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Hezbollah launch attack on Israeli troops

You obviously don't know your history well.

It was cross-border skirmishes that Iran perpetrated which lead to war. As Iran always does, it keeps goading and goading.

Read this please, and read it well; if you dont believe Wikipedia is an authentic source - scroll down and Wikipedia will give you many nuetral sources.

Iran–Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While the situation getting tense with saudis and sanctions to be lifted i doubt Hizbullah did the show(attack but if someone else did it to blame on hezbollah to gain some advantage just a show). Everyone has tow these days and rockets.
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You must quite frankly be joking. I am an Arab and follow Arab media closely and I know several Lebanese personally. Both Muslims and Christians. None of them support Hezbollah blindly. They are only sympathetic to them if Israel is attacking Lebanon which is completely normal. When there is no hostility with Israel almost everyone is complaining about Hezbollah. If you spoke Arabic you would know this.

When Israel attacks your country everyone will join hands regardless of sect. This is completely normal.

In Iraq for instance Sunni and Shia militias joined hands to fight the Americans and other coalition forces. Did that mean that they loved each other? Shortly afterwards they started to kill each other. You get the point.

Hezbollah was not alone. Did you suddenly forget Amal and Jammoul? Besides it was only Southern Lebanon mostly.

Anyway whenever Hezbollah attacks Israel and maybe succeeds in killing a few soldiers or civilians 10 times as many Lebanese die. Great victory indeed and tactic. The recipe for progress.

I am a supporter of secularism and enlightened rule so I guess we have totally different world views.

I don't understand why Muslims support all kind of terrorist groups. Then we wonder why the situation is as it is.
This was the latest incident, i dont see Civilian deaths.

January 2015 Shebaa farms incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anyway whenever Hezbollah attacks Israel and maybe succeeds in killing a few soldiers or civilians 10 times as many Lebanese die. Great victory indeed and tactic. The recipe for progress.
And that's when Israel is holding itself.
anyone who thinks hizballa has a chance against Israel is a fool , Israel could wipe all of lebanon in a matter of day but unlike hizballa who hides in tunnels/bunkers and leave it's citizens to take the bombardments, Israel is careful when it comes to human life cause of humanitarian issue and the international pressure. if hizballa start a war, all the innocent people in lebanon that will die will be on their hands and cause of their actions. hiding behind civilians, pathetic
Don't poke the bear, or u'll face the consequences
Read this please, and read it well; if you dont believe Wikipedia is an authentic source - scroll down and Wikipedia will give you many nuetral sources.

Iran–Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From your own link:

Tensions between Iraq and Iran were fueled by Iran's Islamic revolution and its appearance of being a Pan-Islamic force, in contrast to Iraq's Arab nationalism. Despite Iraq's goals of regaining the Shatt al-Arab,[note 1] the Iraqi government seemed to initially welcome Iran's Revolution, which overthrew Iran's Shah, who was seen as a common enemy.[53][59] It is difficult to pinpoint when tensions began to build, but there were frequent cross-border skirmishes, largely at Iran's instigation.[14]

And that's when Israel is holding itself.
U're a fool if u think that u have any chance against Israel, Israel could wipe all of lebanon in a matter of day but unlike hizballa who hides in tunnels/bunkers and leave it's citizens to take the bombardments, Israel is careful when it comes to human life cause of humanitarian issue and the international pressure. if hizballa start a war, all the innocent people in lebanon that will die will be on their hands and cause of their actions. hiding behind civilians, pathetic
Don't poke the bear, or u'll face the consequences

Quite frankly Israel is no saint on this front. How many civilians died in Gaza in the summer of 2014 for instance? The number was way too unacceptable.

Hezbollah is bad but the Israeli regime is no saint. Both have radicals among them.

The solution lies among enlightened people on both sides who are not blinded by hatred but who are interested in peace for the sake of themselves and their neighbors.

You either work towards that or the status quo will continue. Israelis are tired of the situation. I know this. Violence is not a solution in our times.
And that's when Israel is holding itself.
U're a fool if u think that u have any chance against Israel, Israel could wipe all of lebanon in a matter of day but unlike hizballa who hides in tunnels/bunkers and leave it's citizens to take the bombardments, Israel is careful when it comes to human life cause of humanitarian issue and the international pressure. if hizballa start a war, all the innocent people in lebanon that will die will be on their hands and cause of their actions. hiding behind civilians, pathetic
Don't poke the bear, or u'll face the consequences
Do you remember the South Lebanon conflict? At that time Hezbollah had no tunnels or bunkers, but still managed to destroy the combined forces of the South Lebanese Forces and Israel.
From your own link:

Tensions between Iraq and Iran were fueled by Iran's Islamic revolution and its appearance of being a Pan-Islamic force, in contrast to Iraq's Arab nationalism. Despite Iraq's goals of regaining the Shatt al-Arab,[note 1] the Iraqi government seemed to initially welcome Iran's Revolution, which overthrew Iran's Shah, who was seen as a common enemy.[53][59] It is difficult to pinpoint when tensions began to build, but there were frequent cross-border skirmishes, largely at Iran's instigation.[14]


In 1975, the Iraqis launched an offensive into Iran using tanks, though the Iranians defeated them.[43] Several other attacks took place; however, Iran had the world's fifth most powerful military at the time and easily defeated the Iraqis with its air force. As a result, Iraq decided against continuing the war, choosing instead to make concessions toTehran to end the Kurdish rebellion.[53][57]

In the 1975 Algiers Agreement, Iraq made territorial concessions—including the Shatt al-Arab waterway—in exchange for normalised relations.[53] In return for Iraq recognising that the frontier on the waterway ran along the entire thalweg, Iran ended its support of Iraq's Kurdish guerrillas.[53] Iraqis viewed the Algiers Agreement as humiliating.[53][58]:260 However, the agreement meant the end of Iranian and American support for the Peshmerga, who were defeated by Iraq's government in a short campaign that claimed 20,000 lives.[58]:298 The British journalist Patrick Brogan wrote that "...the Iraqis celebrated their victory in the usual manner, by executing as many of the rebels as they could lay their hands on."[58]

The relationship between the governments of Iran and Iraq briefly improved in 1978, when Iranian agents in Iraq discovered plans for a pro-Soviet coup d'état against Iraq's government. When informed of this plot, Saddam ordered the execution of dozens of his army's officers and in a sign of reconciliation, expelled Ruhollah Khomeini, an exiled leader of clerical opposition to the Shah, from Iraq. Despite this, Saddam merely considered the Algiers Agreement to be a truce, rather than a definite settlement, and waited for an opportunity to contest it.
lol idiot can you tell me pleas which area israel control in lebanone.
NO because israel have no one centimeter in lebanone.
meanwhile i drink cocteals in the beach and your fat mullah dog nasfackbar
hide in bunkers for more then 10 years
A post like this shows me how Israelis are blind and misinformed, have you ever heard of the Sheba farms?
Now is the time to pound them and finish them off once and for all.

Make sure you pound the Terrorists not the civilians , u have a big history of hitting the Civilians with all your missiles and bombs , like you killed 3000+ civilians in Gaza back in 2014. Now you'll say those were all terrorists ,well i did not know that AL-Qasam brigade was training such small mujahideen's .:disagree::coffee:
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Quite frankly Israel is no saint on this front. How many civilians died in Gaza in the summer of 2014 for instance? The number was way too unacceptable.

Hezbollah is bad but the Israeli regime is no saint. Both have radicals among them.

The solution lies among enlightened people on both sides who are not blinded by hatred but who are interested in peace for the sake of themselves and their neighbors.
You heard about the term urban Guerrilla warfare?Hiding in populated areas and attacking from houses and mosques and schools?let me refresh ur memory
Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which a small group of combatants such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare,hit-and-run tactics, and mobility to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.
Hamas shooted rockets and missiles toward Israeli territory on few meters away from highly populated buildings in order to stop the bombardment of the launchers, stored weapons and equipment inside populated houses in order to avoid their destruction, and shooted on IDF troops to avoid any enemy fire.
When IDF struck and accidently hurt innocents, they use it as propaganda to show how "Evil" Israel is
Same goes for Hizballa, using human shield as a weapon
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