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Heavy artillery fire is being exchanged between India and Pakistan

Corruption cases , economic setbacks.

Modi 2.0 hasn’t been the best.
In an appropriate thread will discuss if you want, I have active investments in the market and the slowdown is a bit exaggerated. Corruption, i don't know, the general outlook is this government is almost corruption free ( or free from getting caught).
Sure we will. Sure Sure. Just like you indians also claimed that the iaf killed 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16..........:lol:.......all talk and hot air.........:lol:PS You're talking as if the indian economy is on par with China and America........:lol:
Bloomberg said Indian growth is 4.5 since 2011 which hidden by Govt shows 7.6% theior current tussle with US India stand no chance they will surrender infront of US a little tumble by US Indian Rs will go above 100.
I always wonder how you guys talk about War is coming with such ease. Remember, you still have a rather shaky economy to stabilize, your biggest allies are busy in a trade war, your another big ally has its own internal problems and being dragged around by trump administration.

Your winning tactic is swift, extremely intense and short war. You cann't sustain war for too long. You need advanced prep for that. You cann't just jump into war head first. If India drags the war for any more than a month, you will be minced meat. Right now, India has reenforced its position, bought some weapons with emergency funds. You don't have working cash to out spend India even in a short intense term. You need to be able to do that.

Last but not the least : all the recent provocative acts of your enemy.. It wants you to engage it. So it drag you in a conflict. Never enter a conflict on your enemy's terms, enter on your own terms.
Don't worry about us. Worry about yourself. When we will fight you, will fight you outnumbered and outgunned and still we will win. You know why? When we fight , Allah fights with us, so anything you do will be useless
Don't worry about us. Worry about yourself. When we will fight you, will fight you outnumbered and outgunned and still we will win. You know why? When we fight , Allah fights with us, so anything you do will be useless
I am neither Allah nor anyone close to him so I don't know what his plans are. May be you guys are. Good for you!

As far as I go, my country has no military conflict so we are doing fine!
I am neither Allah nor anyone close to him so I don't know what his plans are. May be you guys are. Good for you!

As far as I go, my country has no military conflict so we are doing fine!

So says the indian hiding behind being a 100% genuine true Canadian!........:lol:
My gut feeling is that if Kashmir issue is not resolved peacefully; it would lead to a substantial destruction of both India and Pakistan and, perhaps, no one would be winner.

But, in such circumstances, often, certain unforeseen forces and factors may come into play, and change the whole scenario, which no body could have imagined. There are so many examples in history, where something happened, which was not conceived by any body, before time. Think of establishment of Pakistan and Bangladesh.

First Northern War (two front - unfolding now) and later the Final War.

Final War will be bloody. Indian Army will enter Pakistan with full force and we will fight them inside Pakistan. Punjab and Sindh will bear the most damage and bloodshed. Lahore will fall initially and then taken back later. After IA is killed off in Pakistan then the advance to Delhi. Last Kafir nation will cease to exist when Delhi falls.

Foretold 800+ years ago.
First Northern War (two front - unfolding now) and later the Final War.

Final War will be bloody. Indian Army will enter Pakistan with full force and we will fight them inside Pakistan. Punjab and Sindh will bear the most damage and bloodshed. Lahore will fall initially and then taken back later. After IA is killed off in Pakistan then the advance to Delhi. Last Kafir nation will cease to exist when Delhi falls.

Foretold 800+ years ago.

Actually, that fits on Pakistan very much..... and this is why India always push for democracy in Pakistan. Whenever a military guy comes to rule Pakistan, India either keep quite or war break out between India and Pakistan, where US had to jump for Indian rescue.
As we all know, lat time it was BC who saved India from the grip of Musharraf.
Actually, that fits on Pakistan very much..... and this is why India always push for democracy in Pakistan. Whenever a military guy comes to rule Pakistan, India either keep quite or war break out between India and Pakistan, where US had to jump for Indian rescue.
As we all know, lat time it was BC who saved India from the grip of Musharraf.
Masoom awam.

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