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Head of Hamas killed by Israeli strike

What is the latest report?

I have heard 200 targets have been selected by Israel.
Well done boys. Keep rocketing. Isn't that what you all are really capable?

and what Israel can do !?
targeting an small area with poor armed fighter with F-16 and F-15 ..... and they saying " We are 5th strongest army in world " ....

if that damn passageway was open , and Egyptian help us to arm Hamas , then Zionist would face an stronger Hamas ....

Attacking to poor armed fighters in an narrow and small area is nothing impressive but fighting back under enemy's air and technology's superiority is something remarkable ...

Allah o Akbar !!!
and what Israel can do !?
targeting an small area with poor armed fighter with F-16 and F-15 ..... and they saying " We are 5th strongest army in world " ....

if that damn passageway was open , and Egyptian help us to arm Hamas , then Zionist would face an stronger Hamas ....

Attacking to poor armed fighters in an narrow and small area is nothing impressive but fighting back under enemy's air and technology's superiority is something remarkable ...

Allah o Akbar !!!
Hamas are far far better armed than Syrian rebels which are kicking arse of Iranain Al Quds brigades.

So far 13 killed in Gaza, mostly terrorists. In Syria average daily death toll is 150.
does Only Iran gave weapons to Hamas? I'm wondering if Iran doesn't support them what will happen for this group?
As i see all arab countries only blamed israel and sent maybe a little money.

BTW, I think it's not our business. we support them for decades because we thought they are Muslims and need helps, but they never thank us.(and i even have doubt are they right? because we shouldnt support any cruels wanna be muslim or jew or ... for example in attention to Islam rules, we cant support a cruel only because he/she is a muslim).
If they think it's an Arabic problem and don't need us that we should leave them alone.(doesn't matter which side is right)

I hope the firing will stop as soon as possible. because both sides are suffering and are in panic.

500, be careful, don't target any flag. by provoking you just make more enemy.
Attacking to poor armed fighters in an narrow and small area is nothing impressive but fighting back under enemy's air and technology's superiority is something remarkable ...

While keeping civilians as the shield. Very impressive. What a bravery!
@ 500:
Iran is no more supporting Hamas. If they have some Iranian weapons, it is not acquired recently.
Interestingly, Iran has not said anything condemning the Israeli attack, neither did the Gulf countries. Mazel tav on your achievements!
and what Israel can do !?
targeting an small area with poor armed fighter with F-16 and F-15 ..... and they saying " We are 5th strongest army in world " ....

if that damn passageway was open , and Egyptian help us to arm Hamas , then Zionist would face an stronger Hamas ....

Attacking to poor armed fighters in an narrow and small area is nothing impressive but fighting back under enemy's air and technology's superiority is something remarkable ...

Allah o Akbar !!!

A tragic example of the young’s susceptibility to induced delusion is the case of thousands of Iranian children who were used as human minesweepers in the last Iran-Iraq war. The mullahs issued made-in-China plastic keys for paradise to children as enticement to go forward and clear the minefield with their bodies ahead of the military’s armored vehicles. The children believed the murderers and rushed to their death, thinking that they were headed for Islam’s glorious paradise.

The repeated intense indoctrination of the children even changed the perception of some of the charlatan mullahs so that they, themselves, believed their own lies, took their own keys to Allah’s paradise and rushed to their death clinging to the plastic trinkets. Hence, some of the puppeteers, in this instance, became puppets themselves. Such are the follies and fallibilities of the human mind.

It is, therefore, understandable that many of the higher-up Islamic puppeteers, who are usually brainwashed from early childhood, devote their fortunes and persons to the implementation of their deeply engrained delusions.
i know that this is what you and the isrealis wish move the people in gaza to sainai well let me remind you we paid alot of blood to get back saniai from isreal we are willing to pay a higher price now more than ever

Actually , Israel gifted Sinai back to you without a drop of blood being shed ,to improve relations. Stop stating things that can easily be disproved by a simple google search.
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