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Hindu temple vandalised in US, symbols of devil worship spray-painted

Lol,so now a Romanian will teach us on the matter of chastity and humility:lol:!!Do i have to remind you of the sufferings of the Roma community in the hands of your erstwhile Communist Govt.Heck,even now they are being constantly discriminated upon only because they look a bit "different" than the majority populace and their ancestors apparently migrated from the Indian sub-continent over 1500 years back,even though the entire Roma community has converted to Christianity:tsk:.Now,i don't have any problems with the Christian community in general,in fact i have got a great amount of respect for Jesus Christ whom i consider to be an avatar of the Supreme Lord Vishnu.I only retaliated because you brought the topic of the alleged rape of that old nun even though it has been proved by our law enforcement agencies that she was raped by a couple of Bangladeshi dacoits who were Muslim by religion:coffee:!!

Well,you could have retaliated to that idiot who thought to vent out at Christians,yes ALL Christians because somebody sprayed some graffitti on a temple.And they were not Christians either ,as they don't use satanic symbols.Could have been basically everyone.On top of that the idiot didn't even know how Christianity came to Romanian lands and made up some fairy tales of us being impaled for it.The gypsies aren't discriminated because they look different,they're discriminated because they "act" different and by act i mean,don't work,steal,etc.
Bro, I met a very, very influential Sikh family here in the US & they were saying how the language is being destroyed, the agricultural land being ruined & water being stolen from punjab. Is that true?
your post can be restored
but first you need to settle this with other members who believe that you are offending them.
@Bishnoo loves Beef please advise if what he has written false or misquoted and out of context?

we have to go by the sentiments of people and this is after all a defence and political forum not theology and divinity debate club. I rather not see the mud slinging among us South Asians as is seen among members of Middle east.

I would rather close threads and delete posts where religious temperate rises to a point of no return.

You really should consider this poster Bishnoo loves Beef's nickname. It is offensive to Hindus to the extent that a nickname such as "Muhammad/Mohamed loves Pork" would be to Muslims
LOL...Seems like you have zero understanding about the Christianity and Christians in Kerala or are blinded with hate and jealousy..I am not blaming you,its hard to digest for a Tamil like you about all these...
@manlion is a Srilankan ''TAMIL'' Muslim..Why you are purposefully omitting the word TAMIL??..

Considering he could not even identify Tamil script I would not call him a Tamil.
Well,you could have retaliated to that idiot who thought to vent out at Christians,yes ALL Christians because somebody sprayed some graffitti on a temple.And they were not Christians either ,as they don't use satanic symbols.Could have been basically everyone.On top of that the idiot didn't even know how Christianity came to Romanian lands and made up some fairy tales of us being impaled for it.The gypsies aren't discriminated because they look different,they're discriminated because they "act" different and by act i mean,don't work,steal,etc.


The Christian blaming reaction you are seeing on this forum and elsewhere is a natural reaction to Christians crying wolf in India over broken windows and stolen $600 from church.

When Christians cry persecution when three of their churches are vandalized in a year in a city; when in that same city, in that same year 206 Temples, 30 Gurudwaras, and 14 Mosques were Vandalized (none of them cried persecution), It is natural that Christianity would be blamed for Vandalization of religious places of other religion.

After all, What is good for goose is good for gander. When Christians believe that they are being persecuted because of some broken windows and thefts in Church ,and are ever ready to blame other religions for small law and order problem, then why not accept that Christianity and Christians as a whole are responsible for Temple Vandalism.

Is it not double standard?

Christians were quick to blame Hindus for nun rape , even though Rapist were found to be illegal Bangladeshi muslims.

They were quick to blame Hindus for Church Vandalism, even though there is not even a circumstantial evidence that it was an act motivated by religion.

On top of it there is a multi level marketing scam run by Evangelists to convert poor people. They are on a mission to expand their numbers by buying as many converts as they can, in poor countries. It should not come as a surprise that Christianity does not have a very good image among non-Abrahmics. Only Christianity we have been exposed to is a "ranting madman's" Christianity where proselytizers are threatening you with hellfire, always going on and on about end of the world, calling you spawns of demon, and outright buying out faith of poor desperate people.

Though, neither do I believe that this graffiti was an act of persecution , not that any particular group is responsible for it, but since Christians use similar instances to reap political mileage,they should not complain when they are o recieving end.

The Christian blaming reaction you are seeing on this forum and elsewhere is a natural reaction to Christians crying wolf in India over broken windows and stolen $600 from church.

When Christians cry persecution when three of their churches are vandalized in a year in a city; when in that same city, in that same year 206 Temples, 30 Gurudwaras, and 14 Mosques were Vandalized (none of them cried persecution), It is natural that Christianity would be blamed for Vandalization of religious places of other religion.

After all, What is good for goose is good for gander. When Christians believe that they are being persecuted because of some broken windows and thefts in Church ,and are ever ready to blame other religions for small law and order problem, then why not accept that Christianity and Christians as a whole are responsible for Temple Vandalism.

Is it not double standard?

Christians were quick to blame Hindus for nun rape , even though Rapist were found to be illegal Bangladeshi muslims.

They were quick to blame Hindus for Church Vandalism, even though there is not even a circumstantial evidence that it was an act motivated by religion.

On top of it there is a multi level marketing scam run by Evangelists to convert poor people. They are on a mission to expand their numbers by buying as many converts as they can, in poor countries. It should not come as a surprise that Christianity does not have a very good image among non-Abrahmics. Only Christianity we have been exposed to is a "ranting madman's" Christianity where proselytizers are threatening you with hellfire, always going on and on about end of the world, calling you spawns of demon, and outright buying out faith of poor desperate people.

Though, neither do I believe that this graffiti was an act of persecution , not that any particular group is responsible for it, but since Christians use similar instances to reap political mileage,they should not complain when they are o recieving end.

Well,at least use logic and logic tells us that those symbols can't be drawn by Christians ,not even to mock others.What Christian would ever draw the inverted cross or 666 ? It could have been an act of persecution but not by Christians because of the obvious reasons i've just explained.

The Christian blaming reaction you are seeing on this forum and elsewhere is a natural reaction to Christians crying wolf in India over broken windows and stolen $600 from church.

When Christians cry persecution when three of their churches are vandalized in a year in a city; when in that same city, in that same year 206 Temples, 30 Gurudwaras, and 14 Mosques were Vandalized (none of them cried persecution), It is natural that Christianity would be blamed for Vandalization of religious places of other religion.

After all, What is good for goose is good for gander. When Christians believe that they are being persecuted because of some broken windows and thefts in Church ,and are ever ready to blame other religions for small law and order problem, then why not accept that Christianity and Christians as a whole are responsible for Temple Vandalism.

Is it not double standard?

Christians were quick to blame Hindus for nun rape , even though Rapist were found to be illegal Bangladeshi muslims.

They were quick to blame Hindus for Church Vandalism, even though there is not even a circumstantial evidence that it was an act motivated by religion.

On top of it there is a multi level marketing scam run by Evangelists to convert poor people. They are on a mission to expand their numbers by buying as many converts as they can, in poor countries. It should not come as a surprise that Christianity does not have a very good image among non-Abrahmics. Only Christianity we have been exposed to is a "ranting madman's" Christianity where proselytizers are threatening you with hellfire, always going on and on about end of the world, calling you spawns of demon, and outright buying out faith of poor desperate people.

Though, neither do I believe that this graffiti was an act of persecution , not that any particular group is responsible for it, but since Christians use similar instances to reap political mileage,they should not complain when they are o recieving end.

@flamer84 here has already declared 4/5th of world wide Christian community as non-Christians. According to him Catholics are not Christians. Most of evangelicals are not Christians because they concentrate so much on devil and signs of devil. He no different that the Muslims who claim all those terrorists are non-Muslims.

I just googled Hindus are devil worshipers and got 2,99,000 results out of which 2,98,999 seem to be Christian websites. Apparently, @flamer84 will claim all those are not Christian websites.
@flamer84 here has already declared 4/5th of world wide Christian community as non-Christians. According to him Catholics are not Christians. Most of evangelicals are not Christians because they concentrate so much on devil and signs of devil. He no different that the Muslims who claim all those terrorists are non-Muslims.

I just googled Hindus are devil worshipers and got 2,99,000 results out of which 2,98,999 seem to be Christian websites. Apparently, @flamer84 will claim all those are not Christian websites.

LOL I googled it to now :lol::lol:

I also googled "orthodox Christians are devil worshippers" and on the first page i got the same site as the Hindus.Some evangelists really hate everyone :lol:
LOL I googled it to now :lol::lol:

I also googled "orthodox Christians are devil worshippers" and on the first page i got the same site as the Hindus.Some evangelists really hate everyone :lol:

Apparently, that is why Christianity is called Religion of Love. It was not all that long ago that the head of Russian Orthodox Church claimed Hindus are Satan worshipers and Krishna is Satan.
Apparently, that is why Christianity is called Religion of Love. It was not all that long ago that the head of Russian Orthodox Church claimed Hindus are Satan worshipers and Krishna is Satan.

No he didn't.I couldn't find anything on that.Don't make stuff up.
No he didn't.I couldn't find anything on that.Don't make stuff up.

I do not need to lie for something that was splashed all over newspapers and discussed on forums across the world. Too bad the Russian sites have removed the article. But it is saved for posterity on many many forums.

Russian Archbishop Calls Lord Krishna an 'Evil Demon' - The Hare Krishna Forum - IndiaDivine.org

Hindus in Shock as Russian Bishop Calls Krishna “Satan” - Stormfront

Latest was the attempt by the Russian Orthodox Church to ban Bhagwat Geeta citing it to be devil's work, etc. etc.


Gita row: Is there a hidden agenda? In the name of Gita, don’t spoil India-Russia relations | Russia & India Report

Russia court rejects ban of Hindu text - Al Jazeera English
Guess what was Discovered in UP recently ? :P

Maya's kingdom goes back to 4000 BC - The Times of India

Archaeologists of the UP State Archaelogical Department (UPSAD) dug out the Jajmau tila, Jajmau has been associated with Yayati Nagari, the city founded by legendary king Yayati.

King Yayati is a legendary figure and King of India who married the daughter of Shukracharya (guru of Asuras / Iranians), Devynai (remember Devyani khobragade ? :D).

For those who do not know who King Yayati was, he was the Father of Yadu. Yadu's decendents are called Yaduvanshi's in who's clan Krishna was born. Yadav's can claim lineage to yadu.

Second son of King Yayati was Yavana who founded the Yavana empire.

His second wife was Sharmishtha, daughter of King Vrishparva who was from Daksha (south).

Sharmishtha and Yayati's sons were Anu who's descendants were the Tukhars of Bactria, Druhyu who founded Twipra Kingdome (Tripura) in the North East (which included current day Assam, BD, Tripura and Mizoram) and Puru who's descendants where the Pandavas (Also Bharat after who India is named Bharat)

Here is the picture of Yayati Nagari,


Guess what was Discovered in UP recently ? :P

Maya's kingdom goes back to 4000 BC - The Times of India

Archaeologists of the UP State Archaelogical Department (UPSAD) dug out the Jajmau tila, Jajmau has been associated with Yayati Nagari, the city founded by legendary king Yayati.

King Yayati is a legendary figure and King of India who married the daughter of Shukracharya (guru of Asuras / Iranians), Devynai (remember Devyani khobragade ? :D).

For those who do not know who King Yayati was, he was the Father of Yadu. Yadu's decendents are called Yaduvanshi's in who's clan Krishna was born. Yadav's can claim lineage to yadu.

Second son of King Yayati was Yavana who founded the Yavana empire.

His second wife was Sharmishtha, daughter of King Vrishparva who was from Daksha (south).

Sharmishtha and Yayati's sons were Anu who's descendants were the Tukhars of Bactria, Druhyu who founded Twipra Kingdome (Tripura) in the North East (which included current day Assam, BD, Tripura and Mizoram) and Puru who's descendants where the Pandavas (Also Bharat after who India is named Bharat)

Here is the picture of Yayati Nagari,



This is such a huge find. How come it did not become the talk of the nation?
I do not need to lie for something that was splashed all over newspapers and discussed on forums across the world. Too bad the Russian sites have removed the article. But it is saved for posterity on many many forums.

Russian Archbishop Calls Lord Krishna an 'Evil Demon' - The Hare Krishna Forum - IndiaDivine.org

Hindus in Shock as Russian Bishop Calls Krishna “Satan” - Stormfront

Latest was the attempt by the Russian Orthodox Church to ban Bhagwat Geeta citing it to be devil's work, etc. etc.


Gita row: Is there a hidden agenda? In the name of Gita, don’t spoil India-Russia relations | Russia & India Report

Russia court rejects ban of Hindu text - Al Jazeera English

He's not the head of the Russian Church,only a bishop and you found a statement from him.....in 2005.Wow.....You were holding that in for a long time,huh ?

Anyway,even one of your links with a piece from an Indian says that some may be wary in Russia due to Hare Krishna weird prozelytism.
He's not the head of the Russian Church,only a bishop and you found a statement from him.....in 2005.Wow.....You were holding that in for a long time,huh ?

Anyway,even one of your links with a piece from an Indian says that some may be wary in Russia due to Hare Krishna weird prozelytism.

Hmm, so Hare Krishna prosyletism is weird but proselytism by Christians is good and not weird and no one should be wary of course. More Christian logic and love on display.

I do not need to hold anything. The Bishops statement was in keeping with the view of churches of all denomination. Nothing new about it. Also one more reason it does not make news.

The attempt to ban Hindu religious scriptures were as late as 2011. Not good enough for you. Of course it is because Hare Krishnas are weird. Considering how many people Hare Krishnas have killed and how many Christians have killed, obviously it turns out Krishnas are weird.

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