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Heavy artillery fire is being exchanged between India and Pakistan

this one is rejoicing the death of Paks..civilians included. Kindly, take action.

Both subjects have no relations at all having almost hours of difference for their occurrence but the level of manipulation can be witnessed and yet, claims are made with an authenticity being more than sure while there is no search or reading at all. Fake is all over and that is only way forward for rivals to live.
Stop spreading lies! Your hate blinds you!!!

@The Eagle this one is rejoicing the death of Paks..civilians included. Kindly, take action.
Sorry but can you show me any word rejoicing the incident? The news suddenly popped out in my mobile so posted here. I am not claiming anything.
Sorry but can you show me any word rejoicing the incident? The news suddenly popped out in my mobile so posted here. I am not claiming anything.

There was a query in regard to burning house in Nelum Valley and you responded by establishing a connection with Pakistan Army plane crash instead of reading the news that suddenly popped up on your mobile. I will never do so merely where a news pop up like this rather, the best way is to read carefully.
Looks like they have forgotten their true aukaat once again.

Another reminder is in order.

Funny how for 3 months, there was complete radio silence from Bharatis on this board.
You are no man, seems as not even human that wishes and hopes for human life to be lost doesn't matter what side its on … grow up man don't be a hateful buster.

Both your countries have a combined population of some 1,5billion. Even if you slaughter half the population of either side, there certainly isn't going to be any lack of manpower in your nations. Go ahead and sling it out.
war is not answer only love is answer, all countries should not war with each other and live in peace as
only common people suffer not the leaders as the fauzis who r fighting are same poor as common ppl and not leader who are rich and dont suffer.
pakistan is very beautful country and should allow tourist to visit and same as india thanks

Appreciate your sentiments. But, unfortunately, violence and human affairs, are inseparable.
thanks for reply but hope is the answer pakistan india both r same nations and should not fight as both have kashmir so both should be happy more fight will only make ppl poor both side but not the leaders like politicians and military geranaal, indian muslims are 40 crore and growing so why fight

The problem is simple. Pakistan cannot forgo the issue of Kashmir and India is not ready to resolve it, in a peaceful manner. Hence, all this violence.
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but violance will not solve anything war is for corrupt ppl to profit both india pakistan has kashmir and should be happy as muslims in india are almost double pakistan why fight for kashmir when u can have whole india when come in peace. i can travel u to beautiful valley in india?

It is not the matter, whether violence or war would solve an issue or not. In human affairs, violence naturally creeps in, whenever there is a serious unresolved dispute and the parties have capability to wage violence. It is nothing particular to the Indo-Pak disputes, but is almost a universal phenomenon.

We don't want to have the whole of the India. In fact, our duly declared demand is not to have the Kashmir; but to grant to the people of Kashmir, their right of self determination. This is not at all a territorial claim, to begin with.
but ppl of kashmir dont want pakistan I have ppl known from kashmir infact 100s I know they say they want azadi and want to live under india only as pakistan is not an option from india they get everything free and they have killed all hindus thr and in bambai they are very rich

You know people from kashmir and i am a person of kashmir. We chant death to india. And kashmir will be pakistan 24/7 ! What world do u live in?

Kashmir as a whole wants and will he pakistan only 10% differ . we have no problem those 10% ceding to india. But we will be pakistan.
but ppl of kashmir dont want pakistan I have ppl known from kashmir infact 100s I know they say they want azadi and want to live under india only as pakistan is not an option from india they get everything free and they have killed all hindus thr and in bambai they are very rich

I think that you have not read my post properly. If they want to remain independent of India and Pakistan; it is OK. But how can we determine, what does they want? Obviously a plebiscite. And that is exactly, what Pakistan is for. As I already told you, that Pakistan is fundamentally fighting for their right of self determination; not for the occupation of Kashmir.
i dont know as I dont met you but thr r many business people from kashmir stay in our locality from srinagar city they r very rich people they say they dont want pakistan and want azadi but they say india govt offers than more subsidy than I get in india but they r rich business poeple so you might be poor kashmiri i am sorry for war but war solves nothing

Well imran khan has tried his best for peaceful talks. China has tried, USA is trying, Turkey tried even iran tried india doesn't want to talk. They say its mutual between pakistan and India bilateral only and when pakistan calls for talks they say kill terrorists first...

Only solution to me is open the border from pakistani side to kashmiriz and afghan mijaheedeen we will do a number on indian army they have never seen or heard of before we might take more than kashmir.

Thats a good last report option before nukes start flying.. Modi's india wants war and might end up npt only loosing kashmir to pakistan but yet another muslim state of 200 million muslims in north india from kashmir till bangal will be formed in my opinion.

Already there is a call for civil war and taking up arms to protect against hindu supremacy and opression. Its a golden oppertunity for china pakistan turkey and even united states and britian tp make india weak divide it one more time...

Perhaps peace and balance will be acheived with hindus only state and muslims only states...
ok thanks for reply but dont say angry I dont care who you are okay.. and currently only I show this post to the kashmiri old man sitting here he says you are not real kashmiri you are pahari only kashmir is kashir valley not india not pakistan.
and they want azadi but not pakistan as neighbor

I guess we will find out in a few months. Wait and watch.
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