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Head of Hamas killed by Israeli strike


Jan 28, 2012
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Hamas military chief Ahmed Jabari killed by Israeli strike

Ahmed Jabari killed as IDF launches multiple strikes on Gaza; Hamas: Israeli aggression will lead to war; Israel Police raises alert levels across the country.

Ahmed Jabari, head of Hamas' military wing, was killed Wednesday in a targeted strike by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian Islamist group said an Israeli airstrike hit a car in the Gaza Strip, killing both Jabari, who ran the organization's armed wing, the Izz el-Deen Al-Qassam, and a passenger.

Israel's Shin Bet domestic intelligence service confirmed it had carried out the attack, saying it had killed Jabari because of his "decade-long terrorist activity."

IDF Spokesperson said the purpose of the strikes was to deal a heavy blow to the Hamas command and control apparatus and to the organization's terrorist infrastructure.

The incident appeared to end a 24-hour lull in cross-border violence that surged this week.

Jabari is the most senior Hamas official to be killed since Operation Cast Lead in Gaza four years ago. He has long topped Israel's most-wanted list.

Jabari, a relative of one of the founders of Hamas, Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantisi, was responsible for the attack on Kerem Shalom, when IDF soldier Gilad Shalit was kidnapped and two other soldiers killed. Jabari was in charge of negotiations during Shalit's five years in captivity.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told mayors of southern Israeli cities under rocket attack that it was his responsibility to choose the right time to "exact the heaviest price" for the continual rocket fire from Gaza.

Since the flare-up with Gaza began, Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have promised a sharp Israeli response to the rocket fire.

During the Be'er Sheva meeting with the southern Israeli mayors, Netanyahu said that Israel is not expected to undertake significant military action in Gaza at this stage, or to renew assassinations of Gaza militants.

"I am responsible for us choosing the right time to exact the heaviest price, and so be it," Netanyahu said. "Whoever thinks that they can damage the daily lives of residents of the south, and that they won't pay a heavy price for this – they are mistaken."

Hamas military chief Ahmed Jabari killed by Israeli strike - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper


I'm expecting a lot of shitload this hours.
He's killed together with his son I just heard. His car:



Bullseye I guess.
Hamas is just not learning. 2 years after Cast Lead operation there was relatively quiet. But in 2012 they boosted rocket attacks (721 rockets since the beginning of the year).


After another spanking they will get calm again for a while.
What's interesting to me is how Iran is going to exploit this, and how Qatar would try to prevent further escalation. I bet the mullahs are 'happy' to hear about this incident.
Hamas is just not learning. 2 years after Cast Lead operation there was relatively quiet. But in 2012 they boosted rocket attacks (721 rockets since the beginning of the year).

Why do you think there was increase in rocket attacks this year? Is it the confidence Hamas have now the Muslim Brotherhood is in power in Egypt, or is another force (Iran) behind this?
Why do you think there was increase in rocket attacks this year? Is it the confidence Hamas have now the Muslim Brotherhood is in power in Egypt, or is another force (Iran) behind this?
Rocket attacks grew gradually since Cast Lead.

In 2009 (after Cast Lead) and 2010 there were less than 100 rockets a year.
In 2011 - 386 rockets
In 2012 - 721 rockets since the beginning of the year.

They are basically estimating Israel's patience and if dont get a strong reaction they increase. I guess you are right about grown confidence with MB in Egypt.

Iran was a major sponsor of Hamas for nearly a decade, but after the disengagement of Hamas from Syria Iran is playing much smaller role in Gaza, although it still supports Islamic Jihad organization and probably still arms Hamas too.
انا لله و انا اليه راجعون


well , Allah bless martyrs souls .....


This would happening when Hamas misunderstand his real enemy and talking against his main supporter ( IRan and Syria ) and getting fooled by GCC and Turkey .....

I only have a question from Hamas leaders :
" Where is your beloved Erdogan and Al saud and Al Thani !? "

So , even though I really don't like them , but is our task as Muslims to support Muslims who fighting against kafirs and invaders ..... so we will support them by everything we have ......

One must appreciate the sense of liberty the palestinians exercise, there's enough liberty for jew stooges inside the gaza strip to coordinate arial strikes , while in israel they taze palestinians around like animals
Raed al Atar, Head of Hamas military wing in Rafah was also eliminated. Also were destroyed long range Fajr-5 rockets.

well , Allah bless their souls .....
People who blow up schoolbuses and shell kindergartens with rockets are blessed souls for u?

So , even though I really don't like them , but is our task as Muslims to supporter Muslims who fighting against kafirs and invaders ..... so we will support them by everything that we can ......
You mean like Iran supported Armenia when it cleansed Azeri Muslims?
Or like Iran supports right now mass murder of Muslims in Syria?
With incidents like this it's quite clear to me personally , what's going on in there , i'm sure they know of every single israeli spy in the gaza they just can't exterminate them ; israeli intelligence at its best , haha
With incidents like this it's quite clear to me personally , what's going on in there , i'm sure they know of every single israeli spy in the gaza they just can't exterminate them ; israeli intelligence at its best , haha

Whether you like Israel or not, their intelligence service is probably the best in the world. Besides that, I don't give a damn which piece of sh*it of Hamas get exterminated.
well , If Egypt's Morsi didn't send love latter for Zionist and opened Rafah's passageway then we would armed Palestinian probably ....

Muslims are the one who hurting Muslims not these little Zionist ...

I don't know , how Morsi , Erdogan and Al Saud and Al Thani killing themselves for Syrian's rebels but they can't open a passageway and armed their Sunni brothers with some basic weapons to defend themselves !?
Whether you like Israel or not, their intelligence service is probably the best in the world. Besides that, I don't give a damn which piece of sh*it of Hamas get exterminated.

I'm sorry , i was simply expressing my own opinion , besides i thought you were the same as Kermanshah1 from the other forum , anyway we have to agree to disagree , you think the israelis has the best intelligence services because they can stir racial hatred in a country like iran , i think not , because hamas is obviously rolling out a red carpet for israeli spies to do their job and get it over with ...
The missiles are a response to Israel's attacks, it's as simple as that. If missile attacks on Israel have increased in the last months, it's because Israel's attacks on Gaza themselves have climbed. It's untrue that Israel attacks only after Gazans fire the missiles, and this also applies to previous conflicts, including Operation Cast Lead. This has nothing to do with Hamas feeling more confident -- it has to do with the group trying to establish a deterrence against an enemy that won't stop shelling Gaza and killing off its members.

Whether you like Israel or not, their intelligence service is probably the best in the world. Besides that, I don't give a damn which piece of sh*it of Hamas get exterminated.

Bullshit. The Mossad enjoys good PR, that's all. If Mossad was really that good, it would be in Iran wreaking havoc against the nuclear program, instead of outsourcing its mission to renowned terrorist groups like the MEK and the Jundallah. Like the Israeli military itself, the Mossad has already had its good days. But it is in decline now.
I'm sorry , i was simply expressing my own opinion , besides i thought you were the same as Kermanshah1 from the other forum , anyway we have to agree to disagree , you think the israelis has the best intelligence services because they can stir racial hatred in a country like iran , i think not , because hamas is obviously rolling out a red carpet for israeli spies to do their job and get it over with ...

No, I'm not Kermanshah1 from the other forum.

Their intelligence service is the best in the world because of their historical actions (hunting the Munich killers), discipline, knowledge, technology and experience. Even Iran have to acknowledge when Israel is assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists. No expert in the world would doubt their capabilities.

Bullshit. The Mossad enjoys good PR, that's all. If Mossad was that good, it would be in Iran wreaking havoc against the nuclear program, instead of outsorcing its mission to renowned terrorist groups like the MEK and the Jundallah. Like the Israeli military itself, the Mossad has already had its good days. It is decline right now.

Killing Iranian nuclear scientists, missile experts and placing devices near Iran's nuclear plants doesn't sound professional to you? Tell me, could Iran do the same in Israel? No, they couldn't even succeed in Thailand, Azerbaijan or India.
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