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Hezbollah get smacked

wow so you saying syria and hezbullah would even scratch Isreal if they weren't busy at the moment? Syria hasn't fired a shot towards isreal for the last 41 years. lol

And Hezbollah have been Israel's gate keepers in the north! not a single bullet from Hez for 8 years!

Hez even patrol the area and stop extremist so-called 'palestinians' from firing at Israel.


Hazzy's heroes :rofl:
Wait until we accidentally slip a suitcase nuke to Hezb or Hamas. :devil:
Wait until we accidentally slip a suitcase nuke to Hezb or Hamas. :devil:

As if you have the brains to develop a suitcase nuke FFS :omghaha:

You didn't even know what a centrifuge was before Khan gave you the knowledge.

Stick to your papier mache drones and fighter jets, Irani.

Anyway, I was thinking - since Hezbollah have been our bitch...sorry, 'gatekeepers' for 8 years without firing a single bullet and doing their best to stop other factions firing on us - should we be paying Hez a salary?

Seems very nice of them to do all this work for free.

Maybe send them a nice gift basket or something. You know, after they get over the latest accident that befell them last night.
There's no such thing as Sunni or Shia, there are the slave of Gods and the enemies of God and the slaves of God are united against all immorality and oppression in this world. It's not about being Muslims or Christian or Jewish.

There is no such thing as enemy of God lol, God is not so petty.
There is no such thing as enemy of God lol, God is not so petty.

People declare themselves enemies of God according to their intentions and actions. They are against him, not the other way around.
Hazzy is a god-fearing Muslim.

So he must accept that god Loves Israel.

God decided to grant victory to Israel on many occasions against the Arabs. How else can you explain those miraculous victories? united arab armies against Kibbutzniks and Holocaust survivors in 1948?

God is punishing you so-called 'palestinians' I'm afraid.

It's time for you to look inwards as to why God is punishing you. I would start at your addiction to terrorism and work from there.



God created Israel twice.

When it was ruined, it rose again.

Time after time the Arabians tried to destroy it, and they got defeated.

Now God has weakened Syria and Egypt.

Sounds to me like God is an Israeli.

Israel presumes that any weapons systems in Syria have also reached the Lebanese Hizballah and is therefore on constant alert, Brig. Gen Ellie Sharvit, Haifa Navy base chief, told reporters Tuesday. He mentioned the advanced Yakhont shore-sea missiles as well as top products of Iran’s and Syria’s military industries. This was the first admission by a high-ranking IDF operations officer that advanced hardware had moved from Syria into Lebanon, as DEBKAfile disclosed in the past. Brig. Sharvit revealed that the Navy’s Dolphin submarines had performed operations thousands of kilometers from Israel’s shores and also opposite the Syrian and Lebanese coasts. Two more Dolphins would be delivered from Germany in the second half of 2014. These subs can spend long periods in deep water. When anchored at home base, they are armed with missile interceptor systems for defense.



Western military and intelligence sources report that Israeli Air Force strikes in Lebanon and Syria overnight Monday, Feb. 24 came on the heels of the first use in the three-year Syrian war of a Russian-made nuclear-capable Tochka (Point) surface missile - NATO-coded SS-21 Scarab - which carries a 480-kilo warhead with a range of 70 km. These missiles were fired earlier Monday in the Syrian-Hizballah battle for Yabroud. There was no information about the effect of the Israeli strikes.

According to Lebanese sources, however, the target was a cluster of five Hizballah bases or command posts in the Lebanese Beqaa Valley. Hizballah casualties were reported.

That was one Lebanese version of the incident. In the absence of independent confirmation or official information, different sources offered a variety of alternative targets.
Some sources named them as missile-launchers fired from Lebanon in support of the Hizballah-Syrian army battle for the strategic town of Yabroud, the last Syrian rebel stronghold in the Qalamoun Mts just across the Syrian border. This town, 80 kilometers north of Damascus, has held out against two months of vicious combat.

Hazzy is a god-fearing Muslim.

So he must accept that god Loves Israel.

God decided to grant victory to Israel on many occasions against the Arabs. How else can you explain those miraculous victories? united arab armies against Kibbutzniks and Holocaust survivors in 1948?

God is punishing you so-called 'palestinians' I'm afraid.

It's time for you to look inwards as to why God is punishing you. I would start at your addiction to terrorism and work from there.

The Arabs never fought in Gods name they fought for their own greedy selves. Egypt wanted gaza for itself and Jordan wanted the West Bank, Syria claims the whole Levant as Greater Syria. Meanwhile Israelis were fighting for their survival so they fought harder, God had nothing to do with any of that.

By your same logic God hates you Jews because you have been getting smacked every nation you have gone to for the last 2000 years while just tasted your own victory for these past 60. Kind of like throwing a dog a bone after beating the crap out of it years on end. :azn:
Sounds to me like God is an Israeli.

typical zionist bull crap :)

sounds to me youre crazy .

we (iranians) saved your sorry a$$ once in babylon , now we should correct our mistake .

ashknazi racist
The Arabs never fought in Gods name they fought for their own greedy selves. Egypt wanted gaza for itself and Jordan wanted the West Bank, Syria claims the whole Levant as Greater Syria. Meanwhile Israelis were fighting for their survival so they fought harder, God had nothing to do with any of that.

By your same logic God hates you Jews because you have been getting smacked every nation you have gone to for the last 2000 years while just tasted your own victory for these past 60. Kind of like throwing a dog a bone after beating the crap out of it years on end. :azn:

So where's Hamas' victory? they are pious Muslims. They have to dig like blind moles in tunnels and hide like rats just to exist.

Where's Iran's victory? fighting for Quds? sanctioned to near death and had to BEG to be saved by the west. Begged just for a few $$$ to save their country. What about Hez? they are now our gate keepers in the north. Not a peep from them in 8 years. Their leader lives in the sewer and only pops his head out every few months.

Your planes falling out of the sky because you can't repair them.

This is god's will. If you go against Israel, you suffer.

The Jews have been through hard times. God has tested them greatly, yes. This is to galvanise them and make them strong. Sticking together.
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