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You say that Islam is a religion of peace and it only allows to fight for defence but it has not been the case. Muslims showed the aggression multiple times throughout history. When the companions of Prophet Muhammad like Ali, Umar and Uthman created the caliphate, they waged unnecessary wars against their neighbours. The Persian empire was conquered by the companions of Prophet Muhammad and many zoroastrians were killed and exiled. Dont tell me that it is fake because those incidents have been recorded. My point is that islam never fought for defence and the Caliphate always showed interest in invading, killing and plundering. Even today in each and every muslim majority country, non muslim minorities are being persecuted particularly in Pakistan.
Yes Islam is religion of peace.The prophet of Islam did not retalliated till 12 years of brutalities of Quraish of Mecca against Muslims. During 8 years of war with different tribes only 700 to 800 people were killed from both sides.All these were conditional and under strict regulations like not to kill children ,women,unarmed people, in worshiping places religious figures like priests and who did not want to fight .Even trees and greenery was not allowed to destroy.So every thing was under strict Divine rules .The rule of war was if during war opponent wanted to stop war Muslims under Divine rule were bound to have a Sulah(truce or agreement),and would have to follow it in letter and spirit and who break it, will be sinner under Divine rule.In Islam only defensive war or oppressed community if ask the Muslim only then Muslim can go for fight.Read the history it was Persian empire who started the war not the Muslim when she sent her envoy to arrest the prophet(during the life of prophet) though envoy was defeated and arrested, few of them accepted Islam.Muslim did not started war until the caliph Umar was compelled to wage war against Persia as on Wikipedia "Due to continuous raids by Persians into the area, Caliph Umar ordered a full invasion of the Sasanian empire in 642" Similar was the the case with Syrians and others during Caliphate . All 4 caliphs of Islam followed the principle of Islam strictly .Muslim rulers after caliphate should not be judged on the Islamic standard rather they should be judged on the bases of contemporary history and compare them with non Muslim rulers. So if you are in search of Truth read the history impartially.Do not spoil your truth in the animosity of Pakistan.If minorities are being suppressed in Pakistan (although suppression of minorities in Pakistan is not of Indian level), this is wrong according to Islam this is the fault of Muslims and not Islam.
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