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Hellenic Coast Guard BUSTED by Turkish Coast Guard

you wont mind if we station as much german soldiers on the greek side for their protection?
Whole Nato was against a Turkish intervention back in 1974, we got sanctioned, did we care?

The safety of Turks is above everything for Turkish state, so deploy whatever you want.

BTW: i would like to see what Greeks have to say about German soldiers there, you are not really welcome there. :lol:
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you wont mind if we station as much german soldiers on the greek side for their protection?
You should keep your soldiers for vaterland, buddy. You know you are the loser side of WW2 and your army can only have 370.000 soldiers according to "Vertrag über die abschließende Regelung in bezug auf Deutschland"
You should keep your soldiers for vaterland, buddy. You know you are the loser side of WW2 and your army can only have 370.000 soldiers according to "Vertrag über die abschließende Regelung in bezug auf Deutschland"

We live in 21st century. We have the technology to win a war with one technician against an army of 1.000.000 , thats the fact.

Beside that, for being the loser side we do quite good. We rule the EU and dominate the continent. Germany today has more power over europe than ever before.

Whole Nato was against a Turkish intervention back in 1974, we got sanctioned, did we care?

The safety of Turks is above everything for Turkish state, so deploy whatever you want.

BTW: i would like to see what Greeks have to say about German soldiers there, you are not really welcome there. :lol:
since when do we care what greeks have to say?
We live in 21st century. We have the technology to win a war with one technician against an army of 1.000.000 , thats the fact.

Beside that, for being the loser side we do quite good. We rule the EU and dominate the continent. Germany today has more power over europe than ever before.
Yes yes, you have toooooo much engineers/technicians bro :D That's why you are trying to get from others by establishing Blaue Karte (a Green Card replica) and so forth. I'm sorry but Europe is going down and it is going down with you

By the way, assign one of these highly educated technicians to Merkel. He or she may prevent uncle Sam listening you.
i can't see native german people in cyprus. So i couldn't understand why german army should come here, please marcus enlight me..

Turkish army here to save and protect turkish people as being a legal guarentor .. After a legal and fair end for conflict , most of the army will go Turkey off course.

BTW, i am living in KKTC ( Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus ) for years..
In europe we have something called "freedom of speech". I know thats something new in your part of the world but you may have to learn that.

I see two nations acting like 12 years old and i can voice my opinion about that nonsense.

I know what you mean. Nevertheless, you should not act condescending, or Headteacherness. The problems between both are reallity (Cyprus, aegean). Nonetheless, the problems can resolve peacefull, only.
i can't see native german people in cyprus. So i couldn't understand why german army should come here, please marcus enlight me..

Turkish army here to save and protect turkish people as being a legal guarentor .. After a legal and fair end for conflict , most of the army will go Turkey off course.

BTW, i am living in KKTC ( Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus ) for years..
we also have no german people i turkey but our army is stationed in south turkey to protect people there from Assad.
Good! And just to make that clear. We in germany are as sick about that nonsense from the greek side as well. Its simply counter productive. Turkey and the EU share the mediterrean sea. We need peace for good economy and logistics. And i don´t see greece acting reasonable.

Their is one thing more. We (German) did nothing, to solve the problems. On the contrary, we arm both and increased the problem.
we also have no german people i turkey but our army is stationed in south turkey to protect people there from Assad.

Thats rediculus, we dont protect any turkish people. We only protect our interests.
They cant,the southerners want something northerners will never accept and vice versa.
All Turkish military from the island,all those migrated from Turkey must go back,all of the properties returned.
These are unacceptable pre-conditions for the Turkish side before coming to a solution.

Since the original government of Cyprus is the southern side, the northern side must accede to the south in order to move this issue forward. If this issue occurs today in the post cold war world, US would most likely insist on no division of Cyprus and that all of north Cyprus must accede to the government. But since this happened 40 years ago, no one is going to change the status quo until an issue erupt. So the onus is for the northern side to make sure that no major issue flares up.

On the other hand, if I'm from the southern side, I'll look for an opportunity to unite with the north. Because any conflict now will more likely benefit the south than the north.
Since the original government of Cyprus is the southern side, the northern side must accede to the south in order to move this issue forward. If this issue occurs today in the post cold war world, US would most likely insist on no division of Cyprus and that all of north Cyprus must accede to the government. But since this happened 40 years ago, no one is going to change the status quo until an issue erupt. So the onus is for the northern side to make sure that no major issue flares up.

On the other hand, if I'm from the southern side, I'll look for an opportunity to unite with the north. Because any conflict now will more likely benefit the south than the north.

Greek sides wants, 40.000 Turks who live on island ship back to Turkey. Those people have their families and properties in Cyprus. That is the one thing, we will never agree.
I know what you mean. Nevertheless, you should not act condescending, or Headteacherness. The problems between both are reallity (Cyprus, aegean). Nonetheless, the problems can resolve peacefull, only.
Who you think you are? You are wrong buddy you are not the inventor of freedom or democracy but fascism.. Now, you are trying to sell these human values like your inventions.. I live in Germany.. And I feel discrimination and rascism every day in your country... So I think Germans first threat humans from other cultures as "humans" not "auslaendern" then talk about freedom of any kind

Who you think you are? You are wrong buddy you are not the inventor of freedom or democracy but fascism.. Now, you are trying to sell these human values like your inventions.. I live in Germany.. And I feel discrimination and rascism every day in your country... So I think Germans first threat humans from other cultures as "humans" not "auslaendern" then talk about freedom of any kind


Whom do you mean, when you say "you"? About racism, tell me one country, without any racism problems. Turkey?
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