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Heavy artillery fire is being exchanged between India and Pakistan

no i am what I am what I say is true only but i only have talk with limited business ppl from kashmir l, but they do say india uses thr water and electricity so they want all subsidy only and they want azadi also and they dont want to go to pakistan also so basically they want thr own muslim republic but jammu n ladakh want to separate from kashmir also and live under central govt
Go Google pics of how many Kashmiri People carrying PAkistani flags during their protest, you met only few LIMITED business men views, that's doesn't means these LIMITED business men represent views from all people of Kashmir, you're verdict worth nothing but troll @kaif786

ok thanks for ur views and keep on trying .. but frm what i understand now war with pakistan make india happy so pakistan shud b happy with war
this show you're terrorist Hindu pretending to be Kashmiri Muslim or Indian Muslim, those few LIMITED business men verdict don't represent all Kashmiri views, and who imposing war forcefully on Pakistan, don't you know ???, @waz @The Eagle @WebMaster please control this troll/ Naqli Muslim named @kaif786 thanks
see i will say do the referendum if you want in pakistani side and live in peace, if india doesnt want on its side then you can not do anything..
i can give you an example suppose we have a peace of an apple and its cut in half and taken by india and pakistan both part and india ate its apple and now pakistan after eating its wants india's apple you can never get only get shit from india
so why war and why not peace.. war will make common ppl suffer peace will give all extra money to subsidy the poor like us

Before jumping on multiple conclusion merely to satisfy your ill argument, read concern documents and agreements in regard to referendum in Kashmir. The one part is Azad Kashmir and they never submitted a single appeal to held referendum in this part however, if you can't see the call for freedom & referendum in Indian occupied Kashmir while thousands sacrificed against Indian occupation; sorry to say but it is to lame & like a babysitting for the arguments to begin with. Instead of flooding this place with disinfo & misinformation or I may say, the Indian style facts; try to keep up with topic in hand and stay on the Forum.
From the video evidence this clearly looks like them firing into civilian areas after a death of one of their soldiers. This is a regular thing for them to to do.

Oh the ONLY practitioners of truth and fair means... tell me in which army bunker the 10 days old infant was hiding...

@MilSpec was it only India which REFUSED to take back the DEAD BODIES of their regular army men during Kargil war... or is there any other nation which denied their INVOLVEMENT and refused to do so... Satire :)

""""The infant, his mother Fatima Jan (35) and another civilian Mohammad Arif (40) were injured when mortar shells fired by Pakistan hit their village in Shahpur sector on Sunday.""""

10-day-old infant from Poonch dies in Pak shelling
Oh the ONLY practitioners of truth and fair means... tell me in which army bunker the 10 days old infant was hiding...

@MilSpec was it only India which REFUSED to take back the DEAD BODIES of their regular army men during Kargil war... or is there any other nation which denied their INVOLVEMENT and refused to do so... Satire :)

""""The infant, his mother Fatima Jan (35) and another civilian Mohammad Arif (40) were injured when mortar shells fired by Pakistan hit their village in Shahpur sector on Sunday.""""

10-day-old infant from Poonch dies in Pak shelling
I'll use Indian logic. Why is the army using civilians like shields?
i only speak the truth as muslim u r so want peace but i told u everything is truth .. i feel sad when channels joy when india fights pakistan anyway if u dont like me i wont bother u thanks
You only say you met LIMITED business men of Kashimir, you don't take survey of the valley for who want to live with Pakistan and who want to live with India or become independent country, your Truth and Troll is the same thing, and who want war only India want war with Pakistan, your post is reported for trolling and baseless rants @kaif786 :blah::blah::blah:
The Officer that authorizes this deployment on the Pakistani side should face court martial for incompetence.

If that happens, Pakistan will hit back an Indian Dam. Pakistan's policy of tit for tat is quite clear.

Attacking a DAM when war is not OFFICIALLY on is an act which I would not support... until you want to fight a war... be it India or Pakistan...

I'll use Indian logic. Why is the army using civilians like shields?

As per Indian LOGIC... ENTIRE Kashmir is... so...

Answer as per your logic bro... where did that 10 days old infant was...

WAR is a cruel business... and civilian deaths are BITTER TRUTH...
i only speak the truth as muslim u r so want peace but i told u everything is truth .. i feel sad when channels joy when india fights pakistan anyway if u dont like me i wont bother u thanks
Last Thing i would like to say to you The LIMITED business men verdict is Not apply for whole Muslim Nation In Kashmir, This is a LIMITED group verdict @kaif786
Last Thing i would like to say to you The LIMITED business men verdict is Not apply for whole Muslim Nation In Kashmir, This is a LIMITED group verdict @kaif786

He @kaif786 wants that the decision of the fate of Kashmir valley shall be done on the basis of views of those few old Kashmiris, who have met him.:p::p::p:
Lots of posts deleted so good going guys , curb the incidence and have your way in this pond.

Its tough to be a Kashmiri these days. They are being killed on both sides of the border by India. What I have seen is that the Kashmiris are becoming similar victims to tactics originally introduced by Israel. For example India has abolished the law that prevents settlement of non Kashmiris (primarily Indian Hindus) in Kashmir. It is also deploying more troops.

This is clearly following the Israel model of subjugating locals rather than winning them over. Its not going to work and its going to cause lots of friction. If you want proof Palestinians are still against Israel as Kashmiris are against India... same as at the start of the occupation.
From the video evidence this clearly looks like them firing into civilian areas after a death of one of their soldiers. This is a regular thing for them to to do.

Well Pakistan army always have the option to evacuate the civilian population from the line of fire just like IA does on our side whenever situation gets out of hand. Now irrespective of India or Pakistan, who exactly should be blamed??

The enemy who don't give a damn about who is on the other side or the friend who is supposed to protect his own ?? :azn:
Its tough to be a Kashmiri these days. They are being killed on both sides of the border by India. What I have seen is that the Kashmiris are becoming similar victims to tactics originally introduced by Israel. For example India has abolished the law that prevents settlement of non Kashmiris (primarily Indian Hindus) in Kashmir. It is also deploying more troops.

This is clearly following the Israel model of subjugating locals rather than winning them over. Its not going to work and its going to cause lots of friction. If you want proof Palestinians are still against Israel as Kashmiris are against India... same as at the start of the occupation.
Delimitation is yet to begin ..that will set the cat among the pigeons

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