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Has Pakistan become the last hope for all muslims across the world?

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Aur is hisab sai jub tuk ameer ul momineen Imran ko 2/3 sai sarkar nahi milti Pakistani awam zibah hoti rahey.
What an idiotic thread.

Most Muslims of the world are living in their own countries, thriving, and have their own militaries, industries, and institutions. They don't need any saving.

Yes there is lots of conflict and our Muslim brothers are suffering in Palestine, Syria, Kashmir etc----but lets not lose sight of the reality on the ground.

Pakistanis need to learn how to stay stoic and watch things unfold before becoming all emotional. Lets see how the Kashmir 370 saga unfolds in coming months. We have the time, resources, massive military, and all the preparation on our side. Kashmir will be simmering with hatred for india....Its not the time to become overly emotional bc UAE gave some ceremonial award to Modi (who in itself means nothing much. He's just a front to RSS and Amit Shah).

Stop such threads now!
I can remember one phrase of late Mualana Noorani for OIC and that phrase was a perfect phrase of useless OIC, Mualana Noorani said OH I SEE @Imran Khan :enjoy:
they even discriminate between arabs poor arabs like somalia or sudan and not equal to rich GCC arabs . so sure they have mindset . OIC is just useless paper org .you will never see Christine league or hindu league no one care religion now otherwise india nepal have no such issues .
But only for Pakistan, @Imran Khan is right all Muslim countries treated Kashmir as territorial dispute not religion war @Syed Hammad Ahmed

We should not make these beyghairaton our role models.

Let them walk their path, we should walk ours, and let our conscience be clear.

We never abandoned Kashmiris in their time of need.

i have long debates with arabs on it . when i say why we support Palestine issue if you did not support kashmir they said same kashmir is territoral dispute between two countries but Palestine is muslim cause .:lol: tumhara kuta kuta mera kuta tommy .

It is useless talking with most Arabs about any topic relating to Islam, Muslims, Ummah.

They have become the first victim of brainwashing of the West and have totally absorbed their words.

Still many support India and feel some connection to them, they view Pakistan as a rival.

I am not criticizing ummah theory but they say Palestine is Muslim cause but thinks that Kashmir is territorial issue between India and Pakistan, isn't a double standard sir @Retired Troll

At this point, sad to say, Palestine is the internal affair of Israel.

This is due to Arab impotence and betrayals of the Palestine cause, not to mention the collusion of Palestinian leaders.

Unless we start a big war and either unite all Arabs or force a united Muslim military through Arab lands, Palestine cannot be liberated.

So we should not be expect the Arabs’ support in Kashmir either.

Most of the arebs has totally lost it.

May Allah swt give them hidayat and return them back to proper Islam.

Hope they will feel pain for the poor and suffering human being (not only Muslim) around the world.

they even discriminate between arabs poor arabs like somalia or sudan and not equal to rich GCC arabs . so sure they have mindset . OIC is just useless paper org .you will never see Christine league or hindu league no one care religion now otherwise india nepal have no such issues .

OIC needs to be disbanded.

It needs to be replaced by an actual security, economic pact organization with more power. Ideally foreign policies of member countries should be aligned. We can begin with only a handful of countries like Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Malaysia.
Why do we Pakistanis always considers the overwhelming muslim self centered leadership as the thaykaydar of Muslim Ummah?

Muslim Ummah means - The Common Muslims - around the world, most of which are oppressed under the same dictatorial self centered leadership wrongly thought of by some Pakistanis here as Muslim Ummah.

Ask happiness of any Muslim around the world on the day of Atomic Bomb test by Pakistan.

Ask happiness of any Muslim around the world the day Pakistan downed intruding Indian Jets.

Thats your real Muslim Ummah my dear Pakistanis. Not the leadership. Leaders like Shah Faisal or Zulfiqar Bhutto or Qaddafi of the 70s or even Mossadegh earlier are a rarity and duly get struck down sooner or later.

Thats why I stated before, the leaders of Muslim countries remain wary of their own shadows and dont like to stand out as they say; a protruding nail simply gets hammered.

Ask president of Azad Kashmir to Declare Jehad in Kashmir against Indian oppression and see who reacts to that call?

Not a single Leader of any Muslim country will openly support such a call to jehad but you will find every Muslim around the world obliging the Jehad with Maal if not Saif. Thats Muslim Ummah for you, still a powerful force as ever but nobody brave enough to risk it.
I'm not sure if it has already been discussed or there is a similar thread but I felt the need to discuss this topic and to see the broader perception of the senior members of the forum or what are the overall feelings on it.

As KSA and UAE have both Honored Nazi-Modi with their Civilian awards so wondering if Pakistan left alone to take care of all the Muslims across the world, may it be Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan or Rohingya. Even if the Govt sometime isn't that much open on this but people of Pakistan definitely feel the pain and try to do whatever they can do within their limits.

What does it will take for Israel to capture these Arab countries has there be no Pakistan?

Why the same Modi who massacre the Muslims in India and Kashmir happily meet and great the Muslims in the Arab world?

When and how OIC will be truly functional? Even if the Arabs just threaten to kick out all the Indians from their countries would be sufficient to bring the Modi Govt on his knees.

oh don't dare mention our ARAB brethren or you get negative ratings as you already did.

As for Pakistan being the only country. Are we really free of corruption as a society to be called Muslims in general, let alone saviors of the ummah? How many of our sisters and mothers can walk down the streets without being harassed in one way or the other?

As for the ummah. They need a Salahudin, who can come and conquer all the messed up nations and unite them as one before taking on the world powers. Until then, the lust for power and rule in the world won't let most nations to think of anything about their Muslim subjects.

And for the Arabs ofcourse, there is the whole history of the Lawrence of Arabia and stabbing in the back of the Caliphate...
Go ask anyone in west africa they dont know go ask gulf they know pakistani workees .you people gone total mad in ummah syndrome
Absolutely right ....business and economy has taken over everything. Who cares about umma. Pakistan must work on improving it economy and than these sheikh will come flocking into Pakistan...
Absolutely right ....business and economy has taken over everything. Who cares about umma. Pakistan must work on improving it economy and than these sheikh will come flocking into Pakistan...

I think that if you don’t support Pakistan in the worst of times, we don’t need your friendship in the best of times.

For me, the Muslim Ummah is only the governments of Pakistan and Turkey (and similar states.) We have many sympathetic Muslims around the world also (even among Arabs,) but they don’t hold political power.

We should be content with only seeing Turkey and China as our best friends for now. They are our time tested allies.

We really don’t need anyone else.

Everyone else can be dealt with on a neutral and equitable basis, without expecting any extraordinary support from us.
I think that if you don’t support Pakistan in the worst of times, we don’t need your friendship in the best of times.

For me, the Muslim Ummah is only the governments of Pakistan and Turkey (and similar states.) We have many sympathetic Muslims around the world also (even among Arabs,) but they don’t hold political power.

We should be content with only seeing Turkey and China as our best friends for now. They are our time tested allies.

We really don’t need anyone else.

Everyone else can be dealt with on a neutral and equitable basis, without expecting any extraordinary support from us.

You have religious bias against the Arabs Mr. Paaan Islamist.

I said it earlier and i will say it again. Pakistan Shouldn't involve itself in the Umma Shumma thing. They are in bed with the enemies we are fighting. Remember Iraq sponsoring BLA with India?Arab Terrorist that attacked APS? We were the founding nation of OIC and yet we are treated like nobody. The list goes on. Pakistan should drop this Islamic act it has already cost too much and ye Arabi kisi ky sachay nahin hain. From now on our goal should be economic progress and economic progress only.

You have location flag: Saudi Arabia.

Please leave that country as sign of protest to be taken seriously.

I said it earlier and i will say it again. Pakistan Shouldn't involve itself in the Umma Shumma thing. They are in bed with the enemies we are fighting. Remember Iraq sponsoring BLA with India?Arab Terrorist that attacked APS? We were the founding nation of OIC and yet we are treated like nobody. The list goes on. Pakistan should drop this Islamic act it has already cost too much and ye Arabi kisi ky sachay nahin hain. From now on our goal should be economic progress and economic progress only.

I think we mean the same thing, but you call it Ummah. This is not the concept of Ummah in Islam, which is reciprocal.

Whoever does not value our national interest and our most important issue (Kashmir) has no value before our eyes.

We can deal with them like any other kaffir states on a merely transactional basis.
We have destroyed ourselves and we opened thousands of wahhabi and Shia schools inside pakistan.pakistan should close all schools because they aren't serving any purpose.we must learn lesson from turkey.it closed all gulen schools and now fighting war inside another country.there is only turkey which is like pakistan but they care about their national interest.arabs have adopted aggressive policy against pakistan.kindly remember Arabs are the same pathetic people who lost against israel.they will pay a heavy price soon because Israel will capture Arab states.they will again come to us for help but we must now change our policy.we must make China and turkey our top priority because they are good friends.relations with uae should end.i feel sorry for pakistanis who works in uae.basically Arabs think of us as slaves.as I said earlier,we must rise as a nation.we aren't weak.
How that will bring any economic prosperity in Pakistan or make Pakistan stop acting like a Leader of Muslim world? as far as i can see my remittance are helping my country. I cant leave until my country is on the path of progress.

Go earn these remittances somewhere else then. Why Saudi Arabia if you are very clear and definite about your views about Arabs and their standing in the current crisis?
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