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Hezbullat Supporters to be thrown out from GCC


Mar 2, 2013
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JEDDAH: Members of Lebanon’s Hezbollah who are residing in Gulf Cooperation Council states will pay the price for the Shiite movement’s military role in Syria against freedom fighters.

A GCC statement, citing a ministerial council decision, said the measures will affect Hezbollah members' “residency permits, and financial and commercial transactions.”

The statement urged the Lebanese government to “assume its responsibilities toward the behavior of Hezbollah and its illegal and inhumane practices in Syria and the region.”

The six-member bloc strongly condemned the flagrant intervention of Hezbollah in Syria and its participation in shedding the blood of Syrian people. The statement came after the Saudi Cabinet condemned Hezbollah’s “blatant intervention” in the Syrian crisis.

Fighters from Hezbollah openly spearheaded a 17-day assault on the Syrian town of Qusair near the Lebanese border which culminated with its recapture from the fighters last Wednesday.

According to a report carried by AsSiyassah newspaper in Kuwait, the country’s Interior Ministry would soon take action against some 2,000 Lebanese citizens in the state by ending their residency.

“It will also deny visas to those belonging to different Lebanese groups including followers of Nabih Berri and Walid Jumblatt,” the paper said, quoting diplomatic sources.

The anti-Hezbollah move by the GCC has stirred fears among the many Shiite Lebanese who work in the Gulf because of their association with the militant group.

A GCC foreign ministers’ meeting in Jeddah recently denounced Hezbollah as a terrorist group.
“The GCC ministerial council has decided to take measures against those enlisted in the party residing in the member states, whether with regard to their residencies or their financial and commercial dealings,” said a final communique issued after the meeting.

Hezbollah supporters to be thrown out of GCC countries | ArabNews
funny, there is no ban on Israeli citizens in most of GCC countries :omghaha:
Hezbollah doesn't give a crap about GCC

and another thing, how GCC forgot how they sent terrorists into Syria since first month, Hezbollah only got into the conflict recently in when its villages got attacked...
Sunnis like hezbollah for the 2006 war mostly

Well Hezbollah has engaged in numerous battles against Israel, 2006 was only one. The reasons why some Arabs hate hezbollah because Hezbollah managed to grab a victory against Israel and free their occupied territory. The lack of honor, pride, and dignity has translated into envy which burns the hearts of the haters. They hated to see any hezbollah achievement against Israel.

This is a Hezbollah operation against the last Israeli outpost in southern Lebanon.

Well Hezbollah has engaged in numerous battles against Israel, 2006 was only one. The reasons why some Arabs hate hezbollah because Hezbollah managed to grab a victory against Israel and free their occupied territory. The lack of honor, pride, and dignity has translated into envy which burns the hearts of the haters. They hated to see any hezbollah achievement against Israel.

This is a Hezbollah operation against the last Israeli outpost in southern Lebanon.


Actually Israel decided to leave Southern Lebanon on it's own like it decided to do so by leaving Qaza, but the losers in Lebanon started attacking Israelis ASA they started to leave while people in Gaza are not deluded to call it "victory". Hz just has a big mouth and only Maskeen people believe them, there is no difference between Hz "victory" in 2006 and Hamas "victory" in 2009, in both Israel launched massive operations to free it's captured soldiers and envade them but failed, however Hamas didn't make such a huge fuss over it like deluded Hz losers.
funny, there is no ban on Israeli citizens in most of GCC countries :omghaha:
Hezbollah doesn't give a crap about GCC

and another thing, how GCC forgot how they sent terrorists into Syria since first month, Hezbollah only got into the conflict recently in when its villages got attacked...

Your obsession with the Jews is making me LoLing all day long. Why do you bring Israel up whenever you feel like sinking in a deep swarm of guilt?

Actually, No, the Israelis aren't granted an entry in the GCC, except Qatar ,but you have to have a permission from the Israeli Gov't ,so practically, it's most likely impossible, same goes with the GCCers, they can't go to Israel.

If the Israelis were allowed then why did they have to use fake passports to assassinate Mabhoh in Dubai?

Beside, Hezbollah does give a crap about it. Their properties and business in Bahrain were claimed by the authority, and with us, we kicked the demons out of their lives in KSA. They no longer can lash themselves in the Holy Land :omghaha:

No more Safavids stooges. :coffee:
I know what happened on 2006. And I know that israel wanted they could have took over all of southern Lebanon, But it wasn't gonna come for free. One month cost Israel $10 billion in the long term loss. Israel had to evacuate the entire northern town and bring life to a halt. this is a loss. Another thing, considering the difference of technology. Israel had military sattilites, advanced jets, helicopters, UAV's, Ships and weaponry. if Hezbollah had only half of that technology, they would easily defeat Israel.

I never like Hamas, not before, and not now. Having said that, you can continue to suck on Israel and Unlce Sam.
I have heard from Lebanese friends that certain GCC countries threatened to expel Lebanese people if Lebanon beat them in a football match. :lol:

Man what a clownish way to handle migration in your country.
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