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ISKCON temple in Bangladesh's Dhaka vandalised, several injured: Report

No most buddhist converted organically.
Just like muslims converted from hinduism to islam organically in Bangladesh over a period of 700 years.

Sena Dynasty otoh FORCE-converted bengalis from a buddhist-majority to hinduism
Hindus organically fled from Pakistan and Bangladesh to India in 1947. Direct action day was not responsible at all...?! Maybe after some centuries, people will say that direct action day was actually called by Gandhi to drive all muslims out of India into small countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh....!
Hindus organically allowed themselves to be murdered, looted and enslaved by Islamic rulers like aurangzeb, tipu sultan and many many more. You can actually read the many diktats and orders of these Mughal emperors condemning kafirs, destroying their temples and imposing jaziya on them.
The last few Sikhs and Hindus organically fled from Taliban infested Afghanistan in 2021.
Hindus organically fled from Pakistan and Bangladesh to India in 1947. Direct action day was not responsible at all...?! Maybe after some centuries, people will say that direct action day was actually called by Gandhi to drive all muslims out of India into small countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh....!
Hindus organically allowed themselves to be murdered, looted and enslaved by Islamic rulers like aurangzeb, tipu sultan and many many more. You can actually read the many diktats and orders of these Mughal emperors condemning kafirs, destroying their temples and imposing jaziya on them.
The last few Sikhs and Hindus organically fled from Taliban infested Afghanistan in 2021.

what are you babbling about?

There was secterian violence in all over british india during the partition. Many muslims had to flee Kolkata because of genocidial hindus. Thousands of muslims were killed. Bangladeshi muslims were enraged and started to kill hindus as a payback.

Hindus were disorganized and not warrior-like , thats why peoples from the harsh central asian climate easily could enter the sub-continent and rule it for 600 years. The british did the same.

If it were not for muslims you still would be fighting amongst you and killing eachother. Just like your posterboy Maratha murdered nearly 100 000 hindus when they invaded Bengal.
I see what you did right there.
The blasphemy lunchers will not stop if a person say, I heard "insert blasphemous content" and think he/she will live to see another day.
Your ifs, I heard and buts won't hide the unending hatred you carry in your heart.

Yaar you can't think their won't be a response to hindutva poison in india
what are you babbling about?

There was secterian violence in all over british india during the partition. Many muslims had to flee Kolkata because of genocidial hindus. Thousands of muslims were killed. Bangladeshi muslims were enraged and started to kill hindus as a payback.

Hindus were disorganized and not warrior-like , thats why peoples from the harsh central asian climate easily could enter the sub-continent and rule it for 600 years. The british did the same.

If it were not for muslims you still would be fighting amongst you and killing eachother. Just like your posterboy Maratha murdered nearly 100 000 hindus when they invaded Bengal.
I can't talk to a person who believes the events of 1947 were because the Hindus wanted a Hindu rashtra.....! It's astonishing how you guys can twist history to suit your own beliefs.
The idea of a seperate muslim state came in the minds of muslims, not in the minds of Hindus, direct action day was called for by muslims and not hindus which directly led to the murder of 5 million people.

Muslims are responsible for the creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh. You can change history in your mind, but that doesn't change the actual events of history.
I can't talk to a person who believes the events of 1947 were because the Hindus wanted a Hindu rashtra.....! It's astonishing how you guys can twist history to suit your own beliefs.

I know its hard to believe when you graduate from a RSS College.

The idea of a seperate muslim state came in the minds of muslims, not in the minds of Hindus, direct action day was called for by muslims and not hindus which directly led to the murder of 5 million people.
Seeing whats happening with our muslims brothers and sisters in India today it was clearly a wise and foresighted desicion.

Hindu nationalists want to keep muslims away from power corridors and make life miserable. Thats is there only way for inferior-complexed people to have revenge.

250 million muslims in your country, how many % in parliament representation? Job market, housing market… regular anti-muslim pogroms… and you have the nerves to come here and lecture muslims.

We are proud of having created separate nations for muslims. It was that or become slaves like black people in South Africa. A no brainer.
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Ban iSKON, confiscate all properties, jail all its leaders..... clear fifth elements....
A better method would be infiltration and sowing discord, causing factionalism etc. they will form splinter groups and infighting will ensue

worked for us in CHT.
I know its hard to believe when you graduate from a RSS College.

Seeing whats happening with our muslims brothers and sisters in India today it was clearly a wise and foresighted desicion.

Hindu nationalists want to keep mulims away from power corridors and make life miserable. Thats is there only way for inferior-complexed people to have revenge.

250 million muslims in your country, how many % in parliament representation? Job market, housing market… regular anti-muslim pogroms… and you have the nerves to come here and lecture muslims.

We are proud of having created separate nations for muslims. It was that or become slaves like black people in South Africa. A no brainer.
Delusions will not make the injustice done to hindus vanish in thin air.
Muslims have ruled over the subcontinent for about 800-1000 years, in those years the Hindus were mercilessly being destroyed by the invaders.
You have said that hindus are not warriors in your previous post, and that's why muslims from Arabia and central Asia easily conquered india, that means that peaceful, non violent people must be subjugated by strong tyrannical people???
It is good that such mentality of yours is showcased for people to see here.

The same thing happened to the Yazidis of Iraq, they were peace loving people living in Arab lands with their own religion, but the radical clerics termed them heretics and persecuted them all these centuries, the persecution climaxed when rabid ISIS terrorists killed 5000 Yazidis, enslaved their women and drove 500,000 of them out of their homes.
This same thing happened and is happening in the sub continent. The only hope is for liberal Muslims to stand up to the radicals.

Destroying temples has been happening since centuries in the sub continent and is still continuing till today.

I end my discussions here.
Those ISCKON hare krishnas are as loco as any of the baptists, evangelicals and salafists out there, possibly more
Muslims have ruled over the subcontinent for about 800-1000 years, in those years the Hindus were mercilessly being destroyed by the invaders.
You have said that hindus are not warriors in your previous post, and that's why muslims from Arabia and central Asia easily conquered india, that means that peaceful, non violent people must be subjugated by strong tyrannical people???
It is good that such mentality of yours is showcased for people to see here.

You easily jumped over major points:
Hindus wiped out buddhism, and force converted bengalis to hinduism. When are hindus gonna pay for that? We bengalis should start ghar-wapsi and start force converting hindus back to buddhism.

Hindus also totally forced out indigineous dravidian peoples from the northern india when your ancestors arrived from the Pontic Steppe. Dravidian people were enslaved and given low caste ranks.

Talking about muslim warfare:
Tamerlane the muslim conqourer killed probably millions of muslims during his empire building in Central Asia, Iran and Anatolia.

Muslim rulers had muslim rivals and regularly went to war with eachother. Was no different in Subcontinent where different muslim ethnic groups and clans often fought for power and caused destruction of fellow muslims.

If muslim rulers destryoed hindus then why are there 1 billion of you in India today? Why is there hundreds of thousand temples all over the subcontinent?

You wanna see destruction? look at what europeans did in Americas and Australia where indiginous people and their culture was totally wiped out.

If anything muslims were very kind to hindus compared to what europeans did all over the world. The mongols would have totally wiped out India if it was not for the muslim Delhi Mamluks.
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OpIndia Exclusive: Bangladesh ISKCON seer rubbishes claims of ‘temple not damaged’, asks whether attack on masjid wall will not be regarded as attack on masjid​

Bangladesh: ISKCON slams naysayers for downplaying temple attack

Hindu seer Rupanug Gaur Das, ISKCON temple attack

Two days after a frenzied Muslim mob attacked an ISKCON temple in Wari in Dhaka Division of Bangladesh, alleged ‘historian’ Audrey Truschke tried to cast aspersions about the authenticity of the crime.

In a series of tweets, Truschke claimed that a tweet posted by the Hindu American Foundation (HAF) regarding the temple attack was ‘fake’. She alleged that the deletion of the said tweet by HAF was somehow an ‘admission of guilt.’

The ‘historian’ claimed that the ‘disinformation’ about the hate crime was further peddled by OpIndia and Rober Spencer, the founder of Jihad Watch. “Going forward, folks should think carefully about their sources for information, especially of a sensitive communal nature. As they say: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me,” she had tweeted.

Screengrab of the tweets by Audrey Truschke
In response, the Hindu American Foundation slammed Audrey Truschke for quoting it out of context. “No AudreyTruschke, we didn’t share “disinformation”. Original tweet said that we’d provide more info as we got, which we did,” it tweeted.

However, HAF soon fell into the ‘leftist trap’ of trivialising Islamist barbarism when it claimed that a storage build owned by ISKCON was attacked and not a temple.

Screengrab of the tweets by Hindu American Foundation

The attack on ISKCON temple in Bangladesh​

On Friday (March 18), OpIndia had reportedhow a strong Islamist mob of 150 people, led by Mohammed Israf Sufi (31), and Haji Shafiullah (62), lay siege on the Sri Sri Radhakanta Jiu Mandir in Wari in Dhaka.

We had reached out to one of the temple authorities, who confirmed that the Islamists were eyeing the temple property for a long time.

Our source informed that the local Muslims tried to encroach the temple land in the past, which forced the administration to file a case.
“Yesterday evening (On March 17 evening), they destroyed the temple wall, and ransacked our property and stole valuable items,” he had informed. OpIndia also had a telephonic conversation with one of the victims named Nehar Haldar, who in turn, shared a copy of the complaint filed with the Wari police in Dhaka.
Screengrab of the police complaint by Sumantra Chandra to Wari police

As per the police complaint (that was reproduced in our report), the frenzied Muslim mob was armed with sticks, rods, sickles and hammers. They destroyed the southern wall of the temple, old structures and raised provocative Islamist slogans.

The police complaint emphasised that the mob stole ₹5 lacs worth of valuable items from the temple. Complainant Sumantra Chandra had also pointed out that the miscreants pelted stones at the ISKCON temple and threatened to bury the devotees alive.

ISKCON seer denies social media claims of ‘temple being unharmed’​

After alleged ‘historian’ Audrey Truschke tried to cast aspersions on the authenticity of the incident, followed by the HAF tweet ‘validating’ the leftist narrative, OpIndia reached out to the seer of the Sri Sri Radhakanta Jiu Mandir via Whatsapp video call.

Dressed in a saffron robe, temple seer Rupanug Gaur Das Brahmachari rubbished claims that the temple did not come under the attack of Islamists. He said, “They first destroyed the boundary wall of the temple, then broke into the temple godown, vandalised the idols and stole valuables.”

On inquiring whether there was some ‘truth’ in the social media claims, the ISKCON seer reprimanded, “In Sanatan Dharma, the temple is not limited to a prayer room or the sanctum sanctorum. We have a vidhyashram (old age home), goushala (cow shed), all of which is located within the temple premises. The property that was destroyed belonged to the temple and is thus an attack on our Faith.”


Screengrab of the Whatsapp video call with Rupanug Gaur Das Brahmachari
“If tomorrow someone destroys the wall of a masjid, will it be considered as an attack on a wall or attack on the masjid itself? How can anyone downplay the atrocity by claiming that the vicious attack was limited to a wall and godown?” he inquired.

Rupanug Gaur Das Brahmachari informed that attempts are being made to downplay the act of temple desecration so that the blame for the absence of law and order did not fall on the incumbent Bangladeshi government.

On being asked about police action in the case, he lamented that no accused was arrested until Saturday (March 19) evening. He added that a police team was deployed at the site of the attack due to which no further attack had taken place since Thursday.

“I exist only till the temple exists. I feel protected as long as my temple remains protected,” he responded on being asked about concerns regarding his personal safety.

Jago Hindu Parishad President on the matter​

OpIndia also briefly spoke to Sujan Das, who is the President of Jago Hindu Parishad of Bangladesh. During our conversation, he informed how the Wari police had been reluctant to even lodge a First Information Report (FIR) in the case.

He said that the FIR was registered only on the morning of March 18, despite the temple administration frequenting the police station immediately after the Islamist attack. After the FIR was registered, the police initially refused to provide the case number. It was more than 15 hours since the attack on the temple that the authorities were finally able to secure the FIR copy.

Sujan Das claimed that the attack was pre-meditated to coincide with the birth anniversary of ‘Bangabandhu’, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He said that the Islamists knew that the police would be deployed in official government events, leaving them a scope to attack and encroach upon temple property.

Those ISCKON hare krishnas are as loco as any of the baptists, evangelicals and salafists out there, possibly more

If india can label Zakir Naik a terrorist then why BD cant label radical hindu organizations terrorists.

Hishab borabor hoite hobe.

Bangladesh is too tolerant on indian clandestine assets. Should start a mass purge of these dangerous elements.
I feel that the attackers just eyed the property, there is no Hindu Hate involved,

Jomi-joma niye chokranto.

Conspiracy to do a bit of land grab. That is all - nothing more, nothing less.

The usual suspects like HAF, RSS etc. then blowing molehills up to the size of mountains.

Old Dhaka property is worth the price of gold in sq. footage nowadays....Wari especially.

ISKCON sitting on some prime property in that area...
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