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Hezbollah launch attack on Israeli troops

Quite frankly Israel is no saint on this front. How many civilians died in Gaza in the summer of 2014 for instance? The number was way too unacceptable.
Do you think angels carry only harps and not swords? If you review carefully you'll see that Israel has nothing to apologize for regarding the 2014 Israel-Gaza war: the war crimes were those of Hamas, not Israel.

The solution lies among enlightened people on both sides who are not blinded by hatred but who are interested in peace for the sake of themselves and their neighbors.
No shortage of those in Israel! But in Gaza be "enlightened" and you can be killed as a "collaborator" by Hamas, which cites religion as its motive. So perhaps effective "enlightenment" for Gazans has to come from pressure upon Gazans by Muslims outside the region.
Sheba farms is israeli territory
Shebaa farms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shebaa Farms is not recognized by the international community has Israeli territory.

You heard about the term urban Guerrilla warfare?Hiding in populated areas and attacking from houses and mosques and schools?let me refresh ur memory
Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which a small group of combatants such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare,hit-and-run tactics, and mobility to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.
Hamas shooted rockets and missiles toward Israeli territory on few meters away from highly populated buildings in order to stop the bombardment of the launchers, stored weapons and equipment inside populated houses in order to avoid their destruction, and shooted on IDF troops to avoid any enemy fire.
When IDF struck and accidently hurt innocents, they use it as propaganda to show how "Evil" Israel is
Same goes for Hizballa, using human shield as a weapon

Gaza is literally an urban jungle, Hamas rockets are retaliatory.
Make sure you pound the Terrorists not the civilians , u have a big history of hitting the Civilians with all your missiles and bombs , like you killed 3000+ civilians in Gaza back in 2014. Now you'll say those were all terrorists ,well i did not know that AL-Qasam brigade was training such small mujahideen's .:disagree::coffee:
You can thank Hamas who store weapons in houses, and using populated areas such as mosques and hospitals to launch attack against Israel.
Make sure you pound the Terrorists not the civilians , u have a big history of hitting the Civilians with all your missiles and bombs , like you killed 3000+ civilians in Gaza back in 2014. Now you'll say those were all terrorists ,well i did not know that AL-Qasam brigade was training such small mujahideen's .:disagree::coffee:

most of the casualty are made buy hamas rockets landing in gaza terrtory.
i don't by the 3000 civ...
most of the dead "civilians" are 18-35 grown man.
And by comparison 3000 pepole die in syria in one day

Guerilla warfare or not Gaza poses no real threat to Israel. The Israeli reaction was disproportional. All I am saying. Many Israelis criticized it as well. You cannot deny this.

I never support the killing of civilians no matter who they are.

I think that violence will solve nothing in our day and age. In the old days there were no human rights, no media and it was normal to burn down entire cities and kill everyone if they were part of your enemies. Today this is different and for the better of everyone.

I don't understand how Jews, who suffered so much in history, can support such actions. Also no, I am not supporting Hamas attacking civilians in Israel if you are wondering about this.


Israel killed well over 1000 (!) civilians in 6 weeks of bombing. How is that proportional when only 5 Israeli civilians died and less than 70 soldiers?

So what you are saying is that there are no enlightened Palestinians? You are wrong and you know this already. This sounds like some kind of racism to me. It's like saying that all Jews are evil.
most of the casualty are made by hamas rockets landing in gaza terrtory.
i don't by the 3000 civ...
most of the dead "civilians" are 18-35 grown man
ohh come on every one knows who bombed Civillian populated areas .
ohh come on every one knows who bombed Civillian populated areas .
true every one knows that is hamas
Shebaa farms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shebaa Farms is not recognized by the international community has Israeli territory.

Gaza is literally an urban jungle, Hamas rockets are retaliatory.
LOL, so u ADMIT that HAMAS launch attack from populated AREAS and u're OKAY with THIS. :hitwall:
Any innocent soul that dies is on terrorists organization such as hamas or hizballa which uses their own civilians as a weapons against the Israelies.
You can thank Hamas who store weapons in houses, and using populated areas such as mosques and hospitals to launch attack against Israel.

You can thank Hamas who store weapons in houses, and using populated areas such as mosques and hospitals to launch attack against Israel.

Thats called self defense , when you occupy someones territory that happens , but your response is immature bombing civilians like hell .
ohh come on every one knows who bombed Civillian populated areas .
I wonder why, maybe because they launch attacks from populated areas, troll
now when Israel reply they will cry and say look barbaric Israel bombing poor Lebanon . what a logic :oops:
Thats called self defense , when you occupy someones territory that happens , but your response is immature bombing civilians like hell .
ROFL, So when they shoot rockets toward populated areas it's okay, but when we launch attacks against hamas which hides behind civilians we are criminals, pathetic

now when Israel reply they will cry and say look barbaric Israel bombing poor Lebanon . what a logic :oops:
Exactly, those terror organizations are disgrace for humanity, those organizations are as bad as ISIS
The biggest fanatic at the Middle East are the Zionist State of Israel. They only have guts to attack women and children not proper soldiers.
ROFL, So when they shoot rockets toward populated areas it's okay, but when we launch attacks against hamas which hides behind civilians we are criminals, pathetic
ROFL, So when they shoot rockets toward populated areas it's okay, but when we launch attacks against hamas which hides behind civilians we are criminals, pathetic

Exactly, those terror organizations are disgrace for humanity

Your fault you capture there territory , beat up there civilians , rape there women , abduct there children , murdered millions of Palestinians , demolish there houses , destroy there crops , and they cant fire few rockets in response of your brutality ,If you guys are innocent then who killed millions of civilians since 1948 ? , and what are the casualties on your side 20 ?

One 17 year old Pakistani debating with 4 Israeli's !!!
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