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Hindu Dalit Woman Elected to Pakistan Senate

OK. All polytheists go to hell no matter how many philanthropic works they did or no matter how good they are at heart? All that Allah wants is we should not worship anyone except him ?and all our sins will be forgiven if we worship only him? So, I can do as many Sins as possible but it is enough if I worship only Allah..
In the eyes of Allah a polytheist with all noble qualities and full of humanity is worse than a sinner who is a Muslim.. Right?

In Islam their are Islamic rights of the Creator and the Islamic rights of other human beings, so if you only break the rights of the Creator than you have to ask forgiveness from the Creator alone where as when you break the rights of your other human beings (lying, cheating, killing etc) than you have to ask forgiveness from both the Creator and the other human beings as well and since He is the most merciful acquiring forgiveness from the Creator would be way easier than acquiring from others who you have wronged.

In Islam the only sin that the Creator Himself has stated that He will not forgive is the sin of shirk (Not recognizing the Creator and or associating partners with him) but Islamic theology dictates that both your good deeds and sins will solely be judged based on your intentions, and the sin or law of shirk will not be applicable if the message has not been received by you or that you have not understood the message without any prejudicial biased or illogical hatred or any other biased detrimental intentions hindering your intellect, or any other of such reasons then Islamic hadiths states that for them their will be another test after death, what is clear is that Allah SWT will not punish anyone unjustly, He will be merciful (In some Hadiths it is stated that more than 60 times than even your mother can be) with his judgement and that no one will enter paradise without recognizing his Lord.

"... And never would We punish until We sent a messenger." - Quran 17:15
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Krishna Kumari Kohli today made history by becoming the first-ever Hindu Dalit woman Senator in the upper house of Pakistan, according to media reports. Her election represents a major milestone for women and minority rights in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Pakistan Senator Krishna Kumari Kohli

Once a bonded laborer, the 39-year-old Kohli from rural Sindh was elected to a Senate seat reserved for minorities. She was nominated by the Pakistan Peoples Party.

Senator Krishan Kumari Kohli:

Kohli, was born in Nagarparkar village in the Thar desert regionto a poor Hindu Dalit peasant family in 1979. She and her family were held as bonded labor for at least three years in a jail run by a landlord when Kohli was a child. Married at the age of 16, Kohli still pursued a masters degree in sociology from the Sindh University. Kohli now works for minority rights, especially those related to girls' education.

Thar Development:

Thar, one of the least developed regions of Pakistan, is seeing unprecedented development activity in energy and infrastructure projects. New roads, airports and buildings are being built along with coal mines and power plants as part of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). There are construction workers and machinery visible everywhere in the desert. Among the key beneficiaries of this boom are Thari Hindu women who are being employed by Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC) as part of the plan to employ locals. Highlighted in recent news reports are two Hindu women in particular: Kiran Sadhwani, an engineer and Gulaban, a truck driver.

Kiran Sadhwani, a Thari Hindu Woman Engineer. Source: Express Tribune

Thar Population:

The region has a population of 1.6 million. Most of the residents are cattle herders. Majority of them are Hindus. The area is home to 7 million cows, goats, sheep and camel. It provides more than half of the milk, meat and leather requirement of the province. Many residents live in poverty. They are vulnerable to recurring droughts. About a quarter of them live where the coal mines are being developed, according to a report in The Wire.

Hindu Woman Truck Driver in Thar, Pakistan. Source: Reuters

Some of them are now being employed in development projects. A recent report talked of an underground coal gasification pilot project near the town of Islamkot where "workers sourced from local communities rested their heads after long-hour shifts".

Hindu Woman Truck Driver in Thar, Pakistan. Source: Reuters

In the first phase, Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC) is relocating 5 villages that are located in block II. SECMC is paying villagers for their homes and agricultural land.

SECMC’s chief executive officer, Shamsuddin Ahmed Shaikh, says his company "will construct model towns with all basic facilities including schools, healthcare, drinking water and filter plants and also allocate land for livestock grazing,” according to thethirdpole.net He says that the company is paying villagers above market prices for their land – Rs. 185,000 ($ 1,900) per acre.

Hindu Women Employment:

Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC), the largest contractor working in Thar desert coal project, has committed itself to hiring locals wherever possible.

When SECMC launched its Female Dump Truck Driver Program near the town of Islamkot in Thar, Kiran Sadhwani, a female engineer, visited several villages to motivate women to apply for the job and empower themselves, according to Express Tribune newspaper. “Not all women who are working as dumper drivers are poor or in dire need of money. It is just that they want to work and earn a living for themselves and improve the lives of their families,” she told the paper.

SEMC is hiring 30 women truck drivers for its Thar projects, according to Dawn newspaper.


Krishna Kumari Kohli today made history by becoming the first-ever Hindu Dalit woman Senator in the upper house of Pakistan, according to media reports. Her election represents a major milestone for women and minority rights in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Beyond the symbolic election of Senator Kohli, it is good to see that Thar development boom is empowering Pakistani Hindu women with jobs in nontraditional occupations ranging from engineering to truck driving. These pioneering women will inspire and empower young girls to pursue their dreams in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

Working Women Seeding a Silent Revolution in Pakistan

Thar Development Boom in Pakistan

Abundant, Cheap Coal Power for Pakistan

Fact-Checking Farahnaz Ispahani's Claims on Pakistani Minorities

Pakistani Hindu Population Fastest Growing in the World

Recurring Droughts in Pakistan

Thar Drought: Pre-cursor to Dust Bowl in Pakistan?

Campaign of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt About CPEC

Word Dalit should not be used She is equally respectable citizen of Pakistan
In Islam their are Islamic rights of the Creator and the Islamic rights of other human beings, so if you only break the rights of the Creator than you have to ask forgiveness from the Creator alone where as when you break the rights of your other human beings (lying, cheating, killing etc) than you have to ask forgiveness from both the Creator and the other human beings as well and since He is the most merciful acquiring forgiveness from the Creator would be way easier than acquiring from others who you have wronged.

In Islam the only sin that the Creator Himself has stated that He will not forgive is the sin of shirk (Not recognizing the Creator and or associating partners with him) but Islamic theology dictates that both your good deeds and sins will solely be judged based on your intentions, and the sin or law of shirk will not be applicable if the message has not been received by you or that you have not understood the message without any prejudicial biased or illogical hatred or any other biased detrimental intentions hindering your intellect, or any other of such reasons then Islamic hadiths states that for them their will be another test after death, what is clear is that Allah SWT will not punish anyone unjustly, He will be merciful (In some Hadiths it is stated that more than 60 times than even you mother can be) with his judgement and that no one will enter paradise without recognizing his Lord.

"... And never would We punish until We sent a messenger." - Quran 17:15
You have grown up believing such things.. I know how hard it is for you to think rationally and abandon such teachings.. Anyway it's up-to you
You have grown up believing such things.. I know how hard it is for you to think rationally and abandon such teachings.. Anyway it's up-to you

Dear I Already Answered Most Of Your Questions In Post #47 It's Your Choice If You Want To Ignore It
You have grown up believing such things.. I know how hard it is for you to think rationally and abandon such teachings.. Anyway it's up-to you

And become what some playboy whose entire life revolves around sleeping with thousands of naked women, fornication, money, a 50% divorce rate with family life being completely destroyed, do not for once think that my world views are not based on complete rationality and logic without personal hatred, grudges and biasness clouding my judgement, there is a Creator and His message has been delivered to humanity countless times throughout the ages and you will believe in Him in this life or the next.

"Did you, then, think that We created you in mere idle play, and that you would not have to return to Us?” - Quran 23:115
Minorities can rarely get to hold prestigious government positions in Pakistan. Pakistan never had hindu/christian mayor, hindu/christian police commissioner, hindu/christian chief of the central bank etc..

This guy is not Nepali. Just another hindutva turd.
Smart choice if i were a hindu i would rather have a dalit do the lawmaking.

Nice one Pakistan
Smart choice if i were a hindu i would rather have a dalit do the lawmaking.

Nice one Pakistan
Minorities can rarely get to hold prestigious government positions in Pakistan. Pakistan never had hindu/christian mayor, hindu/christian police commissioner, hindu/christian chief of the central bank etc
Minorities can rarely get to hold prestigious government positions in Pakistan. Pakistan never had hindu/christian mayor, hindu/christian police commissioner, hindu/christian chief of the central bank etc

There are 97 percent Muslims in Pakistan and its an islamic democracy.

Be a good Indian and do the Maths
There are 97 percent Muslims in Pakistan and its an islamic democracy.

Be a good Indian and do the Maths
Pakistan constitution does not say that minorities cannot hold top positions except the post of President and Prime minister which has to be from the muslims. So hindus and christians are more than eligible for the posts i mentioned above.
You didnt answer my question..although she is a dalit , hindu god lets her attain salvation (moksha)..I believe islamic god is more merciful than hindu god..I guess he puts people in heaven or hell based on their deeds and not based on the fact whether people are worshipping him in the way he described himself...in other words even if a human doesnt satisfy his ego (many primitive religions have this concept of god in which only people of a particular tribe can go to heaven).
Dont get me wrong..one of the posters claimed islam has given her equal rights unlike hinduism..so, I am just curious to knoe whether islamic god allows non muslims intomheaven based on their deeds...I reckon he does because islam is a sophisticated religion and its god is merciful..i reckon even gowtama buddha and his teachings are nothing compared to enlightening teachings and advanced intellectual philosophy of islam..
God of Islam is Merciful no doubt about it He doesn't weigh your doings He Judges your intentions behind doings He Acknowledges the efforts of all human beings to find the Ultimate Truth And if one even failed to reach the Truth after one's full efforts, will be rewarded .God of Islam is not the enemy of His creatures He loves his creation and every unit of creation is important to Him without descrimination of religion,race ,colour,capabilities,disabilities, social status or economic status .He judges our intentions how much we love Him and how much efforts we put to know Him.
I refer you to Quran chapter 2 Albaqrah Verse no 62
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God of Islam is Merciful no doubt about it He doesn't weigh your doings He Judges your intentions behind doings He Acknowledges the efforts of all human beings to find the Ultimate Truth And if one even failed to reach the Truth after one's full efforts, will be rewarded .God of Islam is not the enemy of His creatures He loves his creation and every unit of creation is important to Him without descrimination of religion,race ,colour,capabilities,disabilities, social status or economic status .He judges our intentions how much we love Him and how much efforts we put to know Him.
I refer you to Quran chapter 2 Albaqrah Verse no 62

You say that Islam is a religion of peace and it only allows to fight for defence but it has not been the case. Muslims showed the aggression multiple times throughout history. When the companions of Prophet Muhammad like Ali, Umar and Uthman created the caliphate, they waged unnecessary wars against their neighbours. The Persian empire was conquered by the companions of Prophet Muhammad and many zoroastrians were killed and exiled. Dont tell me that it is fake because those incidents have been recorded. My point is that islam never fought for defence and the Caliphate always showed interest in invading, killing and plundering. Even today in each and every muslim majority country, non muslim minorities are being persecuted particularly in Pakistan.
Pakistan constitution does not say that minorities cannot hold top positions except the post of President and Prime minister which has to be from the muslims. So hindus and christians are more than eligible for the posts i mentioned above.

but sheer maths does not let that happen. its not rocket science or gene manipulation matrix. simple maths
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