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Heavy artillery fire is being exchanged between India and Pakistan

ok but war is not answer peace is but I also write that I only small abused when other person did so and I have argument
that is war is not answer... if you are pahari or other ppl already in pakistani kashmir and is happy then be happy
kashimiri ppl fron india side also dont want pakistan if they dont want india this is all says who i knw.. and jammu and ladakhi ppl themselves say they dont themselves understand why kashmiri ppl do so i am talkig aby muslims from ladakh and jammu ..
so instead of war which will only make leaders rich politician rich and army rich and common ppl poor better dont war make peace...
as war makes only common ppl lose...

Time for promised referendum as law states .
LOL! Good joke. Max 5% want to be with Pakistan.

Go to google and type in Kashmir August 14 celebration - pages after pages .

Open new tab and type in Kashmir August 15 celebrations - nothing .

Type in google Kashmir August 15 black day - page after page .

Open new tab and type in August 14 Kashmir black day - nothing , zilch ,

Lol at 5% your either a liar or a brainwashed Hindu fantasist or both lol Tamil boy
LOL! Good joke. Max 5% want to be with Pakistan.

Perfect! Let's have that referendum then shall we? If only you'd told this to your governments before.

so who stops pakistan do the referendum on its side and live in peace...

Lol, to what end? The people that live in AJK and Gilgit Baltistan actually wrestled control of their regions from the Dogra themselves and then handed the control over to Pakistan. There is no contention to their choice. Pakistan's Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan have been in peace since 1948. Except for when you guys decide to target their homes across the LOC.

It is IOK where the protests are, where the rape is, where the genocide is, where Freedom Fighters are fighting. We need peace in IOK and a referendum in AJK and Gilgit Baltistan, unfortunately, will not provide it.
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Go to google and type in Kashmir August 14 celebration - pages after pages .

Open new tab and type in Kashmir August 15 celebrations - nothing .

Type in google Kashmir August 15 black day - page after page .

Open new tab and type in August 14 Kashmir black day - nothing , zilch ,

Lol at 5% your either a liar or a brainwashed Hindu fantasist or both lol Tamil boy
LOL! Did I touched a raw nerve.

Now Google results are proof. We have better proof check voting percentage in J&K for elections. Ask them not to vote until then they are accepting India.
Perfect! Let's have that referendum then shall we? If only you'd told this to your governments before.
Another LOL! You have no relevance to Kashmir. It's part of India. Sooner you learn to live with this the better it is for you because the sky looks gloomier on the horizon.

Keep it up

We have scapegoats in both sides ( Generals Conversation [emoji23] )
see i will say do the referendum if you want in pakistani side and live in peace, if india doesnt want on its side then you can not do anything..
i can give you an example suppose we have a peace of an apple and its cut in half and taken by india and pakistan both part and india ate its apple and now pakistan after eating its wants india's apple you can never get only get shit from india
so why war and why not peace.. war will make common ppl suffer peace will give all extra money to subsidy the poor like us
In reality,your Apple wants to go to Pakistan.your apple is fed up.there are many cuts on your Apple.pain is enough for your Apple.if you don't want to give your Apple to us,we will help your Apple to get rid of you.i hope you understand problem of apple.you have this apple in your hand and you are behaving like a blind.how many men and women will you kill? You can't stop insurgency.we have seen our flags in your kashmir.this is such a shame for a big country like India.don't become blind.feel their pain.
see i will say do the referendum if you want in pakistani side and live in peace, if india doesnt want on its side then you can not do anything..
i can give you an example suppose we have a peace of an apple and its cut in half and taken by india and pakistan both part and india ate its apple and now pakistan after eating its wants india's apple you can never get only get shit from india
so why war and why not peace.. war will make common ppl suffer peace will give all extra money to subsidy the poor like us
So all in all You're trying to Say Muslims of IOK wants AZADI but want to live with India and don't want to live with Pakistan, What is the stupid logic this was @kaif786 :crazy::crazy::crazy: you may be met few dozens to few Hundred people/Muslims in IOK, if you're not lying/trolling, this means nothing in front 20 million of Kashmiris, its a International disputed area and its on Chatter of UN, at independence for both country both Hindus and Britishers agrees to gives rights to legislative bodies from all over British India to decide in which country they wanna join and you didn't give this right to Kashmiris, so that's the main problem, give them to independently right to decide which country they wanna to join or want a separate independent country @kaif786
Another LOL! You have no relevance to Kashmir. It's part of India. Sooner you learn to live with this the better it is for you because the sky looks gloomier on the horizon.

Hardly. I can't think of any example in all of history, save one, where a local populous was occupied against their will for any meaningful duration of time, no matter how powerful the occupier. Kashmir's freedom is inevitable, it's natural. Even Indians gained independence.

if india doesnt want on its side then you can not do anything..

Yeah of course we can't. Your government should really stop complaining then.

i can give you an example suppose we have a peace of an apple and its cut in half and taken by india and pakistan both part and india ate its apple and now pakistan after eating its wants india's apple

Yeah, no. That apple belongs to the Kashmiris, not India or Pakistan. The Kashmiris get to decide who they want to share that apple with. Pakistan acknowledges and supports Kashmir's right to decide that. India obviously does not, because it knows that it won't be offered jack squat.

How did you drag me into this stupid analogy?

you can never get only get shit from india

Well to be honest, all anyone can ever expect to get from India is shit. No one is hoping for more, don't know where you got the impression.

so why war and why not peace.. war will make common ppl suffer peace will give all extra money to subsidy the poor like us

Because for Pakistan and us Pakistanis there is no peace without peace for Kashmir and the Kashmiris. You might well be perfectly happy living in "peace" for yourself while murdering, raping, subjugating, exploiting, and oppressing the Kashmiris. We Pakistanis, however, will not let there be any peace, not for you and not for us, as long as their is no peace for all Kashmiris. We can't help it, we stand by our blood and people.
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