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Hindu temple vandalised in US, symbols of devil worship spray-painted

Hmm, so Hare Krishna prosyletism is weird but proselytism by Christians is good and not weird and no one should be wary of course. More Christian logic and love on display.

I do not need to hold anything. The Bishops statement was in keeping with the view of churches of all denomination. Nothing new about it. Also one more reason it does not make news.

The attempt to ban Hindu religious scriptures were as late as 2011. Not good enough for you. Of course it is because Hare Krishnas are weird. Considering how many people Hare Krishnas have killed and how many Christians have killed, obviously it turns out Krishnas are weird.

Dude,it is how it is.Christians may be tolerant but they can't really shut up about the obvious,especially the Holy Fathers.And that is,those who do not worship the One True God but other deities are going to have a hard time in the after life and their gods are false.This is dogma,can't really go around it.You would want the core beliefs to be changed because they bother you ? Fat chance buddy,not my problem what you worship but priests have an obligation to call it as they see it and warn of the repercursions for your soul.Nobody uses violence,just verbal statements and advices,Cheer up.
Dude,it is how it is.Christians may be tolerant but they can't really shut up about the obvious,especially the Holy Fathers.And that is,those who do not worship the One True God but other deities are going to have a hard time in the after life and their gods are false.This is dogma,can't really go around it.You would want the core beliefs to be changed because they bother you ? Fat chance buddy,not my problem what you worship but priests have an obligation to call it as they see it and warn of the repercursions for your soul.Nobody uses violence,just verbal statements and advices,Cheer up.

Of course, you spread love by calling out Hindus as devil worshipers in a nation full of Hindus and of course Hindus are expected to shut up about the obvious. Cool logic.
Of course, you spread love by calling out Hindus as devil worshipers in a nation full of Hindus and of course Hindus are expected to shut up about the obvious. Cool logic.

Why does it bother you if you don't believe in Christian concepts ? satan is just a Christian concept.
This is of course not counting the discrimination faced by non-Abrahmics throughout history from the people of Religion of Love.
There isn't a day that goes by without some Hindu nationalist politician spewing venom about Christians and Christianity so you can't really get on your high horses about this.
Why does it bother you if you don't believe in Christian concepts ? satan is just a Christian concept.

You come to our house and call us devil worshipers are we are not expected to be bothered? You go to villages and turn people against their gods and society, break up families and set feud amongst brothers, and we are not supposed to be bothered? You go convert a wife or a husband who then holds out a threat of divorce if her husband or wife does not convert and we are not supposed to be bothered? You go out and convert entire areas of the country who then demand separate nations and we are not supposed to be bothered?

There isn't a day that goes by without some Hindu nationalist politician spewing venom about Christians and Christianity so you can't really get on your high horses about this.

Considering what Christians have been doing to the world since the last 2000 years, I would say our politicians are very mild and insipid in their calling out the Christians.
There isn't a day that goes by without some Hindu nationalist politician spewing venom about Christians and Christianity so you can't really get on your high horses about this.

LOL. Funny thing for a Christian to say :lol:

The HISTORY of Christianity is the spewing of venom against EVERYBODY else. What moral authority do you really have ? Don't make me puke.
You come to our house and call us devil worshipers are we are not expected to be bothered? You go to villages and turn people against their gods and society, break up families and set feud amongst brothers, and we are not supposed to be bothered? You go convert a wife or a husband who then holds out a threat of divorce if her husband or wife does not convert and we are not supposed to be bothered? You go out and convert entire areas of the country who then demand separate nations and we are not supposed to be bothered?

Considering what Christians have been doing to the world since the last 2000 years, I would say our politicians are very mild and insipid in their calling out the Christians.
Yes, those awful Christians forced you to ban 10 year olds marrying and widow burning
Yes, those awful Christians forced you to ban 10 year olds marrying and widow burning

No the awful christians forced SLAVERY, RAPE, EXPLOITATION, MURDER, WARS, GENOCIDE, PEDOPHILIA on the rest of the world.

Consider the amount of "witches" you have burnt, Sati is negligible.
No the awful christians forced SLAVERY, RAPE, EXPLOITATION, MURDER, WARS, GENOCIDE, PEDOPHILIA on the rest of the world.

Consider the amount of "witches" you have burnt, Sati is negligible.

They also united India and gave you a country-without them i predict some 10-20 states today.Pros and cons.How many witches burnt ?
They also united India and gave you a country-without them i predict sone 10-20 states today.Pros and cons.

I have just posted about King Yayati who united India. We know our History far better than you can claim to know or pretend to teach us.

Also heard now the Christiandom is sentencing woman to prison with 30 year term for miscarriages.

Purvi Patel Sentenced to 41 Years for Feticide and Neglect of a Dependent

Well Evil Yindoos must be punished for their Pagan beliefs.

Christians will visit Thailand and Cambodia to copulate with 10 year old kids and then confess their sins and become free men again.

The epitome of "Morality". :coffee:
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