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Hindu Priest beaten by Sikhs in india

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There is no wishing. It is happening in front of your own eyes. Hindu resurgence can be denied only by those fools who denied there was a Modi wave.
,,whats already happening??
open ur eyes nothing changed,,everythng is same,,,,,Modi is too smart for religious nuts:enjoy:
thats why i said,,,u wish:azn:
lets see what Modi does to please u.....:P
,,whats already happening??
open ur eyes nothing changed,,everythng is same,,,,,Modi is too smart for religious nuts:enjoy:
thats why i said,,,u wish:azn:
lets see what Modi does to please u.....:P

What has not changed dear. The govt of India offering money to Nepal to build Hindu temples? May be you missed that. The govt of India offering money as first priority to repair ghats in Benaras. May be you missed that too.
You do realise that these 'shiv sena' types do not even care for Keralite Hindus right? They want to incite religious passion, which will descend Kerala into religious warfare, and then they will was their hands off and walk off.

Religious extremism, whether it be Islamic, Christian and Hindu needs to be fought.

Ask these people how to spur industrial growth, how to have better roads, services, close open drains and govern properly.

THEN we will see about Hindu Rashtra.

I can't believe this. I actually agree with you. Your state, your rules.

I lived most of my life in Kerala it's true, but I still haven't seen a Sadhu in those years :undecided:
google....1966,attacks on south Indian workers...2008,attacks on North Indians by shiva sena....
shiva sena is purely based on marathi nationalism(hiding behind a hindu ideology to gain support from other state hindus)..


Ajit Vadakayil is a Hindu Malayali. A very knowledgeable person of Hinduism and Kerala. There is no beef eating amongst Kerala Hindus traditionally.
no thanx...i used to follow his blog too..now stopped...
is he the very same nut,who defended pedo asaram bapu???
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google....1966,attacks on south Indian workers...2008,attacks on North Indians by shiva sena....
shiva sena is purely based on marathi nationalism(hiding behind a hindu ideology to gain support from other state hindus)..

Sure there were attacks on South Indians and Biharis, but not for the reason you assume. Shiv Sena did start out as supporting Marathi cause but also Hindu cause. Marathi history is nothing without the Marathas who were the prime supporters of Hindu nationalism and also the last Hindu empire. So Shiv Sena in effect is a hardcore Hindu nationalist party.
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What has not changed dear. The govt of India offering money to Nepal to build Hindu temples? May be you missed that. The govt of India offering money as first priority to repair ghats in Benaras. May be you missed that too.
dudess u funny:p:
as if this amounts to hindu resurgence. but any way be happy:) n kindly spew less hate against other religions
no thanx...i used to follow his blog too..now stopped...
is he the very same nut,who defended pedo asaram bapu???

He certainly has more followers and supporters and clout than you do. Also tons of time more successful than you. Should say something nah about his intelligence level and yours. Yup, he did support Asaram and so did Subramanian Swamy. Let the case be fought out and come to its logical conclusion. Until then your rant means nothing.

dudess u funny:p:
as if this amounts to hindu resurgence. but any way be happy:) n kindly spew less hate against other religions

No it amounts to rationalist outbreaks. Oh how the fools tie themselves up.
The SS is nothing but a rogue party with some of the most hypocritical people at the helm of affairs. The dirty, backward scum bags deserve to be nuked.
Balasaheb Thackeray's last walk. 2 Million people spontaneously gathered to see him off. Must be some kind of a thug party to be so popular. Will his naysayers be able to gather a fraction of this number on their own funerals?

The SS is nothing but a rogue party with some of the most hypocritical people at the helm of affairs. The dirty, backward scum bags deserve to be nuked.
hey,,,hey,,,now dont u all gang up on @Indrani
I might change teams for the damsel in distress:p:
Ding dong, the midget is gone! Bloody hypocrite.

hey,,,hey,,,now dont u all gang up on @Indrani
I might change teams for the damsel in distress:p:

I don't give a cow's behind about whoever it is you're referring to - I only speak from experience :)
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