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Hindu Dalit Woman Elected to Pakistan Senate

You didnt answer my question..although she is a dalit , hindu god lets her attain salvation (moksha)..I believe islamic god is more merciful than hindu god..I guess he puts people in heaven or hell based on their deeds and not based on the fact whether people are worshipping him in the way he described himself...in other words even if a human doesnt satisfy his ego (many primitive religions have this concept of god in which only people of a particular tribe can go to heaven).
Dont get me wrong..one of the posters claimed islam has given her equal rights unlike hinduism..so, I am just curious to knoe whether islamic god allows non muslims intomheaven based on their deeds...I reckon he does because islam is a sophisticated religion and its god is merciful..i reckon even gowtama buddha and his teachings are nothing compared to enlightening teachings and advanced intellectual philosophy of islam..
What is religious do with that to send someone in upper house? Do u Hindus chose on cast bases? She is Pakistani that’s it or may Be it’s Hard to put this in your sick brain.
Will she go to heaven according to islam? (Provided she did good deeds but didnt convert to islam)..just curious to know because i heard islamic god treats all humans equally
Pakistan is a state of majority muslims and went through lot of extremism and these are sign of change ...will it be appreciated or victim of deep sarcasm ...choice is yours.
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What is religious do with that to send someone in upper house? Do u Hindus chose on cast bases? She is Pakistani that’s it or may Be it’s Hard to put this in your sick brain.
Still no answer..one poster said she got equal rights in pak because ofislam..my question was in reply to his question..is every human equal in eyes of islamic god irrespective of their religion, race , language and caste?
Still no answer..one poster said she got equal rights in pak because ofislam..my question was in reply to his question..is every human equal in eyes of islamic god irrespective of their religion, race , language and caste?
Parent love all their children but they will obviously like those more who are obedient and will listen to them

How can creation speak for creator? Every human being is creation of God so your question is very stupid ..yes there are different religion and beliefs out there but non Muslim have given freedom to practice their beliefs ...
Still no answer..one poster said she got equal rights in pak because ofislam..my question was in reply to his question..is every human equal in eyes of islamic god irrespective of their religion, race , language and caste?

"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female, and have made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Indeed the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted" [Quran 49:13]

You are judged by your actions, not by which family/caste you were born in.
Still no answer..one poster said she got equal rights in pak because ofislam..my question was in reply to his question..is every human equal in eyes of islamic god irrespective of their religion, race , language and caste?

Every living thing in Islam has rights, as they are all Allah's creations.
In the words of one of my father's Hindu colleague "Allah sirf thumhara nahi, hamara bhi hai"
Yes she can go to Jannat. It is upto Allah to forgive and decide. He can forgive all sins except Polytheism. You might have a different name but have to believe in a supreme God.

We believe that everyone is answerable before God regarding his stance on existence of God and following moral values which are universal. Belief in the afterlife and prophethood are a corollary of belief in the unicity of God. Many people did not even heard of Messengers. Many believe and are intellectually convinced that the earlier Messengers were the true ones. They therefore believe on their respective Messengers.

All such cases will be considered individually. And we cannot declare that all non-Muslims or followers of other faiths will necessarily go to Hell. We only say that Islam is the last and the true religion of God. It is incumbent upon the people to ponder over its teachings and decide to accept or reject it on the basis of arguments. Still, however, there could be people who are not convinced of its veracity for many reasons. God will accept their excuse if found valid. Nothing is hidden from God. Nobody can deceive him.

Thus the basis thing is the belief in one God. Other beliefs come under it and are secondary in nature. God has clearly stated that those who followed other religions including Judaism, Christianity and others truly and did good deeds will be rewarded. He has also made it clear that He would not forgive polytheism. Any other sin He may forgive.

إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يَغْفِرُ أَن يُشْرَكَ بِهِ وَيَغْفِرُ مَا دُونَ ذَلِكَ لِمَن يَشَاء وَمَن يُشْرِكْ بِاللّهِ فَقَدِ افْتَرَى إِثْمًا عَظِيمًا

Allah is not going to forgive that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgives anything else, to whom He pleases; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin most heinous indeed. (4:48)

Debate with those of the non-Muslims who believe in the existence of one God namely the monotheists will be different from the ones who believe in cause and effect to be the primal origin of the world and its running. With the latter we need first to argue that actually there exists an entity, which effectively runs the universe and cause and effect is primarily controlled by him.

Also it is not enough to be born Muslim rather everyone needs to analyze the creed he is born in. If one is guided to monotheism and is convinced of the creed he adheres to this puts him under a huge responsibility. He is under a harder test than those who did not have an opportunity to be acquainted to the religion in that better and is not convinced of veracity of Islam or any other monotheistic religion. Those who do not believe in God and have never been invited to Islam in a convincing way cannot be declared to be worthy of Hell. God only holds accountable those who reject the truth knowingly. Therefore, we believe that those of the non-Muslims who were never convinced of the veracity of Islam will be judged on the innate guidance provided to them. Such person may or may not be forgiven. If such a person sticks to the truth and behave accordingly we hope that he will be forgiven by the most merciful if his excuse is found acceptable.
You didnt answer my question..although she is a dalit , hindu god lets her attain salvation (moksha)..I believe islamic god is more merciful than hindu god..I guess he puts people in heaven or hell based on their deeds and not based on the fact whether people are worshipping him in the way he described himself...in other words even if a human doesnt satisfy his ego (many primitive religions have this concept of god in which only people of a particular tribe can go to heaven).
Dont get me wrong..one of the posters claimed islam has given her equal rights unlike hinduism..so, I am just curious to knoe whether islamic god allows non muslims intomheaven based on their deeds...I reckon he does because islam is a sophisticated religion and its god is merciful..i reckon even gowtama buddha and his teachings are nothing compared to enlightening teachings and advanced intellectual philosophy of islam..

Jahannum and Jannah Belong To Allah It Is For Him To Decide Not Me or You
Will she go to heaven according to islam? (Provided she did good deeds but didnt convert to islam)..just curious to know because i heard islamic god treats all humans equally

Being Muslim doesn't qualify one for sure entry into heaven as well. So, God will judge the deeds on the day of judgement the fate of people. But one thing for sure is that there are two kind of Rights - 1. Rights of God, 2. Rights of people, God may forgive the Own Rights but there will not be any forgiveness for Right of People.

@ Topic - PPP must be appreciated for it.

PPP's PR "machine" coming up with canned bullshit. Dalit hindu woman. So cliche. Direct copy paste of goray.

She sounds like a third class naukarani. Is hindu to make it worse.

Look guyz... vee maadurn naat paindu. Vee hav hindu naukarani. Pakistan is the maadurn.
A good state is the one which looks after its minorities and have nots just as well if not more as compared to its majority.
This is true secularism.

I see this secularism spread in Pakistan and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Hope for the best!!
Every living thing in Islam has rights, as they are all Allah's creations.
In the words of one of my father's Hindu colleague "Allah sirf thumhara nahi, hamara bhi hai"
Yes she can go to Jannat. It is upto Allah to forgive and decide. He can forgive all sins except Polytheism. You might have a different name but have to believe in a supreme God.

We believe that everyone is answerable before God regarding his stance on existence of God and following moral values which are universal. Belief in the afterlife and prophethood are a corollary of belief in the unicity of God. Many people did not even heard of Messengers. Many believe and are intellectually convinced that the earlier Messengers were the true ones. They therefore believe on their respective Messengers.

All such cases will be considered individually. And we cannot declare that all non-Muslims or followers of other faiths will necessarily go to Hell. We only say that Islam is the last and the true religion of God. It is incumbent upon the people to ponder over its teachings and decide to accept or reject it on the basis of arguments. Still, however, there could be people who are not convinced of its veracity for many reasons. God will accept their excuse if found valid. Nothing is hidden from God. Nobody can deceive him.

Thus the basis thing is the belief in one God. Other beliefs come under it and are secondary in nature. God has clearly stated that those who followed other religions including Judaism, Christianity and others truly and did good deeds will be rewarded. He has also made it clear that He would not forgive polytheism. Any other sin He may forgive.

إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يَغْفِرُ أَن يُشْرَكَ بِهِ وَيَغْفِرُ مَا دُونَ ذَلِكَ لِمَن يَشَاء وَمَن يُشْرِكْ بِاللّهِ فَقَدِ افْتَرَى إِثْمًا عَظِيمًا

Allah is not going to forgive that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgives anything else, to whom He pleases; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin most heinous indeed. (4:48)

Debate with those of the non-Muslims who believe in the existence of one God namely the monotheists will be different from the ones who believe in cause and effect to be the primal origin of the world and its running. With the latter we need first to argue that actually there exists an entity, which effectively runs the universe and cause and effect is primarily controlled by him.

Also it is not enough to be born Muslim rather everyone needs to analyze the creed he is born in. If one is guided to monotheism and is convinced of the creed he adheres to this puts him under a huge responsibility. He is under a harder test than those who did not have an opportunity to be acquainted to the religion in that better and is not convinced of veracity of Islam or any other monotheistic religion. Those who do not believe in God and have never been invited to Islam in a convincing way cannot be declared to be worthy of Hell. God only holds accountable those who reject the truth knowingly. Therefore, we believe that those of the non-Muslims who were never convinced of the veracity of Islam will be judged on the innate guidance provided to them. Such person may or may not be forgiven. If such a person sticks to the truth and behave accordingly we hope that he will be forgiven by the most merciful if his excuse is found acceptable.
OK. All polytheists go to hell no matter how many philanthropic works they did or no matter how good they are at heart? All that Allah wants is we should not worship anyone except him ?and all our sins will be forgiven if we worship only him? So, I can do as many Sins as possible but it is enough if I worship only Allah..
In the eyes of Allah a polytheist with all noble qualities and full of humanity is worse than a sinner who is a Muslim.. Right?

Being Muslim doesn't qualify one for sure entry into heaven as well. So, God will judge the deeds on the day of judgement the fate of people. But one thing for sure is that there are two kind of Rights - 1. Rights of God, 2. Rights of people, God may forgive the Own Rights but there will not be any forgiveness for Right of People.

@ Topic - PPP must be appreciated for it.
Being a Muslim doesn't necessarily mean he will go to heaven.. However being a non Muslim definitely means she will go to hell.. Right?
OK. All polytheists go to hell no matter how many philanthropic works they did or no matter how good they are at heart? All that Allah wants is we should not worship anyone except him ?and all our sins will be forgiven if we worship only him? So, I can do as many Sins as possible but it is enough if I worship only Allah..
In the eyes of Allah a polytheist with all noble qualities and full of humanity is worse than a sinner who is a Muslim.. Right?

Being a Muslim doesn't necessarily mean he will go to heaven.. However being a non Muslim definitely means she will go to hell.. Right?

Says will not be forgiven but it doesnt says can not go to jannat, its upto Allah to decide. And there is Monolethic Hinduism if you believe there is one God above all the rest (maybe with a different name other than Allah).

And BTW if you don't believe in Islam it doesnt make any difference to you. Your intent seems to be trolling here.
Being a Muslim doesn't necessarily mean he will go to heaven.. However being a non Muslim definitely means she will go to hell.. Right?

Well, As per the Quran, Yes. Because believe on one God is minimum requirement, rest is God's will. But what it has to do with becoming Senator?
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