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Hezbollah will give crushing response if Tel Aviv attacks Lebanon: Nasralla

it is not important the today.
its important that if you can see what will hapen 100 years later..

but you Iranians cant see what will happen in a few years:lol:

I am against muslim civilians killings too
Look who is talking about morals.
That crime hole you call country is the only apartheid fascist state in the world and hopefully,soon it will be wiped off the planet and Palestine will return to Palestinians.
Happened days ago in Israel: Some extremist Jewish youths (obviously it's a shame to call them humans) lynched and beat Palestinians teenagers and left them to nearly to death while the crowd was watching.This is the nature of this fascist state who was created upon stolen lands and human lives.
Look here:
Rapes (per capita) statistics - countries compared - Crime data on NationMaster
Israel,the sixth country in the world in terms of rape incidents per capita.
That hurts no?Don't be surprised,this is in Israel's blood.Before spitting lies you better know the punishment for rape in Iran is execution.
I assure you,before you see me die,we will see you hiding in a hole underground to save your lives.but that won't help you either.

What a shame,look at the statistics of 2006 war,Hezbollah killed more than 120 IDF soldiers,while only 40 civilians were killed.Israel killed 200 Hezbollah fighters while more than 1000 Lebanese were killed by Israel.Sectarian flaming has made you blind,you hate Hezbollah only because they are supported by Iran and are Shias.At least they did a lot more against Israel more than you guys who only know how to huff and puff.
The only thing that hurts is the amount of stupidity one can tolerate from people like you. I feel like you are dumbing me down with all the lies i keep calling you on.

"Israel,the sixth country in the world in terms of rape incidents per capita."
Do you even understand what "Per capita" means? Do you even know that most rape victims in Israel are Arab women and illegal immigrants being raped by their male counterparts? No, of course you don't because you don't have this ability to look beyond your hatred.

Iran is not even included in the entire list because rapes in Iran are called marriages. In Iran, women get punished for being raped and they are forced to marry their rapists. This hellhole for women uses rape as a tool for punishment and blames women when they are raped.

You can assure me all you want but any man who has ever read a history book knows what happens to tyrannies you live under.
History is against you and you have no one to blame but yourself.

It's not important where you were 100 years ago.Where are you now?You only hate these fighters only because they are Shias orare supported by Iran.If you care so much about Israeli citizens,why don't you care about 1000 Lebanese who were killed by Israel in 33 days?Or 1200 in Gaza in 22 days?Hezbollah fired those rockets to Israeli cities only after IDF attacked Lebanese civilians areas.Open your eyes,put aside sectarian differences and look closely who is your enemy.
The propaganda you've been fed is pathetic. Nasrahllah himself admitted the war started because of what he has done. You can't even think logically, can you?
The only thing that hurts is the amount of stupidity one can tolerate from people like you. I feel like you are dumbing me down with all the lies i keep calling you on.

"Israel,the sixth country in the world in terms of rape incidents per capita."
Do you even understand what "Per capita" means? Do you even know that most rape victims in Israel are Arab women and illegal immigrants being raped by their male counterparts? No, of course you don't because you don't have this ability to look beyond your hatred.

Iran is not even included in the entire list because rapes in Iran are called marriages. In Iran, women get punished for being raped and they are forced to marry their rapists. This hellhole for women uses rape as a tool for punishment and blames women when they are raped.

You can assure me all you want but any man who has ever read a history book knows what happens to tyrannies you live under.
History is against you and you have no one to blame but yourself.

The propaganda you've been fed is pathetic. Nasrahllah himself admitted the war started because of what he has done. You can't even think logically, can you?
The same thing here,what annoys me the most is the level of stupidity on other side.
No I don't know what per capita mean,only you know.So all these rapes are done by Arabs?then why isn't rape crimes so high in other Arab countries?Why just Arabs of Israel?
I didn't know marriage is a kind of rape,so all those who marry in Israel or any other place are raping each other?your hate makes you say such stupid things.I never said there are no rapes in Iran.But let me tell you,from those rates,most are done by illegal immigrants like Afghans.few month ago,dozens of women were raped by Afghan refugees and it started a nationwide enrage.The same thing happens in Afghanistan because Talibanism is still alive in there.I hope they get rid of it too.
At last,show me one single woman in Iran who is punished because of rape.I think you have mistaken it with that incident that happened in Afghanistan 5 months ago,where a woman was punished because of being raped.
Please stop these stupid lies.2 things are punished in Iran by hardest means,drug trafficking and rape.There is no joke about it.
Hezbollah fired those rockets to Israeli cities only after IDF attacked Lebanese civilians areas
No, Hisblah fired rockets on town of Shlomi in very first hour in 2006 war.

Look here:
Rapes (per capita) statistics - countries compared - Crime data on NationMaster
Israel,the sixth country in the world in terms of rape incidents per capita.
If you were not dumb u would realize that there are about 200 countries in the world and not 50 as in your list. I.e. for 150 countries there is simply no statistics.

In your chart Israel is right between Norway and Finland. Very terrible place :lol:

What a shame,look at the statistics of 2006 war,Hezbollah killed more than 120 IDF soldiers,while only 40 civilians were killed.Israel killed 200 Hezbollah fighters while more than 1000 Lebanese were killed by Israel.
1) Hezbollah admitted 250 killed, but neutral sources say 500-600.
2) In WW2 Japanese and Nazi Germans killed only very few US civilians but US killed hundreds of thousands. That does not mean that Nazis were nice guys. They simply had no means to kill more.
1) Hezbollah admitted 250 killed, but neutral sources say 500-600.
2) In WW2 Japanese and Nazi Germans killed only very few US civilians but US killed hundreds of thousands. That does not mean that Nazis were nice guys. They simply had no means to kill more.
But that doesn't mean U.S and allies were the nice guys either.They were evil as much as Nazis were.U.S killed more than 400,000 civilians in less than 3 days in Japan.Stalin killed millions of his own people.Britain killed hundreds of thousands of German civilians in Dusseldorf in days.
Don't you even talk about civilians and killing them.In 1982 Lebanon war too,Israel killed thousands of civilians,this is nothing new that we are talking about.
Everything is relative. Compare to Nazis and Japs Americans were good guys.
The same thing here,what annoys me the most is the level of stupidity on other side.
No I don't know what per capita mean,only you know.So all these rapes are done by Arabs?then why isn't rape crimes so high in other Arab countries?Why just Arabs of Israel?
I didn't know marriage is a kind of rape,so all those who marry in Israel or any other place are raping each other?your hate makes you say such stupid things.I never said there are no rapes in Iran.But let me tell you,from those rates,most are done by illegal immigrants like Afghans.few month ago,dozens of women were raped by Afghan refugees and it started a nationwide enrage.The same thing happens in Afghanistan because Talibanism is still alive in there.I hope they get rid of it too.
At last,show me one single woman in Iran who is punished because of rape.I think you have mistaken it with that incident that happened in Afghanistan 5 months ago,where a woman was punished because of being raped.
Please stop these stupid lies.2 things are punished in Iran by hardest means,drug trafficking and rape.There is no joke about it.
I'll indulge, even though you still need lessons in English:

In one incident, in April 2011, a woman was gang-raped by at least 10 men in a field outside the village of Ghoojd in western Iran. The suspects were initially released. At one stage, the woman herself was reported to have been arrested.

Another incident occurred in May, when fourteen men allegedly raided a party in Khomeini Shahr, near Esfahan, locking the male party-goers in one room and raping the female guests.

Instead of speaking out forcefully against this crime, the Chief of the Police Detectives Bureau in Esfahan, Colonel Hossein Hosseinzadeh, appeared to condone it, saying :“If the women at the party had worn their hijab properly, they might not have been sexually assaulted”.
Iranian women call for action on gang-rapes | Amnesty International

I could go on and on but isn't everything contradiction to your reality a western propaganda? Of course it is.
If Israel played by the same rules as Hezbollah, i.e. firing rockets to try and inflict max civilian casualties, Israel would flatten all of lebonon.

Civilians have always been the armour of such groups.
I'll indulge, even though you still need lessons in English:

In one incident, in April 2011, a woman was gang-raped by at least 10 men in a field outside the village of Ghoojd in western Iran. The suspects were initially released. At one stage, the woman herself was reported to have been arrested.

Another incident occurred in May, when fourteen men allegedly raided a party in Khomeini Shahr, near Esfahan, locking the male party-goers in one room and raping the female guests.

Instead of speaking out forcefully against this crime, the Chief of the Police Detectives Bureau in Esfahan, Colonel Hossein Hosseinzadeh, appeared to condone it, saying :“If the women at the party had worn their hijab properly, they might not have been sexually assaulted”.
Iranian women call for action on gang-rapes | Amnesty International

I could go on and on but isn't everything contradiction to your reality a western propaganda? Of course it is.
About the comment of that idiot police chief,that doesn't prove anything.these ignorant officials exist in every country.mYou know whrere those perpetrators are now?In prison waiting for execution and life sentence.
About the first incident,when I say your stupidity is beyond any borders,I mean it.In the first incident,the local people report to police that this incident has happenned.the woman herself,did not initially report it and actually went away.so at the first hours,police arrested all those men,but since the woman was not present and police didn't have any proof,they were released.
After 3 days,the woman goes to police,reports and describes the incident to them.the perpetrators arrested same day,and now are in prison.The woman was never arrested.

So,before desperately trying to search on google and send any garbage you find in here,at least try to learn some facts.you humiliated yourself once more.
Everything is relative. Compare to Nazis and Japs Americans were good guys.

what have germans done to you jews for you to compare the germans to criminal species like jingoistic japs and imperialist americans? can you jews not add your petty, jewish perspective to everything you spew out of your mouth irresponsibly? this pettiness and your single-minded vendentta have ruined the goodwill (or at least the feeling of pity) others might have for you after seeing a small million of you getting snuffed in wwii.
If Israel played by the same rules as Hezbollah, i.e. firing rockets to try and inflict max civilian casualties, Israel would flatten all of lebonon.

Civilians have always been the armour of such groups.

It tried with worst than that, with all its "might" and... didn't succeed.

Hesbullah does not have the BALLS

Please do not project what happened to you in Iraq and Afghanistan on Hezbollah.

You thought you had the balls, but they were cut-off, the same happened to the Israeli ones in Lebanon.
It tried with worst than that, with all its "might" and... didn't succeed.

No it did not. Israel is among the top ten airfoces in number of aircraft. It could have carpet bombed like the allies did in ww2, and never done a ground assault. Hezbollah cant shoot down f-15's and f-16's. Nor can they take out cruise missles or a large scale shelling.

Hezbollah needs the enemy inside it's cities and on the ground so it can operate among civilians and shoot it's RPGs.
Well I know that you are brainwashed by mullahs. But in reality its Lebanon who made aggression against Israel. Last time it happened in 2006.

If they repeat it again then 2006 war will seem as a picnic to them. Hisblah knows that thats why they dont attack Israel anymore but only barking.

Israel can crush them this time, not because Israel is much stronger, because this militia got stronger as well. Israel can crush them because they lost every possible support and sympathy they had in Arab world especially by people and will lose their vital and strategic ally which is the Syrian regime as well as their strategic depth in Lebanon and Syria except for their loyal faction 8 March. And that is after their involvement in killing Syrians and openly supporting their slaughterer. We have been trying to convince ourselves that this Militia is different than Iran and alliance to it is just the only and last card they had. But they have made it crystal clear that they are just an Iranian proxy and a stagger in our side. They even tried to do terrorist attacks in Jordan before and Jordanian intelligence foiled them and arrested the terrorists and handed them over as a good well gesture. Lebanon must be free of militias as they control Lebanon by blackmailing others by their well equipped militants. Why don't they hand over their arms to the Lebanese army which is the only illegible side to defend the country and the only who is supposed to carry arms as well as to spare Lebanon from a crushing sect war?

Let us see how they fought Israel:
1- They trained another branch of an Iraqi "Hezbollah" militant faction in Iraq which is Shia to repeat the successful Lebanese experience. Who they didn't perform a single operation against American forces but rather they were there to undermine spesific sect.
2- Openly support Bahrain terrorists and called for toppling Bahrain regime, and some reports proved they tried to train and arm them.

3- Openly supported the Huthies whom they hoped will be another "Hezbollah" in Yemen.

4- Repeat the very same slogans Iran say about Arab regimes and interfere in their internal issues.

5- Many were captured in Syria killing Syrians along with the Syrian regime.

- Enough is enough with them and they must be crushed. Those are a cancer. Well, I am expecting some Iranians will come out and say how could you call for that to the enemy of Israel and align with them. It is not Israel, and if that was your logic, then I must support Qaeda who are fighting USA and don't forget Saddam. Iran was the first country to easy USA invasion of Afghanistan and don't forget to mention Israel arm sales to Iran in GW1. Terrorists are terrorists whether they were Qaeda or Hezbollah. They are just using Isreal card to undermine us and work as an Iranian proxy.
Israel can crush them this time, not because Israel is much stronger, because this militia got stronger as well. Israel can crush them because they lost every possible support and sympathy they had in Arab world especially by people and will lose their vital and strategic ally which is the Syrian regime as well as their strategic depth in Lebanon and Syria except for their loyal faction 8 March. And that is after their involvement in killing Syrians and openly supporting their slaughterer. We have been trying to convince ourselves that this Militia is different than Iran and alliance to it is just the only and last card they had. But they have made it crystal clear that they are just an Iranian proxy and a stagger in our side. They even tried to do terrorist attacks in Jordan before and Jordanian intelligence foiled them and arrested the terrorists and handed them over as a good well gesture. Lebanon must be free of militias as they control Lebanon by blackmailing others by their well equipped militants. Why don't they hand over their arms to the Lebanese army which is the only illegible side to defend the country and the only who is supposed to carry arms as well as to spare Lebanon from a crushing sect war?

Let us see how they fought Israel:
1- They trained another branch of an Iraqi "Hezbollah" militant faction in Iraq which is Shia to repeat the successful Lebanese experience. Who they didn't perform a single operation against American forces but rather they were there to undermine spesific sect.
2- Openly support Bahrain terrorists and called for toppling Bahrain regime, and some reports proved they tried to train and arm them.

3- Openly supported the Huthies whom they hoped will be another "Hezbollah" in Yemen.

4- Repeat the very same slogans Iran say about Arab regimes and interfere in their internal issues.

5- Many were captured in Syria killing Syrians along with the Syrian regime.

- Enough is enough with them and they must be crushed. Those are a cancer. Well, I am expecting some Iranians will come out and say how could you call for that to the enemy of Israel and align with them. It is not Israel, and if that was your logic, then I must support Qaeda who are fighting USA and don't forget Saddam. Iran was the first country to easy USA invasion of Afghanistan and don't forget to mention Israel arm sales to Iran in GW1. Terrorists are terrorists whether they were Qaeda or Hezbollah. They are just using Isreal card to undermine us and work as an Iranian proxy.

^ Alqaeda is fighting USA? oh man that shows how "smart" you are, first of all Alqaeda only kills civilans, second of all Alqaeda fail to do one operation in Israel why? because Alqaeda is USA it self.

And you are a traitor, your wishing that Israel destroys Lebanon, shame on you, you are a disgrace to Arabs, for supporting Israel. Inshallah Israel takes over Jordan, and lets see how you would like it, oh wait Israel does control Jordan. That's what you're saying, Israel should take over Lebanon. You want Israel to take over Lebanon just because Hezbollah is Shia, ignorance kills people, and it will kill you someday because you're far behind the rest of the world.
Israel can crush them this time, not because Israel is much stronger, because this militia got stronger as well. Israel can crush them because they lost every possible support and sympathy they had in Arab world especially by people and will lose their vital and strategic ally which is the Syrian regime as well as their strategic depth in Lebanon and Syria except for their loyal faction 8 March. And that is after their involvement in killing Syrians and openly supporting their slaughterer. We have been trying to convince ourselves that this Militia is different than Iran and alliance to it is just the only and last card they had. But they have made crystal clear that they are just an Iranian proxy and a stagger in our side. They even tried to do terrorist attacks in Jordan before and Jordanian intelligence foiled them and arrested the the terrorists and handed them over as a good well gesture. Lebanon must be free of militias as they control Lebanon by blackmailing others by their well equipped militants. Why don't they hand over their arms to the Lebanese army which is the only illegible side to defend the country and the only who is supposed to carry arms as well as to spare Lebanon from a crushing sect war?

Let us see how they fought Israel:
1- They trained another branch of an Iraqi "Hezbollah" militant faction in Iraq which is Shia to repeat the successful Lebanese experience. Who they didn't perform a single operation against American forces about rather they were there to undermine spesific sect.
2- Openly support Bahrain terrorists and called for toppling Bahrain regime, and some reports proved they tried to train and arm them.

3- Openly supported the Huthies whom they hoped will be another "Hezbollah" in Yemen.

4- Repeat the very same slogans Iran say about Arab regimes and interfere in their internal issues.

5- Many were captured in Syria killing Syrians along with the Syrian regime.

- Enough is enough with them and they must be crushed. Those are a cancer in our body. Well, I am expecting some Iranians will come out and say how could you call for that to the enemy of Israel and align with them. It is not Israel, and that was your logic, then I must support Qaeda who are fighting USA and don't forget Saddam. Iran was the first country to easy USA invasion of Afghanistan and don't forget to mention Israel arm sales to Iran in GW1. Terrorists are terrorists whether they were Qaeda or Hezbollah. They are just using Isreal card to undermine us and work as an Iranian proxy.

why the heck do you bring up the shia thing in eacy single one of your silly posts?

are the saudis/jordianians like "blackeagle"/bahraini tyrannts/pan-turkics so scared of iran that they now readily prostitute themselves to the jews and anglo-americans to get a thin edge over iran? it is now apparent that a saudi, a turk, or a jordanian can only seek triumph in selling himself to foreign powers and political self-castration; a Saudi, in other words, is a Klingsor – that is to say, a jew. (btw, i heard – i heard – that there are women jews? Surely one must take this sort of wild rumor with a huge pinch of salt. I mean: how does female castration even work? and what need for women jews is there when the entire male jewry are gelded? the (unisex) jewry has its own unique biology of self-reproduction, but some antisemites peddle in scaremongering like that to whip up further antagonism towards the jews and put this weird idea in folks’ mind that there might actually be women jews looking to hunt down and injure ordinary men. This sort of antisemitism and instigation of unwarranted fear is really tasteless and uncalled for in my opinion. I call on all jew members on the forum to come out and prove the fallacy of the rumored existence of women jews)
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