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Hindu Minority are under oppression threat in bangladesh ?

most hindus are doing well in bd. By south asian standards I mean. There is no organized majority baying for their blood, and its a secular country where technically they can be the PM/President.
If you look around the region, its pretty amazing to be minority in bd.
most hindus are doing well in bd. By south asian standards I mean. There is no organized majority baying for their blood, and its a secular country where technically they can be the PM/President.
If you look around the region, its pretty amazing to be minority in bd.

Spot on. Your buddies seem to think different. Most Bangladeshi Muslims are hospitable towards anyone and taking their deen (faith) seriously at the same time.

most hindus are doing well in bd. By south asian standards I mean. There is no organized majority baying for their blood, and its a secular country where technically they can be the PM/President.
If you look around the region, its pretty amazing to be minority in bd.

In my village elaqah we have a doctor by the name of "babu dakhthar" he has treated me many times.
Keep basking in your false glory.

What was wrong in OP's statement??? Its true, millions have been killed just in Kashmir. If you ever lifted the ban on travel to Kashmir and the UN or others actually went there, they'd find mass graves. No doubt about it.

Also, something tells me you already know, but just wanted to remind you, your cousin Hindu extremists struck yet again last week and killed a bunch of innocent people for no good reason, around converting a mosque to a temple of course. When are you going to stop terrorizing your minorities and stop their killings and violence because they aren't Hindus?
No amount of gloating over bloated numbers of such figures is going to justify the massacre of millions of Hindus in your country. From 20% of the population in 1950s to 9% now it is just a matter of few years, that you will have no minorities to speak of. Obviously these numbers show that you can wipe the Hindus from your country but can't wipe of their intelligence which get them these positions.

no Hindu were massacre in our country don't make rubbish statement out of air. most of hindu left during partition then some riot also makes many Hindu left the country from 1947-1971 . after independence no significant riot took place yet some hindu left country because they feel more for Hindia then bangladesh
I'm curious, do any Indian Muslims come to Bangladesh?

NO, we dont extend citizenship to any muslim. Even Rohingyas are barred to apply for asylum by law. Things are different in India for Hindus.
NO, we dont extend citizenship to any muslim. Even Rohingyas are barred to apply for asylum by law. Things are different in India for Hindus.
I thought there was a naturalization process of some sort. I know Rohingyas aren't given any options but, that's a different case.
I thought there was a naturalization process of some sort. I know Rohingyas aren't given any options but, that's a different case.

Yes but not for Indian Muslim. Just look at biharis in Bangladesh.
Sanatan Dharmic people were 1 cr during 1974 census. And now 1.5 cr. So how is it persecution. If you see a 1.5 growth rate. Its just muslims grew rapidly at 1.8 times So minorities became tiny minorities. And notable number dharmic people migrated for good fortune in India. And many of them converted to Islam and Christianity for obvious reason. And we can see Muslim population rise in WB as well.

@op this is just scenario of one office recent promotion. I have different theories about their good performanc as well.
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most hindus are doing well in bd. By south asian standards I mean. There is no organized majority baying for their blood, and its a secular country where technically they can be the PM/President.
If you look around the region, its pretty amazing to be minority in bd.

The president of Pran/RFL conglomerate comes from a Qadiyani family.

The president of OTOBI furniture conglomerate (Nitun Kundu's son Animesh Kundu) is a Hindu.

The past and present presidents of SQUARE Group (of Pharma/Textile fame) are all Christians (Samson and his son Tapan Chowdhury who are both chairmen of the Global Baptist Movement).

I could keep going on and on but these people are literally millionaires a hundred times over. You can't have this happen without a secular, tolerant and polished civil society.

Bangladesh is a proud signatory of the UN universal declaration of human rights.
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The president of Pran/RFL conglomerate comes from a Qadiyani family.

The president of OTOBI furniture conglomerate (Nitun Kundu's son) is a Hindu.

The president of SQUARE Group (of Pharma fame) is a Christian (Samson Chowdhury).

I could keep going on and on but these people are literally millionaires a hundred times over. You can't have this happen without a secular, tolerant and polished civil society.

There is no room for non-Muslim Bengalis in Bangladesh. Bangladesh should be 100% Bengali and 100% Muslim. These people should have their property seized. We need to kill Hasina. She is enabling Hindu proliferation.
There is no room for non-Muslim Bengalis in Bangladesh. Bangladesh should be 100% Bengali and 100% Muslim. These people should have their property seized. We need to kill Hasina. She is enabling Hindu proliferation.

Bangladesh is the land for all indigenous people as well as the migrant who are assimilated in the land for centuries. Even some of my ancestors weren't from this land.
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