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Heavy artillery fire is being exchanged between India and Pakistan

but violance will not solve anything war is for corrupt ppl to profit both india pakistan has kashmir and should be happy as muslims in india are almost double pakistan why fight for kashmir when u can have whole india when come in peace. i can travel u to beautiful valley in india ?

Didn't realise there were 400 million indian so called "Muslims".........:disagree:.......:azn:

ok thanks for reply but dont say angry I dont care who you are okay.. and currently only I show this post to the kashmiri old man sitting here he says you are not real kashmiri you are pahari only kashmir is kashir valley not india not pakistan.
and they want azadi but not pakistan as neighbor

Sure Sure. I suppose the old man also said that Southern Italians and Brazilians from Minais Gerais are the REAL Kashmiris........:disagree:
do we have any advantageous position in Neelum valley vis a vis their siachen resupply route?
if the news are correct then we are responding in poonch, rajouri ,uri and baramulla. We have advantage there.

But it may be indian strategy of destroying infrastructure to slow movement before trying to capture Strategic Pakistani posts.
Actually we also understand that we are not sane either....But who cares...as long as people in our region feels religion is more important than humanity, then we are destined with such fate to fight with each other..

Kashmir has nothing to do with religion, its has to do with land. Had this been a religious issue then there be no border issue between Pakistan and Afghanistan or India and China.
yes thanks kashmir business old man said it the kashmiri has thr own language name is kashiri and other side its pahari where pakistan kashmir is, its not the kashiri people

SURE SURE. Just like how you indians also claimed to have killed over 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16.......:lol:
if the news are correct then we are responding in poonch, rajouri ,uri and baramulla. We have advantage there.

But it may be indian strategy of destroying infrastructure to slow movement before trying to capture Strategic Pakistani posts.
i remember reading somewhere that Pakistani shelling in Neelum valley once forced them to beg for cease fire agreement I dont know if its historically correct or not.
Didn't realise there were 400 million indian so called "Muslims".........:disagree:.......:azn:

Sure Sure. I suppose the old man also said that Southern Italians and Brazilians from Minais Gerais are the REAL Kashmiris........:disagree:
Yesterday an idiot was barking 300m, today it is 400m, tomorrow it will be 1bn

i remember reading somewhere that Pakistani shelling in Neelum valley once forced them to beg for cease fire agreement I dont know if its historically correct or not.
Absolutely correct.
You know people from kashmir and i am a person of kashmir. We chant death to india. And kashmir will be pakistan 24/7 ! What world do u live in?

Kashmir as a whole wants and will he pakistan only 10% differ . we have no problem those 10% ceding to india. But we will be pakistan.
My family is originally from Kashmir too, Pakistani blood runs through our veins.
yes its 400 million that is 40 crore even here one mechanic chacha has 3 wives and 32 children but he never seen any census officer in his lifetime also I never seen so if census tells you 20 crore muslims its easily 40 crore.

It's even more pathetic that Indian Muslims are being lynched and humiliated then
No I am not saying that.

I am saying that your response was weak. Incomplete. Suboptimal. Limited. Defensive.

And has put you at future risk.

Cheers, Doc

It was strong enough for the Indian establishment to start planning missile strikes on Pakistani bases which would have undoubtedly escalated into full blown war. That too after years and years of trumpeting their conventional military superiority. If it was more than that, missiles would've rained. Made the Indians run back into their holes as well, didn't it? Didn't hear a squeak for days. If it was too little, India would not have deflated the way it did. It was not too much, nor too little. Crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside; perfect.

Will Pakistani dams flood Indians when they go?

Cheers, Doc

None that I can think off. Pakistan is the lower riparian for most rivers with regards to India.

Azad Kashmir is hilly area which can absorb lot of flood water and on the other hand only Bhagra Dam on river sutlej have capacity to damage Pakistani corps in Punjab

No it will not. In fact, flooding in hilly areas funnels all the water at an increased speed towards the lower laying flatland. Not to mention that most of the population in these valleys lives on the river banks.

The war between india and Pakistan is infect the war between hindu and Muslims of sub continent How hindu treats Muslims in hindu control sub continent , whole world knew about it.

No it is not. It is between Pakistan and India; Pakistani Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs and every other denomination of Pakistani Vs Indian Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs and every other denomination of Indian.

Don't fool yourself into believing that Indian Muslims are somehow partial towards Pakistan. And do not forget the countless, COUNTLESS non-Muslim Pakistanis who have and continue to sacrifice their everything for THEIR country. You have no right. It is a disservice to our brethren.

do you feel no concern about innocent civilians who are living there and are under constant heavy bombardment

Hah! Have we not seen what they are doing to those civilians in peace times? You think an Indian cares about a Kashmiri?
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Speaks volumes about why India carries out shelling at civilian areas. It tightens the screws on the Pak Army.
no it reflects that Indians are coward bunch who attack non combatants after getting spanked by Pakistan Army on regular basis. Attacking civilians is frowned upon in every civilized country but then again the keyword is civilized and as we both know India is far from it.
@The Eagle @waz I suggest the door should be shown.
no it reflects that Indians are coward bunch who attack non combatants after getting spanked by Pakistan Army on regular basis. Attacking civilians is frowned upon in every civilized country but then again the keyword is civilized and as we both know India is far from it.
@The Eagle @waz I suggest the door should be shown.

Don't be surprised in-case of Indian shelling civilians and feel proud.
Don't you read the message as what he suggests? Shell the civilian and that is same as killing Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir. It is pretty much of desperation that Indian Army targets civilians while being helpless to face Pakistan Army. They are trying to show some balls since 27th Feb, the day when top Indian Army leadership was introduced with a shocker through bombing close to their place of high valued meeting in IoK. Bipin went off the radar and even Media and just made his return. However, soon NDTV and others will report that till now, 17 Indian Army personnel lost their lives in last 24 hours and then, will see how people enjoys the human loss let alone Soldiers on duty.
but are you from kashir valley in srinagar if you are from pakistani kashmir that is pahari poeple and do you speak kashiri language?

I'm a Kashmiri originally from Srinagar. Sup?

Btw, it's not 'Kashiri', it's 'Koshur'. Don't know what "Kashmiris" you were talking to. Also,

So please, if Kashmiris really want to remain with India then let's have the plebiscite. Why do you guys always wet your breeches at the first mention of a referendum there? Come let's have it. Pakistan has already stated that we will honor the wishes of the Kashmiri people, whatever they may be.
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