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Hindu reporter forced to drink from separate glass at workplace in Karachi

Flu or not if I have an other utensil, wont drink from a glass even if my president has taken a sip from it Period.

Sir that's not true,only the poor folks get discriminated in this country
I dont like to share glass/cutlery ... does not matter whether hindu or non-hindu... and yes if you look like you got poor hygiene I would be more careful.
about minorities being discriminated.. its pretty similar in India too... probably more prevalent.
Absolutely disgusting. As for those that are saying this is not common, are you really sure about that? Or does that not happen among upper class to which you belong to because it certainly happens among the middle to lower classes. I went to school in Pakistan, where Christians and Hindus were absolutely not allowed to drink from the same glass. I remember no one would share their water thermos either with a Hindu girl, except my sister.

Disgusting hypocritical people, and a large number of people do it. No matter what people here say.
It is the bane of south asia.
Unacceptable behaviour from my countrymen (if true). Our religion discourages racism and discrimination.

From social aspect i too never drink or eat something with utensils used by someone else be it even from a fellow muslim. By the way from my experience i have worked with hindus and christians in Pakistan and found them as equally confortable as we are, i still have a hindu and a christian friend and in my surroudings i never witnessed any kinda discrimination but shit happens u never know.
on basis of religion? lame, one basis of personal hygiene i wouldn't mind separating cutlery from others (enforcing the rule on myself rather than on others)
Such a shame. I haven't gone through any writings in religious scripture that bars you from eating and drinking with non muslims, such prejudice is ingrained in south asian society. We haven't gotten over "untouchable" issue yet.

Very clever of you to repackage the religious discrimination as something else.

Your argument falls flat for the following reasons

1) The rich and middle class Hindus could afford and had migrated to India as part of the partition. Only the poorer class of Hindus (primarily from the lower castes) could not and did not migrate to India.

2) Pakistani members on this forum have time and again argued that Pakistanis have converted to Islam not because of fear or favor of Islamic invaders but due to discriminatory principles of Hinduism. This implies that the Islamic people in Pakistan belonged to lower caste Hindus.

So why are Muslims of Pakistan discriminating against Hindus of Pakistan? This cannot be due to Casteism as both belong to the same lower caste. This discrimination is fully based on religion.

The discriminatory attitude started soon after his younger son, Raj Kumar, visited his office and everyone found out that he was Hindu. “Actually my name contains the word ‘Khan’ so everyone in the office initially thought I was Muslim,” he explained. “The bureau chief asked me to separate my drinking water glass in the office because some colleagues had reservations.”
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What's wrong with making him have a separate glass? He could have eaten Haram food, would rather not drink from that glass without cleaning it. As for the other rules, the guy has denied it and I will give him the benefit of the doubt.

and the same shit third class pakistanis have the audacity to come over to the west and complain of discrimination when they treat there own minorities worse then shit.

FFS he was just given a separate glass, stop crying.
It is the bane of south asia.

It's a blessing not a bane

I dont like to share glass/cutlery ... does not matter whether hindu or non-hindu... and yes if you look like you got poor hygiene I would be more careful.
about minorities being discriminated.. its pretty similar in India too... probably more prevalent.

You are a racist, religious fanatic and casteist. You have revealed yourself and no where to hide. :D

Yeh this is more of a cultural thing than religious,


please read this


and the same shit third class pakistanis have the audacity to come over to the west and complain of discrimination when they treat there own minorities worse then shit.

You think this is because of racism?
Out of both fear of discrimination and to fit in many members of the Christian and Hindu minorities are known to have Muslim sounding names.
This is not just limited to Pakistan, in India it is the same where many Muslims and Christians are forced to behave like the majority. And it is not even a south Asian problem, even in the so-called the most "liberal", my foot, scandinavian countries, I saw many non-Swedes pretending to look like Swedes so they get accepted. USA is still better because of too many immigrants living here for centuries and decades but the single race countries of EU are really not that good as they appear on paper.
What's wrong with making him have a separate glass? He could have eaten Haram food, would rather not drink from that glass without cleaning it. As for the other rules, the guy has denied it and I will give him the benefit of the doubt.

FFS he was just given a separate glass, stop crying.

So he got a freebie and crying.. amazing
I'm wondering, from the comments of those who say that in some way, they understand it as they never use glasses or cutlery, dishes, used by someone else (and assuming they don't think they are capable of washing them sufficiently in the workplace.).......does that mean that they never eat out at a restaurant unless it is "fast food" with paper plates and plastic utensils? If you ever have eaten at a real restaurant, I hate to tell you, but you have used the same glass and fork and spoon, that thousands of other people have.
This is not just limited to Pakistan, in India it is the same where many Muslims and Christians are forced to behave like the majority. And it is not even a south Asian problem, even in the so-called the most "liberal", my foot, scandinavian countries, I saw many non-Swedes pretending to look like Swedes so they get accepted. USA is still better because of too many immigrants living here for centuries and decades but the single race countries of EU are really not that good as they appear on paper.

You are totally mixing up things

1) West - Racism (Color of skin)

2) Islamic world - Religious discrimination (against non-believers)

3) India - Hygiene
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