cost, he said his party would make sincere efforts to bring all secular forces together. Having four MPs in the Lok Sabha, RJD is supporting UPA government at the Centre from outside. Slamming Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar, the RJD chief said his party would not seek dismissal of the NDA rule led by Kumar but would defeat it with the help of masses as people were "disillusioned" with the JD(U)-BJP government.

No wonder you have gone euphoric because you have taken out a complete different meaning which suits you. Not being an Indian and that too away from subcontinent (i.e in Europe) I am damn sure that you are oblivious to Indian politics. We know it very closely as we are part of the system and also follow it. We are all welcome for criticism but come up a
after better understanding. I am not rude but just a suggestion.
@Talon No need to be condescending. I never said Pakistan's trouble are simple. So better not comment on someone about whom you don't know about posts especially on topics like this.
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@Talon No need to be condescending. I never said Pakistan's trouble are simple. So better not comment on someone about whom you don't know about posts especially on topics like this.

Its annoying how INDIAN cases are special a not simple while the same people quickly figure out Pakistani cases?!
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^^^^ Its simple, Mr Shinde is playing to galery like Mr Musharraf and Rehman Malik...

The only difference is Pakistani lie to defend there country Kongress lie to defend Pakistan :P
The similarity is both doing it to get votes..
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