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I am not really aware of such families. Pahlavis were Mazandaranis, but not really noble, as Reza Shah was just a soldier before he was crowned.

From Yazd, Ayatollah Yazdi:


Um, I don't think there is a significant amount of Persian Sunnis in Iran left. I have never met one. Besides Persian Sunnis in Afghanistan or Tajikistan of course.

Not much. Approx. 25.000 real Zoroastrians. And than I am not talking about a huge amount of Iranians who have sympathy with the religion.

Not particularly. They look more like Southerners.

Interesting, I do not really know this guy, but his surname is definitely a-typical.

Ah, ok. I thought that Persia had a feudal system much like the European and Arab countries. Or was that limited while most of the power was with the Shah/King? I mean were there not influential noble families who had important positions in the state such as governors etc? Or influential families in city x or y?

Aha, thanks.

Yes, Tajiks and Pashtuns are nearly all Sunnis from what I know of.

25.000? That was not much. Yes, I imagine that.

Well, just the first thought I got. Might be wrong.

BTW, this might interest you.

Huwala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Need to go to bed. Can barely write anymore.
Ah, ok. I thought that Persia had a feudal system much like the European and Arab countries. Or was that limited while most of the power was with the Shah/King? I mean where there not influential noble families who had important positions in the state such as governors etc? Or influential families in city x or y?

Most of the power was in the hand of the Shah. Basically since the end of the Sassanids, the minorities took over the flag of Iran. You probably had/have some influential Persian families in some cities, but they do not have a national notoriety. Mossadegh came from a noble/aristocrat family, but not really Persian. Only since the Pahlavis and the Revolution the Persians are slowly getting back on top.

Yes, Tajiks and Pashtuns are nearly all Sunnis from what I know of.

Pashtuns are indeed almost completely Sunni, but Tajiks have a sizable Shia Ismaeli group, especially in China and in some parts of Afghanistan.

Thanks. Will read it tomorrow.
Most of the power was in the hand of the Shah. Basically since the end of the Sassanids, the minorities took over the flag of Iran. You probably had/have some influential Persian families in some cities, but they do not have a national notoriety. Mossadegh came from a noble/aristocrat family, but not really Persian. Only since the Pahlavis and the Revolution the Persians are slowly getting back on top.

Pashtuns are indeed almost completely Sunni, but Tajiks have a sizable Shia Ismaeli group, especially in China and in some parts of Afghanistan.

Thanks. Will read it tomorrow.

Those Ismaili Tajiks are actually Pamiris, a separate Iranic people like Pashtuns and Kurds.

"Real" Sunni Tajiks are essentially Farsi speaking Sunnis, with a few differences in dialect, very similar in language to Iranians.

The Pamiris speak their own Iranic languages. As Ismailis, they don't observe many practices that Sunnis and other Shia observe like fasting and prayer. There are still zoroastrian influences left over mixed with Ismailism.

Minority Rights Group International : Tajikistan : Pamiris

Page 4: Tajikistan Region. Pamiri Houses & Zoroastrianism

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