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Hezbollah will give crushing response if Tel Aviv attacks Lebanon: Nasralla

i don't disagree with you that the tactics of hezbullah are terrorist. but there are worse names to be called than to be labelled a terrorist: a saudi royalist, for instance, or a zionist jew, a pan-turkic turk, an anglo-saxon american. and there are good terrorisms and bad, which also indicates to us whether it is a form of terror that ends the terror and one sort that could only end with the destruction of the criminals.

Post 129 and 134 applies here for this. Freedom fighters and terrorists are two different ideologies. Hezbollah are not freedom fighters nothing they do is justifiable.
Oh and I forgot, Blackeagle go watch Alzawahri video of him supporting F"S"A.
Well Israeli attacks were on citizens that tells you what Israel is. Freeing Palestine can't just be Hezbollah vs Israel alone, because you know who is Israel daughters, USA, The west, and GCC, including Jordan.

You know how I feel about the Zionazis but you asked me about Hezbollah so I gave you my opinion. No matter what Israel does two wrongs do not make a right.

I'll be back later, take care guys.
Post 129 and 134 applies here for this. Freedom fighters and terrorists are two different ideologies. Hezbollah are not freedom fighters nothing they do is justifiable.

Hezbollah follows an eye for an eye...... rule, which is justifiable when Israel kills innocent Lebanese citizens. and Israel follows the an eye for an eye, it's their law actually.
If they want to be freedom fighters for Palestine then they should go to Palestine. Hijacking the lives of the rest of the Lebanese who just want to live freely is not justifiable. In 2006 they had secure bunkers and Lebanese citizens had to face the brunt of Israeli air attacks, how is that fair for citizens???

the jews are butchering lebanonese civilians and you are blaming hezbullahs? as a chinese who has heard enough of the dastardly japanish argument that they murdered chinese civilians in world war ii because there were guerrilla fighters mingling among them, i take HUGE offense to what you stated here.

i say you have been among the anglo-saxons for too long and absorded some of their despicably immoral and shamelessly self-serving views on the yearnings of the oppressed and brutalized peoples and their only remaining ways of self-defense. the above post is your moral bankruptcy
Oh and I forgot, Blackeagle go watch Alzawahri video of him supporting F"S"A.

There were Qaeda terrorist in Bosnia fighting the Serbs, the Russians in Chechnya, the NATO in Afghanistan, and the Americans in Iraq. So, you want me to call all resistance of occupation terrorists just because Qaeda fight the same enemy?! If that would be a yes, then I pity you. Syrians defended themselves not because Qaeda told them to, but rather and simply to defend themselves and their families. Qaeda as usual flourish in such places and it's not Syrians fault. I blame the biggest terrorist in history, Bashar alzeft.
There were Qaeda terrorist in Bosnia fighting the Serbs, the Russians in Chechnya, the NATO in Afghanistan, and the Americans in Iraq. So, you want me to all resistance of occupation terrorists because they Qaeda fight with them?! If that would be a yes, then I pity you. Syrians defended themselves not because Qaeda told them to, but rather and simply to defend themselves and their families. Qaeda as usual flourish in such places and it's not Syrians fault. I blame the biggest terrorist in history, Bashar alzeft.

The west, the GCC, Jordan and etc support those terrorists and they even know it that F"S"A are extremist terrorism that work along with Alqaeda i even gave you website, saying the FSA and Alqeda work together. I love it when you start using little kids behavior and name calling, it means you are losing, you got nothing to say about those links i gave you ha?
The west, the GCC, Jordan and etc support those terrorists and they even know it that F"S"A are extremist terrorism that work along with Alqaeda i even gave you website, saying the FSA and Alqeda work together. I love it when you start using little kids behavior and name calling, it means you are losing, you got nothing to say about those links i gave you ha?
I am having the hardest times reasoning you guys.
I am having the hardest times reasoning you guys.

So you are telling me the west, the gcc, jordan and etc, doesn't support terrorism, they support the bloodshed, if the west was about democracy then they would have practiced democracy and asked the so called opposition to sit on the table and find a solution, but not they support them and they give them weapons and intelligence information, and the GCC pays for that stuff and send terrorists. don't ignore the fact. WHY DIDN'T THE WEST, GCC, JORDAN, AND ETC CALL FOR PEACE? ALL THEY CALL FOR IS WAR AND BLOODSHED, SO BASICALLY ADDING OIL TO THE FIRE.
So you are telling me the west, the gcc, jordan and etc, doesn't support terrorism, they support the bloodshed, if the west was about democracy then they would have practiced democracy and asked the so called opposition to sit on the table and find a solution, but not they support them and they give them weapons and intelligence information, and the GCC pays for that stuff and send terrorists. don't ignore the fact. WHY DIDN'T THE WEST, GCC, JORDAN, AND ETC CALL FOR PEACE? ALL THEY CALL FOR IS WAR AND BLOODSHED, SO BASICALLY ADDING OIL TO THE FIRE.

I don't what to say, I am sorry, but either you are so dumb or just acting dumb. Haven't you following the development of the Syrian situation in the last year and a half?! In the very first days of the uprising Syrian regime former ally Hamad of Qatar, and Ardogan called Bashar several times and begged him to calm down and solve the situation peacefully. Bashar called King Abdullah of Jordan and the latter urged him the same. Arab countries didn't take any actions or did anything but after 6 months of the killing and torturing. They couldn't sit back and watch Syrians being slaughtered. Arab peace initiatives were foiled by this regime and yet found themselves obliged to move the file to the UN.
I don't what to say, I am sorry, but either you are so dumb or just acting dumb. Haven't you following the development of the Syrian situation in the last year and a half?! In the very first days of the uprising Syrian regime former ally Hamad of Qatar, and Ardogan called Bashar several times and begged him to calm down and solve the situation peacefully. Bashar called King Abdullah of Jordan and the latter urged him the same. Arab countries didn't take any actions or did anything but after 6 months of the killing and torturing. They couldn't sit back and watch Syrians being slaughtered. Arab peace initiatives were foiled by this regime and yet found themselves obliged to move the file to the UN.

That's not true, Qatareal , Jordan, Turkey said Alasad must step down, that's not a solution, plus those countries are the one who support the bloodshed, they never even mentioned dialogue and table or peace talks. Alasad hosted the National Syrian Dialogue, which was for every Syrian and event the outside opposition to attend to solve the problem, however the west stopped the outside opposition from attending, they even encouraged the opposition to not give up their weapons and keep fighting, the west wants bloodshed. Like Qadri Jamil said Alasad stepping down will only be decided by Syrians, and Alasad stepping down before dialogue is pointless.

Oh and I must say , I love it when you use kids terms, it shows how you ran out of lies and making up stories.
I don't what to say, I am sorry, but either you are so dumb or just acting dumb. Haven't you following the development of the Syrian situation in the last year and a half?! In the very first days of the uprising Syrian regime former ally Hamad of Qatar, and Ardogan called Bashar several times and begged him to calm down and solve the situation peacefully. Bashar called King Abdullah of Jordan and the latter urged him the same. Arab countries didn't take any actions or did anything but after 6 months of the killing and torturing. They couldn't sit back and watch Syrians being slaughtered. Arab peace initiatives were foiled by this regime and yet found themselves obliged to move the file to the UN.

i am sure your kings could sit back and watch as bahraini protesters got slaughtered. but because syria is an enemy of your kings' overlord in the u.s., your kings had to support violent, sectarian elements in syria. phoney, disgusting creatures these kings are, but more contemptible are those subjects they rule like donkeys who still lick these royal ***** slavishly and adhere to the hypocritical agenda and propaganda of their obese kings irrationally.

anglo-american running dogs, running dogs of running dogs...heck, some really messed up stuff in the arabic world right now
They have bombed The whole of Lebanon to death many times with their F-15s an F-16s and they couldn't win either, so they have tried a land invasion with all their might and failed again just in the south of Lebanon, very close to Israel (logistically speaking), if they have gotten deeper, at least half of them would have perished. And this was just Lebanon.
So, people should make their own conclusions when Zionists talk about taking on the whole Arab world or even the Muslim world, Lebanon is one of the smallest Arab countries and Hezbollah is but a small entity in Lebanon, so make these proportions in perspective and you should get a clear answer; Israel is arrogant and powerless against well armed and organized people unlike the Palestinians under its occupation;( a vengeance on Palestinians since WW2, because the Mufti of Jerusalem sided with Hitler, no wonder since Palestine was under British occupation, the matter is so much twisted to cover the true face of Israel, namely Zionist Europe(even Germany today) and Zionist America with newcomers wannanbe Zionists like India and a few others).

I consider the war over when your country is bombed to dust. The army failed to defend its territory, everything was burnt to the ground. Game over.
Perhaps for Arabs its different, but for the rest of the world there is no pride in boasting about victory when your nation is in ruins.
How many times has Israel been destroyed? Thats right zero. A real military defends its assets, home soil and airspace.

i am sure your kings could sit back and watch as bahraini protesters got slaughtered. but because syria is an enemy of your kings' overlord in the u.s., your kings had to support violent, sectarian elements in syria. phoney, disgusting creatures these kings are, but more contemptible are those subjects they rule like donkeys who still lick these royal ***** slavishly and adhere to the hypocritical agenda and propaganda of their obese kings irrationally.

anglo-american running dogs, running dogs of running dogs...heck, some really messed up stuff in the arabic world right now

So you advocate pan-Arabism? Ironic since China is at odds with their racial and cultural brothers such as the Koreans and Japanese.
So you advocate pan-Arabism? Ironic since China is at odds with their racial and cultural brothers such as the Koreans and Japanese.

where did you get these from? that i supported pan-arabism and that lowly, inbred bonzi and nibonzi are my racial brothers? i want all those living under the boots of kings and queen and jews and anglo-saxons, be it jordanians, saudis, aussies or canadians, turkics, to rise up. i want jordanians and saudis to stop supporting terrorism in syria and i want them to stick the severed heads of their obese kings and princes on pikes to show the world that they are indeed liberated from zionist and anglo-american slavery.

before that happens, i take no interest in pan-arabism because i know this noble ideology makes no sense whatsoever until/unless the arabic world is united under egyptian leadership and cleared of all the royalists and running dogs of jews and anglo-saxons.
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