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Hillary Clinton: I wanted to arm Syrian rebels, but Obama refused


Mar 1, 2012
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Hillary Clinton: I wanted to arm Syrian rebels, but Obama refused - Middle East Israel News | Haaretz

Hillary Clinton's soon to be released memoir reveals that the former U.S. secretary of state wanted the United States to arm the Syrian rebels against Syrian President Bashar Assad, but that she was shot down by U.S. President Barack Obama.

"I returned to Washington reasonably confident that if we decided to begin arming and training moderate Syrian rebels, we could put in place effective coordination with our regional partners," Clinton wrote in her memoir, a copy of which was obtained by CBS.

However, Obama was of a different mind. "The President's inclination was to stay the present course and not take the significant further step of arming rebels. No one likes to lose a debate, including me. But this was the President's call and I respected his deliberations and decision," CBS cites Clinton as writing.

Syria's three-year conflict has claimed the lives of over 160,000 people, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported in March, a harrowing figure that reflects the relentless bloodletting in a civil war that appears no closer to being resolved.

In her memoir, Clinton said that the Syrian civil war as a "wicked problem… a term used by planning experts to describe particularly complex challenges that confound standard solutions and approaches. Wicked problems rarely have a right answer; in fact, part of what makes them wicked is that every option appears worse than the next. Increasingly that's how Syria appeared."

The debate in the United States over the arming of Syrian rebels is ongoing, with some pushing for more active support of anti-Assad elements and others raising concerns that weapons delivered to the rebels may end up in the hands of radical Islamist elements.

Most recently, in January it was reported the U.S. Congress secretly approved supplying light arms, including anti-tank rockets, to "moderate" Syrian rebels.

Imagine if this crazy banshee got elected come 2016 :cheesy:.
well no one will be surprised if they do it officially , they still do it ..behind the curtains
Don't worry, she won't get elected. In any case, the claim that she took the hawkish position of wanting to arm the rebels flies in the face of her timid inaction during the Benghazi attack. Clinton is good at lying, so please discount her claims appropriately.

I want to believe.
this woman is too crazy to be president.
The US barely does arm the rebels. Only select members from select rebel organizations get any kind of support. If the US wanted to topple the regime they would actually make an effort. The international world clearly has allowed him to retain power just as they've allowed to occupy the Palestinians for decades now.

The last thing the US or Israel want is an independent Syria with humans being humans. In the Middle East, you're not allowed any right to self determination. There's only one path which would be accepted by the West. Anything other than that is not allowed.

Of course the Jewish American community would do everything to make sure he doesn't send a penny to the rebels. The rebels are on their own. I'm sick of this constant propaganda about the rebels being foreign mercenaries. When every international nation is cooperating with Assad.
Don't worry, she won't get elected. In any case, the claim that she took the hawkish position of wanting to arm the rebels flies in the face of her timid inaction during the Benghazi attack. Clinton is good at lying, so please discount her claims appropriately.

We have a saying in China----the *** decides the head, meaning that the specific position of individual determines what they will say instead of common sense. Hilary Clinton can say whatever she wants because she won't be held responsible when it blows up, it will be Obama's *** on the line instead.
The US barely does arm the rebels. Only select members from select rebel organizations get any kind of support. If the US wanted to topple the regime they would actually make an effort. The international world clearly has allowed him to retain power just as they've allowed to occupy the Palestinians for decades now.

The last thing the US or Israel want is an independent Syria with humans being humans. In the Middle East, you're not allowed any right to self determination. There's only one path which would be accepted by the West. Anything other than that is not allowed.

Of course the Jewish American community would do everything to make sure he doesn't send a penny to the rebels. The rebels are on their own. I'm sick of this constant propaganda about the rebels being foreign mercenaries. When every international nation is cooperating with Assad.
you need to stop doing drugs and drinking alcohol... why do you expect the west to remove leaders of other countries just like that, in Iraq and Libya it was a different story, where the people were against their leaders, and in Libya it was a NATO revolution, not a Libyan one...
the west tried for four years to remove Alasad and they failed you know why? because Alasad has a popular support among Syrians, and the west knows it very well, if just 30% of the population rose up against Alasad he would be gone in month.,.. the west tried everything from starving Syrians ( Sanctions) to sending terrorists and foreign mercs to Syria, training them, giving them weapons and money.. of course the money part came from their puppets gcc... Israel is treating the F$A terrorists, letting them smuggle weapons and terrorists and even allowed Palestinian terrorists from BLOCKED Gaza to go to Syria... just do some research and stop doing drugs..
Despite hillary is unfit for US president, I think Obama hardly do a good job in his second term. His foreign policy are a total mess and US walk like a headless chicken.
arming rebels worldwide, instead of negotiating for peace.The intentions are quite clear.If that is not a form of terrorism, then what is? It is very much necessary for the sake of humanity to break this unipolar status of the World.
it's not her fault she needed a good sorting out but she not had anything inside her for a long long time, I feel her pain :lol:
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