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Hindu Minority are under oppression threat in bangladesh ?

No. I am Bangladeshi Muslim. I hate Indians and Hindus, just as much as they hate us. I am sick and tired of Bangladeshi liberals who think they are somehow more intellectual by coming across secular. Look what's happening to the West (like UK, France, US)? The liberals are ruining it, by allowing mass-immigration from the third world cesspool. I think the days of global migration is coming to an end. People should stay in their own countries.

Bhai - take a chill pill.

The world is not going to end tomorrow.

We will all still be here hopefully...

@waz @Horus ... this is patronizing terrorism @Irfan Baloch ... bro this looks serious.

Did you just sh!t your pants? :laugh:
I can't believe some of you Bangladeshis are supporting these Hindu bloggers and yet claim to be Muslim yourselves. These bloggers are trying to warp the minds of Bangladeshis with their atheistic filth, most of which is taken off the net which they are trying to pass of as their own work. I am glad these people trying to promote atheism in the country are gotten rid off very quickly. This clearly shows that we won't tolerate un-Islamic sentiments and any Hindus and atheists trying to work against Islam (and the country) will quickly be gotten rid of.
Did you just sh!t your pants? :laugh:
Bro I have served in state paramilitary .. .. I just don't want some crazy jihadi to get motivated and kill a hindu in BD.
Anyway where I am ... no Islamofascist can harm me.

I can't believe some of you Bangladeshis are supporting these Hindu bloggers and yet claim to be Muslim yourselves. These bloggers are trying to warp the minds of Bangladeshis with their atheistic filth, most of which is taken off the net which they are trying to pass of as their own work. I am glad these people trying to promote atheism in the country are gotten rid off very quickly. This clearly shows that we won't tolerate un-Islamic sentiments and any Hindus and atheists trying to work against Islam (and the country) will quickly be gotten rid of.
Watch out our agents from AL will throw a petrol bomb in your window
No. I am Bangladeshi Muslim. I hate Indians and Hindus, just as much as they hate us. I am sick and tired of Bangladeshi liberals who think they are somehow more intellectual by coming across secular. Look what's happening to the West (like UK, France, US)? The liberals are ruining it, by allowing mass-immigration from the third world cesspool. I think the days of global migration is coming to an end. People should stay in their own countries.

Will you still be saying that when the UK hopefully kicks you out? :disagree:
Don't bother with this east or west punjabi prick from Canada, he's a joke.

India is filled with be-waqoofs like this one.

The more special be-waqoofs have now moved to Canada and live on the public dole and are housed in third-rate twenty story grungy public housing no better than what I have seen in Bangladesh.

While this is supremely boring for anyone except these Indian non-achievers, this allows them to spend plenty of time online deluding themselves to be Internet ninjas and know-it-alls.
One thing for sure, BD in general is hospitable to Hindus among st all the Muslim majority nations..That is a very good part for which i admire BD...Its a good country with loving and hospitable people...except some people who in pdf from BD who are little bit confused wheather they are from BD or from earlier Pakistan..
Don't worry, Hasina's days are numbered. Hindu population in Bangladesh is coming down rapidly anyway. They are all moving to WB. They don't have much of a future in Bangladesh.

True, but you are taking too much time to finish them off! :)
No amount of gloating over bloated numbers of such figures is going to justify the massacre of millions of Hindus in your country. From 20% of the population in 1950s to 9% now it is just a matter of few years, that you will have no minorities to speak of. Obviously these numbers show that you can wipe the Hindus from your country but can't wipe of their intelligence which get them these positions.
what: massacre of MILLIONS Of Hindus in BD? can you point one genocide of them in BD?
There is no room for non-Muslim Bengalis in Bangladesh. Bangladesh should be 100% Bengali and 100% Muslim. These people should have their property seized. We need to kill Hasina. She is enabling Hindu proliferation.

No we don't. This is why the Hindu population in Bangladesh is dwindling. A Bangladeshi Muslim simply won't and should not accept a Hindu living in relative prosperity while his Muslim neighbour struggles. Hindus should have their properties seized, sold at a discount to Muslims and then revenues from the sale should be dispersed to poorer Bengali Muslims, or build accommodation, schools, and healthcare facilities for them.

That's not true. Some of the most recent figures suggested puts the figure at around 7%. And all the while they keep leaving. Bangladesh should have a target of being 100% Muslim by 2025-2030.

^Bangladesh was part of Pakistan when it was created in 1947 and the state of Pakistan was created for Muslims and, by extension, Bangladesh having gained her own independence in 1971, is a continuation of the same ideology. Bangladesh might be considered secular but in reality I t is far from it. Hindus are subjugated in the country. It is going to be very painful seeing a Hindu family living in luxury, in a big plush bungalow with a drive in garage, beautifully mowed lawn, in a tree lined suburb while some Bangladeshi Muslims are begging on the streets. We cannot and should not let that happen. India was created for Hindus and Pakistan (West and East) was to be for Muslims. Hindu Bengalis should be given and ultimatum - leave or face having your females sterilised (together with the tribals) so you die out naturally, similar to what Jews do with Ethiopian Jews in Israel.

I can't believe some of you Bangladeshis are supporting these Hindu bloggers and yet claim to be Muslim yourselves. These bloggers are trying to warp the minds of Bangladeshis with their atheistic filth, most of which is taken off the net which they are trying to pass of as their own work. I am glad these people trying to promote atheism in the country are gotten rid off very quickly. This clearly shows that we won't tolerate un-Islamic sentiments and any Hindus and atheists trying to work against Islam (and the country) will quickly be gotten rid of.

Thanks for clearing the doubts! :)

what: massacre of MILLIONS Of Hindus in BD? can you point one genocide of them in BD?

To begin with, read Taslima Nasrin's book "Lajja". :)
I feel Hindus are well off in Bangladesh. I mean they are better educationally qualified, nothing more, which should point to their quality of work.

As someone said before, by South Asian standards, Hindus are ok, even if violence are periodically targeted by fundamentals, I fail to see a large scale violence occuring against Hindus, sooner.

Good that JuI is banned.
I feel Hindus are well off in Bangladesh. I mean they are better educationally qualified, nothing more, which should point to their quality of work.

As someone said before, by South Asian standards, Hindus are ok, even if violence are periodically targeted by fundamentals, I fail to see a large scale violence occuring against Hindus, sooner.

Good that JuI is banned.

There is a low intensity but constant persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh, especially in rural areas. These things don't get reported in media, most urban Bangladeshis don't even get to know about it, but it is very effective in driving out the Hindus from Bangladesh. I know too many Bangladeshi Hindus who came over here to confirm this. There is a deep rooted sense of insecurity among the minorities of Bangladesh. Do you know lakhs of Chakmas have migrated to parts of north-east India (some 50000 are in Arunachal Pradesh itself) from CHT of Bangladesh because of this persecution? It barely got reported.

Bangladesh probably has more mullahs than seculars! Besides, seculars are individuals, but the organizations like Jamat or HeI work as organized groups to brainwash common less educated villagers against the minorities! Greed is another factor, one can get the land by driving out Hindus, as simple as that!

He's just one guy. What he says on here ,he knows he can't backup in real life.

There are too many like him here, stay in this forum for some time and you will know! :(
What you are saying is partially true.

The Hindus of Bangladesh may not be culturally closer to India in general, but they are closer to Hindus of West Bengal, to be more specific.

I realized this quite recently that a lot of Bangladeshi Hindu girls are getting married to Bengali Hindu boys from West Bengal, in fact there is quite a bit of that trend.
Some of them are from really esteemed and traditional families of Bangladesh with rich family lineage.

I don't know about that, this is news to me. My point was Hindu's, Buddhists and Christians leave peacefully in Bangladesh and politics is a dirty game to create division.
I don't know about that, this is news to me. My point was Hindu's, Buddhists and Christians leave peacefully in Bangladesh and politics is a dirty game to create division.

Ohh I agree to your point. I'm pointing out yet another aspect. Apparently it's a popular practice. I don't know whether the same is practiced in case of Muslim families as well.
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