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Hindu reporter forced to drink from separate glass at workplace in Karachi

That's the problem with 'sane posts' in this forum, some opportunists will jump into mudslinging and silly point scoring.

No, social discrimination on the basis of both caste and religion very much exist in Pakistan also.

No sir I ain't an opportunist we also have quota for Christians and other non Muslim Pakistanis in every department even in the national n provincial assemblies can you say the same Vis a vis minorities in india
Finally a sane post Mr rain casteism exists only in India. we don't have a quota system for casts instead for provinces
@dadeechi :D

Totally agree.:D
Totally agree.:D
Mamoo g Thank you for your kind support else I would have been executed by sanghis :D
No sir I ain't an opportunist we also have quota for Christians and other non Muslim Pakistanis in every department even in the national n provincial assemblies can you say the same Vis a vis minorities in india

Reservation on the basis of religion is not permissible in our constitution, nor it is advisable in a secular constition. Reservation based on caste is a temporary measure to uplift certain sections of the society, and it is in place for some historical injustice and discrimination that these groups have suffered. Some sections of Muslims and Christians also get these reservations.
Finally a sane post Mr rain casteism exists only in India. we don't have a quota system for casts instead for provinces
@dadeechi :D
Its not any good either....most provinces in Pakistan are divided among racial lines....any quota system is a form of discrimination. The best way to deal with this is to ensure excellent and equal childhood education for all and let them compete based on merit. That will help you get the best outcome.
@Rain Man
Its not any good either....most provinces in Pakistan are divided among racial lines....any quota system is a form of discrimination. The best way to deal with this is to ensure excellent and equal childhood education for all and let them compete based on merit. That will help you get the best outcome.
@Rain Man
Then appoint angels in the govt and ban politics :D
Hindu reporter forced to drink from separate glass at workplace in Karachi
By Hafeez Tunio
Published: June 27, 2016



KARACHI: A Hindu reporter was forced to drink water from a separate glass at his workplace since his colleagues found out that he belongs to the scheduled caste.

Sahib Khan Oad works as a senior reporter with government news agency, Associated Press of Pakistan (APP), where he has been barred from drinking water in the same glass and sharing utensils with other Muslim staff.

Oad hails from Dadu district and has completed his Master’s from Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad. He is now pursuing MPhil in mass communication from Sindh University. He was initially appointed as a reporter in APP Islamabad and was transferred to Hyderabad and then Karachi in April this year.

The discriminatory attitude started soon after his younger son, Raj Kumar, visited his office and everyone found out that he was Hindu. “Actually my name contains the word ‘Khan’ so everyone in the office initially thought I was Muslim,” he explained. “The bureau chief asked me to separate my drinking water glass in the office because some colleagues had reservations.”

Since Ramazan started, Oad’s work environment worsened. He is not allowed to sit at the same dining table at the time of Iftar and senior colleagues have suggested he bring his own plates and glasses if he wants to eat in the office. “I have now bought a separate glass and plate for the office,” he said.

APP Karachi bureau chief Parvez Aslam denied making any such request. “He was suffering from flu so we suggested he arrange a separate glass,” he said. Aslam pointed out that he supported Oad when he was transferred from Hyderabad and called the discrimination charges ‘total propaganda’. “You can come to my office and see how he eats Iftar with us,” he said.

Meanwhile, APP managing director Masood Malik said that they have started inquiry into the matter.

Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research (Piler), an organisation that works for labour rights, has written a letter to federal information minister Pervaiz Rashid against the discriminatory attitude.

“We are really shocked to know that a bureau chief of a government news agency has pressurised a reporter to drink in a separate glass because he is Hindu,” wrote Piler executive director Karmat Ali.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 28th, 2016.




Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today... Aha-ah...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... You...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world... You...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

- John Lennon
great to know that despite being Muslims .. our centuries old bigotry over cast system and untouchables didnt change
on side note. even Muslims belonging to lower class wont be allowed to drink from same glass etc. let alone a non-Muslim.

we have plenty of lessons in our upbringing talking about equality and showing how Islam made everyone equal and why other faiths were / are bad due to their practices of segregation and discrimination..

but Lo behold we are the biggest followers of such anti social and inhumane treatments .. (note, excesses by Buddhist monks or Hindu fanatics in our region are not an excuse or an explanation of such behaviour)
In Pakistan Hindus are "forced" to drink water from separate glass.

In India Muslims are forced to eat cow shit & shout "Gao mata ki J"

That's the difference ....... :coffee:

Maybe due to Ramazan month they asked him to drink from a separate glass but this is how the civilised Hindus treat Muslims for merely transporting Cows.

in old days thats why two nation theory comes
Subcontinent was and will be a shithole infested by religious dimwits :hitwall:
Why would you drink water or anything else from the same glass or cup that other people, strangers, are drinking? That's very unhygienic.
Did you wash your hand before taking a bite from his plate? :D

Ooh thanks to mention, I just forgot that I put my finger in my nose before I took from his plate :mad: that might be the reason though.
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