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Hindu mob parade naked Christian kuki women

by that reasoning of yours, the grooming gangs of UK, the ISIS/Al Qaeda/LeT terrorist gangs, the Somalian pirates are all doing what they do because Islam wants them to be that way? Not to forget amā'at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da'wah wa'l-Jihād kidnapping village full of under age girls in the name of Islam ?
The entire Muslim world is fighting against these groups while according to Manipur locals, Vishwaguru is encouraging the rape and murder of Kukis. See the difference?
Hi Indian in Azad Kashmir , you got the wrong address.
This should help : https://www.dawn.com/news/1762004/s...-of-pakistanis-are-dying-to-leave-the-country
Neither the mob is Hindu, nor the woman is Christian. Although I cannot confirm the authenticity of this video, the Kuki-Meitei tribal conflict has nothing to do with Hinduism or Christianity. It is similar to Punjabi Muslims and Bengali Muslims fighting with each other based on linguistic identities. Similarly, Baloch, Pashtun, and Sindhi Muslims also engage in conflicts with Punjabi Muslims.
Neither the mob is Hindu, nor the woman is Christian. Although I cannot confirm the authenticity of this video, the Kuki-Meitei tribal conflict has nothing to do with Hinduism or Christianity. It is similar to Punjabi Muslims and Bengali Muslims fighting with each other based on linguistic identities. Similarly, Baloch, Pashtun, and Sindhi Muslims also engage in conflicts with Punjabi Muslims.
Everyone, stop listening to the Kuki Christians who are on-site, are having their churches destroyed, and are endlessly saying that the conflict is communal! (See https://www.outlookindia.com/nation...ttacks-on-churches-in-manipur-news-302741/amp as an example). The Gangalander Dasyu thinks it's a tribal issue! It's all solved!
Same thing I'm asking; I pray God takes revenge on behalf of those two innocent girls in this life and hereafter.

Just not a country too live in . They can't protect their women from these monsters so what chance do any minority have in this sHit hole?
Neither the mob is Hindu, nor the woman is Christian. Although I cannot confirm the authenticity of this video, the Kuki-Meitei tribal conflict has nothing to do with Hinduism or Christianity. It is similar to Punjabi Muslims and Bengali Muslims fighting with each other based on linguistic identities. Similarly, Baloch, Pashtun, and Sindhi Muslims also engage in conflicts with Punjabi Muslims.

If you can't confirm anything, maybe you should keep your mouth shut and not make any claims.

Women paraded naked, gang-raped amid Manipur violence; tribal body demands justice as video sparks outrage | Mint #AskBetterQuestions (livemint.com)
Manipur Horror Story On Camera: 2 Women Gang-Raped, Paraded Naked By Mob | India News, Times Now (timesnownews.com)
In Manipur Horror, 2 Women Paraded Naked On Camera, Allegedly Gang-Raped (ndtv.com)
Everyone, stop listening to the Kuki Christians who are on-site, are having their churches destroyed, and are endlessly saying that the conflict is communal! (See https://www.outlookindia.com/nation...ttacks-on-churches-in-manipur-news-302741/amp as an example). The Gangalander Dasyu thinks it's a tribal issue! It's all solved!
You, descendant of Arab Habsis, should refrain from claiming the heritage of Pataliputra and Ashoka the Great. Your ancestors served the Arabs, and you continue to serve them to this day. The Kuki-Meitei conflict is a tribal dispute, similar to the Baloch-Punjabi conflict in Pakistan, but it is limited to a small area in India that borders Myanmar.
by that reasoning of yours, the grooming gangs of UK, the ISIS/Al Qaeda/LeT terrorist gangs, the Somalian pirates are all doing what they do because Islam wants them to be that way? Not to forget amā'at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da'wah wa'l-Jihād kidnapping village full of under age girls in the name of Islam ?
It appears there is agreement around this reasoning then.
You, descendant of Arab Habsis, should refrain from claiming the heritage of Pataliputra and Ashoka the Great. Your ancestors served the Arabs, and you continue to serve them to this day. The Kuki-Meitei conflict is a tribal dispute, similar to the Baloch-Punjabi conflict in Pakistan, but it is limited to a small area in India that borders Myanmar.

I don't think you people are ready for the civilised world yet, give it another two or three hundred years let’s be on the safe side never
You, descendant of Arab Habsis, should refrain from claiming the heritage of Pataliputra and Ashoka the Great. Your ancestors served the Arabs, and you continue to serve them to this day. The Kuki-Meitei conflict is a tribal dispute, similar to the Baloch-Punjabi conflict in Pakistan, but it is limited to a small area in India that borders Myanmar.
The Gangalander Dasyu has reiterated his previous uncorroborated statement! Now we know for CERTAIN that the Kuki locals are wrong!
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