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Hindu mob parade naked Christian kuki women

All these Indians clowns moan about nothing, that I'm repeating myself

I told the clowns Hindus will do the job for us,, partition will happen because NO WAY can anyone live alongside this Hindu garbage
This is the advance civilsation known as vedic aryans, dont worry the women are safe and happy to be impregnated with 6.8 ft vedic super hanuman indian with iq of a super computer.
this was what hitler was looking for.

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by that reasoning of yours, the grooming gangs of UK, the ISIS/Al Qaeda/LeT terrorist gangs, the Somalian pirates are all doing what they do because Islam wants them to be that way? Not to forget amā'at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da'wah wa'l-Jihād kidnapping village full of under age girls in the name of Islam ?
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Still the least inhumane act of 5000 years old way of life
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